July & August Mummies <3

@Kiwi_53 hope its t bigger one for you fingers crossed of course there just estimates so won't known100%until baby's is here but hope everything goes well xxx
@mummybear2 that's exciting hopefully its sooner then later so you can start feeling better ♡♡
My aches are a little more distinct this morning hate having to wait till 2 to find out whats going on.... but never the less come on baby girl... I've had enough and ready for you ♡♡
Yeh really hoping it’s the bigger of the two, seemed so strange to me two people got such different measurements in the space of 5 minutes.

@Jade jones so exciting hope it’s something happening for you and good luck for your scan :)

I too have been getting a lot of pressured feelings and tightenings but due to being induced twice before I feel abit naive about it all, also tmi but have had what could be a pre labour clear out, so hoping if I keep on the move things might happen. Any tips ladies who have been here before? Xxx
Had a little cry after scan consultant pulled me in instead of telephone call. The umbilical cord might not be working as it should baby's femur percentile had dropped massively he's not sure if its a difference in sonographers or something else re booked scan for 2 weeks time of there's no change they want baby out... I asked him if there was anything wrong with her he said no just that he was concerned :confused:

Had a little cry after scan consultant pulled me in instead of telephone call. The umbilical cord might not be working as it should baby's femur percentile had dropped massively he's not sure if its a difference in sonographers or something else re booked scan for 2 weeks time of there's no change they want baby out... I asked him if there was anything wrong with her he said no just that he was concerned :confused:

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Try not to worry too much. As hard as that is, they get measurements wrong ALL the time and it most probably is just a case of someone has measured different to someone else.
With my fluid on the brain scare someone got a very different reading one day to the next and then every other time since then it’s been fine. It can be to do with how baby is lying as well.
Big hugs to you, I know how scary it is.
@mummybear2 thank you for your kind words ill try not to its in regards to femur length they measured only a 1.6mm growth everything else was growing at a normal rate ( apart from the cord issue) fingers crossed that its just a sonographers mistake like you said <3 xx
Jade did they measure the umbilical artery doppler flow? I had a scan in my last pregnancy and they panicked us as his tummy measurement was way off the bottom of the chart and they were worried he wasn’t getting enough through the umbilical cord, the flow was good though. A week later and he measured all fine. I can understand the worry and I hope all is okay and baby can stay put a bit longer x
Stay positive @Jade jones the measurements are always a worry but as everyone said dependent on who you see seems to change the outcome. Mine have now jumped back up to 50th percentile. Femur length was on the smaller side at my last scan. Been getting lots of pressure last few days now head is engaged lots of aches in my bump and the odd period type pain. Hoping she won’t be long now I just wanna sleep on my back!!!As for stretch marks I don’t seem to have any yet but feel like they might be coming last minute as getting lots of tightening feelings at the top and bottom on bump, although my weight has been up and down over the years so that may have helped my skin be more stretchy and I’ve not got a very big bump really compared to other women my gestation. X
@Jade jones I echo what the others have said and try not to worry. Measurements can really fluctuate and if they are happy to leave you for another 2 weeks then surely there are no real concerns.

I’m getting lots of tightenings and I feel like my bump is huge. Head is down but midwife didn’t say engaged, but then I’m behind many of you as only 35 weeks tomorrow xx
Jade did they measure the umbilical artery doppler flow? I had a scan in my last pregnancy and they panicked us as his tummy measurement was way off the bottom of the chart and they were worried he wasn’t getting enough through the umbilical cord, the flow was good though. A week later and he measured all fine. I can understand the worry and I hope all is okay and baby can stay put a bit longer x
Yeah on the screen it came with red and orange outlines the sonographer didn't say anything about it but consultant did
Stay positive @Jade jones the measurements are always a worry but as everyone said dependent on who you see seems to change the outcome. Mine have now jumped back up to 50th percentile. Femur length was on the smaller side at my last scan. Been getting lots of pressure last few days now head is engaged lots of aches in my bump and the odd period type pain. Hoping she won’t be long now I just wanna sleep on my back!!!As for stretch marks I don’t seem to have any yet but feel like they might be coming last minute as getting lots of tightening feelings at the top and bottom on bump, although my weight has been up and down over the years so that may have helped my skin be more stretchy and I’ve not got a very big bump really compared to other women my gestation. X
I'll try not to i hope like you said its just an anomalie.
Thats good! Are you using anything I've put on Palmers skin moisturiser everyday morning and night and it had been working up until last week now I have 5
@Jade jones I echo what the others have said and try not to worry. Measurements can really fluctuate and if they are happy to leave you for another 2 weeks then surely there are no real concerns.

I’m getting lots of tightenings and I feel like my bump is huge. Head is down but midwife didn’t say engaged, but then I’m behind many of you as only 35 weeks tomorrow xx

I asked him once he explained is there anything wrong with her he said no he was just a little concerned for me being a ftm and on my own it was probably the way he said it my other is the calm and collected one I go straight to world is falling apart if you get me
Oo thats interesting maybe they got your dates wrong? I read online that Labour is started when baby's lungs are developed enough and a hormone is realised but don't know if that's rubbish or not x
I asked him once he explained is there anything wrong with her he said no he was just a little concerned for me being a ftm and on my own it was probably the way he said it my other is the calm and collected one I go straight to world is falling apart if you get me
Oo thats interesting maybe they got your dates wrong? I read online that Labour is started when baby's lungs are developed enough and a hormone is realised but don't know if that's rubbish or not x

It’s an IVF pregnancy so my dates are more accurate than the norm. My first was 3 weeks early and also an IVF baby xx
Had a little cry after scan consultant pulled me in instead of telephone call. The umbilical cord might not be working as it should baby's femur percentile had dropped massively he's not sure if its a difference in sonographers or something else re booked scan for 2 weeks time of there's no change they want baby out... I asked him if there was anything wrong with her he said no just that he was concerned :confused:

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Hi Jade.

I had my little girl in February at 37 weeks. I was induced due to them worrying about her femur not growing properly.
She was 5lb 2oz when born and they didn't even mention her femur once she was out. Try not to panic too much. But if they say it's better for her to be out id go with what they say. Good luck x
I'll try not to i hope like you said its just an anomalie.
Thats good! Are you using anything I've put on Palmers skin moisturiser everyday morning and night and it had been working up until last week now I have 5
I’ve been using bio oil but not religiously but think I will get some on the next couple of weeks my bumps defo still gettingbigger each day!x
I was using bio oil as well. Didn’t get a single stretch mark with my first pregnancy. Now I am covered... not going to lie I am absolutely gutted. I was so happy I didn’t get any first time around and went to about 30 weeks or so before I got one this time, so thought I would be ok again... nope. I’m trying not to let it get to me too much, I mean, I am growing TWO babies. I want to switch to a cream though as I really do hate the feel of bio oil. I like the sound of the palmers one, so might buy some of that to get them to fade after babies are here.

I’m 36 weeks today. This time next week I’ll be in hospital having my induction. I’m still not ready.
I’ve been getting lots of tightening and cramps so hopefully it’s all working to do something and induction isn’t a long process.
I thought I was having contractions this morning in bed! But I think my bump was just super uncomfy the way I was lying.
Taken me a while to update, but my daughter decided at 37 weeks while watching frozen 2 that my contractions should start! After several very painful internal examinations where they couldn’t find my cervix and being monitied over the evening of the 3rd and all day on the 4th they decided to bring my section forward to that evening and Willow was born at 37 +1 weighing 7lbs 9oz. Unfortunately she had fluid on her lungs so after 4 hours in recovery she was taken to special care and I was absolutely beside myself. After a long night and being checked over the following morning I finally got taken down to see her around 11am and she was doing so well they transferred her to transitional care so I could have her with me on the ward and after lots of antibiotics and blood tests she started to improve and we came home on Sunday evening. By Monday she appeared jaundice which our community MW confirmed and she had dropped 12.5% in weight but with hard work of feeding every two hours she’s gained and her jaundice levels have decreased so we’ve managed to keep her out of hospital. I’m exhausted but so in love with Willow, she’s such a strong willed and determined little girl already and I’m so proud to be her Mummy. My toddler, while confused is intrigued by her and often tries to give her his toys I can also say that while my OH was only allowed with me in theatre and the 4 hours in recovery I never felt alone, the MW’s were incredible, no matter what I needed if I pressed my buzzer someone was with me within a min, they watched Willow if I needed the bathroom or wanted a shower and generally picked up the role of my partner when and if I needed anything so please don’t feel anxious if this is something in your mind, I’m sure your maternity ward will be the same! Lots of luck to you all ❤️
Oh wow @BabyWomble huge congratulations on the birth of your little girl - I absolutely love the name Willow <3 and what a fab weight too.

Pleased to hear you’re both doing well, after what must have been a scary start.

Thanks for the positive story about once you were on the ward, that’s so reassuring to hear.

Enjoy those cuddles xx
Oh wow @BabyWomble huge congratulations on the birth of your little girl - I absolutely love the name Willow <3 and what a fab weight too.

Pleased to hear you’re both doing well, after what must have been a scary start.

Thanks for the positive story about once you were on the ward, that’s so reassuring to hear.

Enjoy those cuddles xx

Thank you so much, we’ve had such positive comments with regard to her name which is lovely. She is Willow May Grace, we decided very early on but I can honestly say the moment I saw her face I knew it was the right name for her. Currently cuddling her after changing her nappy only for her to fill it once again, she never stops! 7lbs 9 was what they estimated her weight at on the Tuesday before I had her so they were spot on for once!
@BabyWomble massive congratulations, sounds like it was stressful at times but they did an amazing job for you both at the hospital. Good to hear the support you were given. No movement here yet but am only 37+3 today but hoping she'll come soon. xx
I love the name it’s so beautiful <3

Pleased you’re doing ok. How are you finding things with your little boy and the age gap? xx

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