*** July mummies to be ***

Insomnia hit last night around 3am and baby was being very active. Think he was having a party in there.
I feel like I barely slept last night too but according to my fitbit I had 8hrs!.. I don't believe that, I remember tossing and turning and I feel exhausted today.

I've had the lady who's going to cover for me in at work today, it's been so exhausting having to explain everything in detail, I feel mentally exhausted!

Lovely long weekend to look forward to though :)

Just realised its our 12th anniversary on april 24th no idea what to do for it though.

Phil is concerned that im nesting as i cant stop cleaning which is out of character for me hes convinced it means baby will be early. I think its more to do with me being bored now i've finnished work.
Now he complaining that waking up and moving the furniture in the kitchen then wake him up saying i need your help isnt the best way to get the kitchen painted. How else was i going to get hom to do it? Been asking him for months.
Lol Aurora, I hope you got your kitchen painted in the end!

LO just gave me the biggest kick I've felt so far, it made me jump! Felt like he did a flying kick!! lol

I've not done much today, major building works happening at our house ATM for our loft conversion so it's a mess! The worse part was OH was working in the bathroom today so restricted toilet acces!!

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Yeah he ended up doing the kitchen, dining room and hallways. Just need the bedroom done now.
:dance: welcome to tri 3 nice to see more july mums to be over here :dance:
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Well, I'm not getting left behind! Those with GD, can you eat this stuff: http://ohso.com/

It was a friggin godsend when I had to go low-sugar for a while.
Anyone else's bump come to a stand still? Feel like I haven't got bigger in weeks!? Midwife has been measuring me and at my last appointment I was spot on at 25cm but I'm sure I'm still at 25cm?

I have my 28 week appointment on Friday so I guess I'll just see what measurement she gets.

LO is playing hide and seek again today, I hate having this anterior placenta!

Are we all in tri 3 now? :) we used cloth last night and no leaks!! Little man loves his cloth butt haha and potty training is happening on his own terms weird he never wanted to before xxx
Hey all!! I am popping over 5 days early because it's lonely in tri 2 now!!

I am in AGONY today, back is horribly sore. Physio on the 2nd May just going to have to survive til then. Warm bath and gentle walk today. Lots of lying down :( feel dreadful
Has anyone whos already had a baby used a tens machine before?
I had gas and air with Riley but was thinking about trying a tens machine this time but want to know if anyone has found it helpfull.
What?! A hash cake? Is that what I think it is? Haha xxx
Is 27 weeks tri 3? Think I've just pulled a muscle or something giving my daughter her bath.��
It seems to vary depending which resource you use! One of my books says 27 weeks is the start of the third trimester but a few apps seem to say it's next week! Whatever!!
I had a migrain on easter sunday which only went away last night. The only thing i can think that caused it was i had a can of cola with my roast dinner. Won't be doing that again was awful and was sick several times because of it.
Salisbury Mum a hash cake!!! �� Amazing. My back has gotten really bad now but we have just camped and slept on an air bed for 3 days!!

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