80lbs! Wow what an amazing achievement!! Well done you
Hi Baby maker,
How lovely, I did exactly the same. Week 6-11 were awful, so much so I lost 6kg and I have completely gone off meat. So just potatoes and gravy for Christmas dinner lol. Seeing baby in there the other week was amazing, it was definitely worth it. I made my announcement too after my scan, I’ve had over 250 likes and 200 comments now and still counting! Only close family knew we were trying but we gave up and I concentrated on my weight loss, and walaaa I got pregnant after losing 80lbs!
I'm like you. Didn't think I would ever get pregnant without a little science to help. Haven't been careful with my better half for over 5 years now. Never pregnant before. Lost over 90lb and boom pregnant. Surprising how much better a body can function after weight loss!
I have a 16 week scanned booked for 2nd feb for gender (private clinic). My ultrasound yesterday dates me 4 days more than I think so could be closer to 17 by then.
I KNOW I am 13+3 from ovulation but baby is measuring 14 today. Not sure which date to go off.
Hello Kaz! Congratulations!! Welcome to our little group.
How exciting that people are finding out genders soon. As we are still indecided I think we will wait until 20 weeks!
We haven't announced the pregnancy yet, im really enjoying having it our little secret (not so much a secret if you see me and my tummy!) I think we will announce at 20 weeks which is weirdly the day we complete on our new house.
I have my first consultant app tomorrow and Im really hoping they will try and find the heartbeats on the doppler to give me some reassurance. I have 2 anterior placentas so Im not brave enough to try myself and potentially cause unnecessary stress.
How's everyone finding the second tri? My sickness is still full force although my energy has definitely come up!
How did your consultant appointment go? Hope you got to hear the heartbeats!
I'm feeling SO much better now in tri 2, still not 100% but a massive improvement. Appetite is back, nausea has almost disappeared as long as I eat very regularly, I'm no where near as exhausted as tri 1 and actually back to doing things like a normal person! I'm trying to enjoy this before we hit tri 3 and have other fun things to look forward to!
To be honest it was a waste of time. The consultant waw really lovely and easy to talk to. They were running an hour late and I was in there not even 10 mins.
She basically just explained I will be induced betweem 37-38 weeks and I can have a vaginal delivery aslong as twin 1s placenta moves away from my cervix and twin 1 is head down. She then went on to explain that there would be alot of people in the room and I said I was aware as I am normally one of those people.
Started me on asprin And explained they are more likely to be early/need a nicu stay. Then booked me for scans at 24, 28, 32 and 36 weeks.
Im not seeing her until 24 weeks now and had no contact from my midwife, so looks like I'm getting an easy run.
Still 5 weeks until my 20 week scan so feels like ages!!!
That's good they'll leave you until 37 - 38 weeks, and hopefully all goes well with it. And will be nice to have the extra scans too!
Do you not need to book your next midwife appointment yourself? I was told they wouldn't get in touch with me and I'd have to book myself for 25 weeks. Then I think we get regular midwife appointments from there onward.
Yes im really please they will let me go term, the extra scans will be lovely too.
Ah really? I have been given a midwives number, so maybe I should introduce myself. With my son it was all done for me, but I did live in a quiet village then.
It feels such a long time until our 20 week scans doesnt it! X
He changed it but baby was a wriggler. My previous two scans were spot on with my datesDid they change your due date officially after your scan? If so, I would go with that date, otherwise just stick with your original. That's so exciting you'll be finding out the gender so soon!! I'm waiting to find out at 20 week scan hopefully!
Yes I've still another 4 and half weeks to go until I hit 20 weeks but seems like such a long time definitely!!
I'm not sure if it will be same in your area, but I got told to call up and book it myself so maybe you should check just in case... but that's not until 25 weeks anyway, so still a while to go!
Im just 4 days ahead of you! When is your 20 week scan? Mine is the 25th feb.
Thanks for the info, I will contact my midwife tomorrow.
I have an appt at the pre term birth clinic next tues to have my cervix scanned (sounds delightful). Then nothing until my next scan.
Not sure when my 20 week scan will be yet, they said they'd post out the appointment in a letter... didn't get my 12 week scan letter until I think just under 2 weeks before appointment, so I'm expecting the same this time.
I'm also doing group midwife appointments with antenatal classes built in. I was supposed to have my first one tomorrow, but they moved me to another group starting 19th Feb as the first group was too full. It seems a bit late to me as the final class of that group will be when I'm 37 weeks!