*** July mummies to be ***

Finally found some nice maternity clothes. Really need a nice dress to wear and everywhere i've looked on the high street and online has just looked awfull. Why is it all the maternity ranges look so plain and boring?

There's the Billie Faeirs range on inthestyle website, I bought a lovely skirt off there, that can be worn on maternity and after but there were nice stretchy style fabric dresses on there. Some are more for evenings ect.

Other than that I looked on Boohoo or I bought a size up in Primark stuff for lounging around the house. Same for my maternity bag now, just going to go there.

I did go and get a maternity shirt style dress in a size 12 a few weeks back (I'm usually in 10s) and it was so unflattering I looked like I was wearing a sack (still does) :(. I really can't find anything I'm fussed on in Newlook ect. So far ive been lucky as my bumps been small and I can still fit into my normal clothes but dreading getting bigger.
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Had my midwife appointment this morning, all well, measuring 29cm so on target :) had bloods taken, took her 3 attempts though so both my arms are sore! Next one at 31 weeks! Ahh, will be getting so close! xx
I have a scan at 32 34 and 36 weeks cause they couldn't get my placenta due to baby lying funny so I have to have an internal! It's bloody huge and I'm horrified that's going inside of me xxx
I have a scan at 32 34 and 36 weeks cause they couldn't get my placenta due to baby lying funny so I have to have an internal! It's bloody huge and I'm horrified that's going inside of me xxx

I've had loads of internals...

They are really good at not hitting the cervix and they do use lube
Oh hell, it's just really invasive at this stage for me I think. I'm dreading it I'm practically a born again virgin so it's a bit daunting xxx
Don't worry, it's got to happen and best to just stay calm xx

You'll be fine they do them on not pregnant women so I promise you'll be fine xx
Thank you sailsbury I just don't like the idea I bet it's not even as big as it looks and it's just a cover or something on it xxx
Was really sick last night think it was because of the infection from the cyst was compleatly out of it. Hubby nearly phone an ambulance.

My scan yesterday went ok baby is breech atm but not worried as he flips around so much atm and theres still just over 10 weeks to go. Got 2 more scans booked.
Also had my anti d which was ok expected it to hurt but it dodnt.
'Legally' third trimester as of today.

Having a bit of a meh though. Wedding is tomorrow, this morning I got up early, took the dog to the Dogparents (like god parents but for dogs) and left her there for the rest of the weekend. Had Liam (Husbands) birthday last night so did loads of running around for that. Needed to buy some shoes to wear for the wedding (am bridesmaid) so did that. Have to finalise my speech, the bride is Russian so I've had to get someone to decipher some Russian stories for me to share within my speech, received the last installment of those at 3am this morning so thought 'good okay, drop off dog, sort kids, grab train tickets for kids, get clothes ready for tomorrow, get dress ready for tomorrow, sit and finalise speech, practise it a couple of times and then go to bed early to be up for 7am to get other bridesmaid and head to venue.

Then I get a message from the best man and groom wanting a 'group chat' with me at 7pm tonight. Which is fine, I can squeeze that in.

Then I get a message from the best man saying 'oh Hi, Groom wants us to decorate his car so can you grab some shaving foam, cans and string and we'll do that tomorrow, thanks'

Hang the fuck on. I've done the hen night, the table dressing, helped with the seating plan, had endless conversations about dresses, ended up crying in Debenhams because the bride INSISTED on squeezing me into a parade of ill-fitting, non-maternity, stiff dresses in order to fit her '1950s vibe' at which point I had to insist to be allowed to dress as a pregnant woman dresses at a wedding rather than as some sort of fucking whale.

Now along with collected various people 35 miles from my house and then driving them a further 15 miles to the venue, I have to do the job of the best man/ushers? Isn't that taking the piss a little bit?

How exactly is it going to work? We get there for 10, the wedding is at 15.00, I'm supposed to spend an hour in hair and make up and get the briefing on where people are sitting and making sure Irina has people around her.

Why am I now also, on top of all that stuff expected to just 'find' time to get a load of shit together to throw on a car????

I know I probably shouldn't be so hormonal about this but its really pissed me off. If I DO get 25 mins to sit down tomorrow, I will be, well SITTING DOWN what with being a heavily pregnant woman being expected to rush around and do loads of shit.

Its made me just not want to go. I feel so totally taken the piss out of.
Erm, nope. Decorating the groom's car sounds very much lke a job for one of the groomsmen. You don't need to tell him this of course, you can happily just tell him to fuck off. Or don't reply!

There's so much wtf about this I hardly know where to begin.
It all sounds like far too much effort for my liking... lol

I've proudly done nothing today apart from lay on the sofa, stuffing my face happily :)

Erm, nope. Decorating the groom's car sounds very much lke a job for one of the groomsmen. You don't need to tell him this of course, you can happily just tell him to fuck off. Or don't reply!

There's so much wtf about this I hardly know where to begin.

I basically said that there will be an 18 year old son of other bridesmaid turning up tomorrow morning so if he needs help, he can get it from him. I'll be busy tomorrow with other things than bloody shaving foam and tin cans. I don't know where I'm supposed to find the time to supply the best man with tools he needs to decorate a car. Let alone the time in the day to decorate it.

Liam is helping me with speech stuff the rest will have to be down to the others
It was great!! Speeches went well and they married :-)

I thought I was going to DIE standing up and talking for the amount of time I had to, but there we go.

The photographers were APALLING so ended up having to prepare and move everyone for them.

But overall the bride had a great day and was super enjoying herself.

Now I just want to eat cake
Gawddd I'm so tired today! Definitely have that Monday feeling...

My bump seems to have grown overnight, getting so fed up of trying to find something to wear everyday and stuff not fitting! Feeling very frumpy and uncomfortable today!
Just got back from the midwife baby is now transverse. Midwife tried to take some blood but failed so i have to go up the hospital at some point this week to have my bloods done. Hate having my bloods taken because they can never do it and never listen when i say the only place it will work is my hand.
Took my midwife three attempts, I have three big bruises! Apparently I have 'wobbly' veins! I'm sure she said they're only supposed to try twice but I asked her to try my other arm as really didn't want to have to the hospital. I don't usually mind injections but by the third time it hurt! - Just glad she didn't do what the first midwife I saw did and start wobbling the needle around once it was in to try and find the vein! A very big no no apparently! x
Gawddd I'm so tired today! Definitely have that Monday feeling...

My bump seems to have grown overnight, getting so fed up of trying to find something to wear everyday and stuff not fitting! Feeling very frumpy and uncomfortable today!

Yup, yup, yup. I bought something from Asos as I was sick of pulling my tops down, and it's absolutely huge. Tent-like. You'd think this would make me feel small and dainty and whatnot, but I just feel like the Queen of the Frumps.
I have tiny veins apparently, when i had my appendixs out they had to get a surgeon to try to get my blood. He tried my thigh and even my foot i was covered in bruises. Finally mananged to get some from my hand right above the bone near my wrist.
Was left with a collapsed vein in my arm after that so the next time they had to take blood they uses a scanner to find my veins and turns out they are tiny and the needles are too big to get anything out.

My skin is always cold aswell but i never feel cold.
Biggest small has slapped cheek. Complete with nausea and hallucinations!

Happy happy joy joy

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