July & August Mummies <3

Ooh @Kiwi_53 how exciting! So you’ll probably be the next one to have your baby.

I am just so fed up. Haha. I cannot sleep. Sore back. Sore hips. My bump hurts. And waking up every hour to pee.
I starting getting cramps last night, they didn’t last long maybe 10-15 mins but for those 15 minutes I was like ‘oh dear, this better not be labour’ haha.
Don’t want these babies to come before 37 weeks so hopefully they stay put until then (I have a feeling they’ll keep me waiting!).
Are you being induced @mummybear2
What’s the plan? Sorry, maybe I’ve missed something along the way xx
I have been getting loads of tightening but no rhythm to them, I guess I don’t really know what to look for as silly as it sounds as I was induced both other times.
I’ve been getting loads of tightenings last few days.

It all happened so fast last time around with no real warning so it’s quite weird not knowing what to expect.

Can’t believe we’re on the home stretch <3 xx
@MelC2011 yes I’ll probably be induced, unless babies decide to come before 37/38 weeks. They don’t like twins to go passed 38 weeks as the placenta deteriorates and they’ve usually run out of room by that point anyway! I know some twin mums refuse induction and go to 40 weeks plus but I just wouldn’t want to ‘risk it’ so to speak.
I think we will discuss dates tomorrow at my consultant appointment.

We are all getting so close now!
I had my final growth scan yesterday and now she’s turned and is breech presenting bum first, my consultant said weighing everything up it would be safer to have a c section. I hoped he’d agree to 38 weeks as my SPD pain is getting worse with her change of position but he wants to stick with 39 weeks, of course there weren’t any slots for the first part of that week so she’ll only be 3 days early just like her brother, she’s on the high side of normal for weight too at 7lb 9oz so another big bubba and probably bigger than her brother was at 8lb 3 when he was born. I know it’s only 3 weeks away now and friends and close family are like “embrace these last few weeks” but I’m so fed up, I really wanted to enjoy this pregnancy with it being my last but pain and very little sleep is making me miserable and I’m Now worried about complications with her being breech too :(
Happy July ladies!
Our babies are due this month and next! I can’t believe it!

Aww @BabyWomble can’t believe baby turned so late! That’s a shame you’ll have to wait so long, especially if you’re really struggling with pain and discomfort now. I know what you mean about wanting to enjoy it. This is going to be my last pregnancy too but like you I am just so sore and uncomfortable. Can’t sleep. I honestly woke up feeling like it broken a rib. Ouch.
Remember there is every chance you may go into natural labour before then.
As annoying as it is having someone say it, these next three weeks will fly in and baby will be in your arms.
Scan went fine. Both babies doing good, still head down. Twin 1 is quite low.
Induction booked for 2 weeks tomorrow when I’ll be 37 weeks exactly... oh my gosh now I have a date I am officially freaking out!!
Oh no @BabyWomble so sorry she’s now breech but at least you have a date to work to. The final weeks are so hard, especially when suffering with lack of sleep and pain xx
I’ve been in agony the lasts two days. The pressure in my bum is unreal, not just pressure but sharp shooting pains when I move, bend, laugh, cough etc etc. It’s like nothing I have ever felt before. A quick google said it could be due to baby pressing on a nerve. I really honestly can’t go on like this for another two weeks. Not sure what I can do to ease it. I can’t walk without pain. I can’t turn over in bed. I can’t get out of bed. I can’t sit on the toilet.
I think I would rather take labour over this, that’s how bad it is. Urgh.

In other news my pram finally came. Was starting to panic a bit. It’s massive... it fits through my front door but not my livingroom one, which isn’t ideal but I guess not the end of the world. Annoying I measured it before getting it and it should have fit. I clearly just suck at measuring and my livingroom door is tiny.
Still don’t know if I want to buy the carrycots or not... part of me says no, save the £200 but another part can’t deal with the fact that they would be world facing and I wouldn’t be able to see them...

Edit to add: I just went ahead and ordered the carrycots. These are my last babies I want to look at their tiny little faces all the time haha

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how about a warm bath to ease it maybe? and CUTE pram <3 cant wait to see babies in it xxx
Back from my 38 week appointment :) bump still measuring small at 32cm growth scan again on tuesday, so will know more then. Also got bloods,swabs, and urine sent away as have +++ leucocytes. But nothing really else to report :)
Hope your all well xxx
Aww @mummybear2 so sorry to hear you’re feeling really bad. It’s so hard when you get to the end and you’re carrying twins.

Realy hope you find something to ease the pain. I’m suffering really bad with spd but it’s only overnight and I’m kind of ok during the day.

My bump is feeling so heavy and uncomfortable but I’m only 34 weeks.

Pleased you’ve ordered the carrycots. Must admit I’d hate to not be able to see baby. Plus they’ll prob be smaller so you’ll get the use out of them.

Have you always measured small @Kiwi_53 That's quite a big difference isn’t it. Hope everything goes ok at your next growth scan. I’m currently measuring 2 weeks ahead xx
You’re so close to the end now @Kiwi_53!
Hopefully the growth scan goes well on Tuesday!

@Jade jones I seriously hate baths, and don’t think I would physically get in or out of one at this stage haha.

I know @MelC2011 just having two and all the extra pressure and weight. Need to just lie down as much as possible now really... which is easier said than done. Need to go into a mad, what do I still need to do frenzy and finish getting stuff ready.

Sorry you’re suffering with your SPD. These babies really like to make it tough for us don’t they.

So excited for us all, our babies will be here soon!
37 weeks today and contractions started at 6pm. Been in triage since 7pm, had an examination and they couldn’t find my cervix which was so painful but once I was monitored it is clear my uterus is contracting. Contractions have remained steady but not getting worse yet. Been given a steroid injection to help with babies lungs and now admitted with the view to give me another in the morning. I don’t know whether I’ll be sent home or my section will go ahead early, it’s very overwhelming!
37 weeks today and contractions started at 6pm. Been in triage some 7pm, had an examination and they couldn’t find my cervix which was so painful but once I was monitored it is clear my uterus is contracting. Contractions have remained steady but not getting worse yet. Been given a steroid injection to help with babies lungs and now admitted with the view to give me another in the morning. I don’t know whether I’ll be sent home or my section will go ahead early, it’s very overwhelming!

Oh wow!! I would think if you’re contracting they’ll need to give you your section? I assume you’ll find out in the morning, so long as nothing happens before then?
Goodluck! I can imagine how overwhelming it is.
Hope you’re doing ok.

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