July 2019 mummies

Throwing a little party for my daughter today. I really wish I hadn't planned it after the last few days. I must be nuts throwing a party for a group of screaming girls while I'm pregnant lol
Feeling much better thank you. Time to focus on my little boy ane giving him an amazing christmas - last one as an only child!
Im glad to hear other people's ymptoms are settling down.
Bring on the second trimester.

I agree stay in this thread for sure as its a great one to be part of. My 'due date' will most likely get moved to June ro be induced, but Id like to stay and go through the pregnancy with you girls
Hi girls, sorry I've been quiet for a while! I'm currently in France visiting family and looking forward to spending Christmas with them. I haven't really had time to come on here as there's always something going on and screens tend to make me feel sick at the moment.

Sounds like a few of you have told your close family members already, how did they react?? I had to tell mine as soon as I arrived as I'm not the one doing the cooking and they tend to eat lots of not so well cooked steaks, and cheese with every meal! lol. I wrote the news in Christmas cards and glued the scan picture in there. They were all very happy and both my sisters cried when they opened their card! lol It was magical :D Definitely feels a lot more real now!
I actually told my mum on Thursday. I felt like I needed my mummy after the scan. I sent her the pic and the dafty was like Why have you sent me a picture of one of The kids.... ha ha took her a good few minutes. She cried with happiness (number 11 grandchild) I thought she'd tell me off haha.
MissCindy, how lovely<3
We told our parents as soon as we found out but only told the kids this week. Our 2yr old is a bit clueless but our 7yr DS is very excited. He's picked names already; Lily or Max. Im sure he'll change the names weekly though;-)

FINALLY got my booking appt on 9th Jan when i'm 11+2 and nuchal scan 17th Jan when i'm 12+3.
So i guess some of you ladies are already in Tri 2? Is it 13 weeks? Or 14? Can never remember.
Happened to me too! Left my booking appointment with a huge bruise on my arm (took over 2 weeks to heal) and a traumatised midwife from the blood that went everywhere... only to be called in the following week as they had to repeat them due to a spelling mistake!

Does being high risk mean you will be be monitored more closely?
Yes I imagine so. I am diabetic normally so that’s a trigger. I also have a genetic muscle condition so I imagine the genetic department will want to do tests also. When my mum is her 12 week scan they knew something was wrong as my legs were visibly different. Luckily, if the baby does have it it will be to a similar degree to me so manageable with a kick ass and defiant attitude and some medical treatment to straighten legs (probably much better than I had with the development of technology!)
Hi ladies
Does anyone else get SPD when they are pregnant? I'm a little bit worried as I'm only 12 weeks and my pelvis is already hurting! Can't think it was this early before. I look like I'm bloody waddling already too because it's hurting walking. I was hoping after a nights sleep it would miraculously disappear lol but no!!!!
Hi ladies
Does anyone else get SPD when they are pregnant? I'm a little bit worried as I'm only 12 weeks and my pelvis is already hurting! Can't think it was this early before. I look like I'm bloody waddling already too because it's hurting walking. I was hoping after a nights sleep it would miraculously disappear lol but no!!!!
I had it with my son, it started pretty early on. I can't remember when tho but his pregnancy was just a bad one all round.
I haven't (touch wood) had any signs yet.
Try and relax with your feet up and if it doesn't go by end of Xmas have a word with MW. They can get you checked by a physio. I had a bump belt but that caused more pain than not.
I had my booking in on Friday. The midwife is lovely and is also pregnant, a few days ahead of me which is ace. I've got to take aspirin from 12wks and will need a gtt at 28 apparently but that's fine. Waiting now for a consultant appointment to come through and we go from there. She did bloods, says I may be anaemic as it's twins so I'll find out next week some time. She also told me to get ondansetron for my sickness rather than the metoclopramide so I spoke to my gp and have it now, low dose. Yesterday was the first day taking it and I can honestly say it's the first time in over 5 weeks I havent felt sick and was able to drink more than I have in weeks. Amazing.

We told DH's parents a few days ago when they visited. His dad said they knew but I think that's cobblers seeing as for Christmas they bought us 2L of reallt good gin! His mum was also chuffed but then started with the 'its going to be really hard' which we knocked on the head. Do they think we believe having a baby (babies!) is a walk in the park? Honestly.

So we have a quiet couple of days now which is lovely. Balls to making any christmas food other than desert for Christmas day which I need to take to my family. Telling my family then. My niece is going to explode! She asks me every time I see her if there is a baby in my tummy and if not why not. So we have a deal that if that ever was true, she will be the first family to know. Can't wait to see her little fave :)

Oh and watched it's a wonderful life yesterday, made me bawl! Anything even remotely emotional and a cry like a baby, lol
I was also told to take aspirin by the midwife (basically because I am fat). My hubby’s auntie used to be a head midwife and told me about the benefits but I’ve decided not to take it at the moment, the main benefit is blood pressure but my blood pressure is absolutely perfect. If it starts to increase slightly I will take it but at the moment I’m very much of the opinion why rock the boat? Especially when come tomorrow i’ll Probably also be on insulin aswell as my antibiotics for my water infection, my double dose folic acid and whatever else they decide to give me tomorrow. Should I be rattling so much so early?? :lol:
I had my booking in on Friday. The midwife is lovely and is also pregnant, a few days ahead of me which is ace. I've got to take aspirin from 12wks and will need a gtt at 28 apparently but that's fine. Waiting now for a consultant appointment to come through and we go from there. She did bloods, says I may be anaemic as it's twins so I'll find out next week some time. She also told me to get ondansetron for my sickness rather than the metoclopramide so I spoke to my gp and have it now, low dose. Yesterday was the first day taking it and I can honestly say it's the first time in over 5 weeks I havent felt sick and was able to drink more than I have in weeks. Amazing.

We told DH's parents a few days ago when they visited. His dad said they knew but I think that's cobblers seeing as for Christmas they bought us 2L of reallt good gin! His mum was also chuffed but then started with the 'its going to be really hard' which we knocked on the head. Do they think we believe having a baby (babies!) is a walk in the park? Honestly.

So we have a quiet couple of days now which is lovely. Balls to making any christmas food other than desert for Christmas day which I need to take to my family. Telling my family then. My niece is going to explode! She asks me every time I see her if there is a baby in my tummy and if not why not. So we have a deal that if that ever was true, she will be the first family to know. Can't wait to see her little fave :)

Oh and watched it's a wonderful life yesterday, made me bawl! Anything even remotely emotional and a cry like a baby, lol

Just imagine how excited she will be knowing there are TWO!

We’ve told everyone now. Saw SIL & BIL yesterday and despite being lovely over text the night before they didn’t mention it at all once yesterday. Very odd but then SIL can be and is extremely selfish for most of her life.
I was also told to take aspirin by the midwife (basically because I am fat). My hubby’s auntie used to be a head midwife and told me about the benefits but I’ve decided not to take it at the moment, the main benefit is blood pressure but my blood pressure is absolutely perfect. If it starts to increase slightly I will take it but at the moment I’m very much of the opinion why rock the boat? Especially when come tomorrow i’ll Probably also be on insulin aswell as my antibiotics for my water infection, my double dose folic acid and whatever else they decide to give me tomorrow. Should I be rattling so much so early?? :lol:

I know what you mean about rattling. Last week with a temp, the uti, a cold and the sickness I felt so unwell I literally can't describe it.
The asp is because of my bmi and also the gtt. I guess I triggered some factors. It's low dose so I dont mind, it's 75mg. If I went to a patient with chest pain I'd give them 300mg. She said to help prevent preeclampsia but like you, my BP is text book. Although a student midwife was trying to take my BP and I spotted her ID tag, she's I a course where I just finished my Paramedic course. I asked what year she was as bless, she was rubbish at it. So bascially my husband and I taught her how to take a BP properly and how to remember to put the steth in the correct way in your ears or you can't hear anything! I was awful at it and dead nervous when i started so I hope it helped. Was a huge relief when she said she wasn't trained to take blood yet, I can tell you!
Just imagine how excited she will be knowing there are TWO!

We’ve told everyone now. Saw SIL & BIL yesterday and despite being lovely over text the night before they didn’t mention it at all once yesterday. Very odd but then SIL can be and is extremely selfish for most of her life.

I've got two SIL, One is amazing and the other is a selfish cow. I used to pick up my neice a few days a week to help them out as when my mum died they really didn't appreciate how much she did childcare wise. When I got my job, she didn't even congratulate me. First thing she said was 'what about childcare?' I replied I don't have any children :) hahaha a

She also had HG when Preggo with my niece so can't say I'm looking forward to hearing how much harder it was for her than it is for me other the next few days. If she annoys me I'll remind her of when she was vomiting and farted at the same time. Lol.

Literally, you will hear my neice scream with excitement across the globe!
Yeah my BMI is the same and I’m also diabetic so we’ll see how we go! Bricking it for my diabetic appointment tomorrow tbh, I have been on medication but it isn’t tested on pregnant women so completely stopped it. Don’t want insulin so early on but not sure there are any other medications I can take.

You’re lucky you were there!! The one taking my blood was horrific! Don’t know how you can be so bad at it when it’s your permanent job?!
Yeah my BMI is the same and I’m also diabetic so we’ll see how we go! Bricking it for my diabetic appointment tomorrow tbh, I have been on medication but it isn’t tested on pregnant women so completely stopped it. Don’t want insulin so early on but not sure there are any other medications I can take.

You’re lucky you were there!! The one taking my blood was horrific! Don’t know how you can be so bad at it when it’s your permanent job?!

Surely they can't just stop your medication like that? I guess if you regularly check your sugars then at least you know where you are at. Although most hypos I go to are when people are sick and it got out of control.

You'd expect them to be good at bloods? Like if you give blood and those cannulas are massive, they go straight in. Mind you, midwives only cannulate with grey in the hand! Jesus, that is goung to hurt. We don't even carry that size, one smaller and I feel bad going in the hand unless there is nowhere else as it hurts so much.
They want me to go back to metformin but it makes my hair fall out and as I am in a school I can’t just go the toilet when I want to so it doesn’t work for me at all. I haven’t felt too bad to be honest, hubby thinks the baby is regulating my hormones :lol:

She was awful. She’d definitely not have been going in my hand!!

I’m having some cramps today but just on one side. I presume it’s just stretching cramps.
My poor fiancé is going up the wall. My symptoms are so much worse in the evenings (the only time we have together due to our work schedules). It's like some weird vampire pregnancy where I get my main nausea, moodiness, baby brain ect all after 5pm. Makes me useless getting anything done around the house too. Get so nauseous after even 20mins of food shopping. Hopefully now I'm over 9 weeks symptoms have peaked and can settle again! Anyone else notice symptoms hitting at weird times?
My poor fiancé is going up the wall. My symptoms are so much worse in the evenings (the only time we have together due to our work schedules). It's like some weird vampire pregnancy where I get my main nausea, moodiness, baby brain ect all after 5pm. Makes me useless getting anything done around the house too. Get so nauseous after even 20mins of food shopping. Hopefully now I'm over 9 weeks symptoms have peaked and can settle again! Anyone else notice symptoms hitting at weird times?

I have nausea all day long but definitely gets a lot worse in the evenings. I think for me symptoms seem to get worse the more tired I get, which is why it's worse in the evening I think. But I'm 11 weeks now and things seem to be easing up a little which is good, so hopefully things get better for you soon too!
My poor fiancé is going up the wall. My symptoms are so much worse in the evenings (the only time we have together due to our work schedules). It's like some weird vampire pregnancy where I get my main nausea, moodiness, baby brain ect all after 5pm. Makes me useless getting anything done around the house too. Get so nauseous after even 20mins of food shopping. Hopefully now I'm over 9 weeks symptoms have peaked and can settle again! Anyone else notice symptoms hitting at weird times?

I feel rough all day but it definitely gets worse as the day goes on. And if I need to eat I almost get a tidal wave of feeling unwell which comes out of nowhere. Managed an hour around the shops today and it nearly killed me. I go to bed early each night as I'm so tired and get to the point where being asleep is better than feeling rough. 10+2 and I can't say the exhaustion is easing, it's getting worse. Back at work on Friday and I honestly don't think I will cope. Even driving to the gp nearly wore me out.
Feel like a total wuss but it's like nothing I've experienced before, only close thing is a 90odd hour week of shifts and even thay doesn't feel this bad, lol.
I’m 13+4 & still having all the symptoms. As with most of you mine also get worse as the day goes on. Feel pretty good in the morning, well apart from the awful taste in my mouth which I’ve had all pregnancy but once midday hits I start to feel rough again. After dinner (5-6pm) I’m totally wiped out & I feel huge & uncomfy which practically lasts all night. Can’t fall asleep on my sides as it makes me want to throw up so I have to lay on my back & then I’m up 2-4 times during the night needing to pee. I think the uncomfortable part will stay with me the whole pregnancy. Really wish the horrible taste would go though, that too becomes more noticeable as the day goes on. I find I snack a lot to to give me some brief release of the horrible dry/morning after hangover taste or I have to chew chewing gum most of the day.

I never had any of this with my other two children & id hoped by this many weeks it would have subsided but i can’t see it going anywhere just yet :(

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