July 2019 mummies


I am 5 weeks today. Did a clear blue test and it is still saying 1-2 weeks. Concerned since I had a mc a couple months ago.

I was only due my AF 6 days ago but I would have thought it would say 2-3. Scared
I have just got 2-3 arm 4+4.

I think that they are not necessarily accurate with the dating so wouldn’t worry too much. Have you been to the midwife or anything yet? When did you do the last CB digi?
Sickness is bad today. Pretty sure this baby doesn't like me haha

I've a few dodge moments today! Does anyone else eat constantly to help with the nausea? I'm going to be the size of a house! But its the only thing that helps.

Me! For me it’s more to get the awful taste away so I just eat to do that! Thing is when I do eat meals there not half as much as usual as I just get full really quickly or it’s sat in front of me & I suddenly don’t fancy it yet I’ve put on half a stone already !! Thinking it must just be water weight as I normally eat a lot more than I have been since being pregnant. I guess it also could be I’m lazier and sleep more too lo. Hubby said this is the loneliest pregnancy he’s ever known as I’m always in bed by 7-8 o’clock haha

I am 5 weeks today. Did a clear blue test and it is still saying 1-2 weeks. Concerned since I had a mc a couple months ago.

I was only due my AF 6 days ago but I would have thought it would say 2-3. Scared

I wouldn’t worry asclesr blues aren’t very sensitive. I got a negative on one when I was pregnant but I’m 8 weeks now so I was no less pregnant than it was telling me! I toyed with the idea of buying more digital s when I was 4/5/6 weeks to see what they said but told myself not too. I realised there’s just no point. I’d be wasting money to find out something I either already knew (number of weeks) or if it didn’t show what I wanted it to I would have been disappointed & wanting to know more answers & just thought I’d be nofurther forward so I didn’t bother & im glad I didn’t as saved myself 20 quid & I’m still pregnant & I’ll just find out the true weeks on my dating scan. If anything went wrong by then it’s already happened & no test could have changed that. I think sometimes we can torture ourselves unnecessarily. I’d stop testing & just accept your pregnant & try to enjoy it :)
Sickness is bad today. Pretty sure this baby doesn't like me haha

I've a few dodge moments today! Does anyone else eat constantly to help with the nausea? I'm going to be the size of a house! But its the only thing that helps.

Yes! I feel I need to eat constantly to help with nausea... but the problem is I don't feel like eating anything at all. It's like when you're ill, bad taste in my mouth, and everything sounds horrible and tastes horrible. It was ok at the weekend to deal with as I could just relax and nap (and throw up a couple of times...), but back in the office this morning and I don't know how to deal with it. I have some important meetings today as well, and a presentation to give on Wednesday... I know it's a horrible thing to think, but I'm starting to wonder why the hell did I do this to myself. :(
How’s everyone feeling tonight ? I literally feel like I could throw up any second but I just don’t think my body knows how to be sick unless it’s had copeus amounts of alcohol put into it & that’s out of the question lol. I fell asleep on sofa from 6-7 and it’s since waking up that I feel like death. My sickness deff hits more in the afternoon / evening. I know it’s a blessing to be pregnant & I shouldn’t moan but I’m not putting myself through this again lol.

Asides from pregnancy the biggest annoyance is the hubby! I’m always tired & moaning & he can’t even touch me, list goes on! Yes dickhead that’s because I feel rough as ass holes so excuse me if the last thing I fancy is the same thing that got me here lol. In all fairness we’ve only done the deed once since finding out 5 weeks ago. I couldn’t feel further from sexy if I tried ! Anyone else got the same problem or am I just a total Bitch? ��
I have a question about dates? My cycle is normally 34-36 days long. I had ovulation pains on 2nd November and am wondering whether the midwife will just do it from my LMP or will take my late ovulation on board?
I feel awful. Being sick nearly everyday. Im tje most grumpiest woman ever atm. This time is so much harder than the last ones. Always tired, constant sickness feeling and gone off most foods. Iv post 4lb somehow,

Feeling very angry today but that's due to being tired. Going back to bed when Iv dropped the kids at school.
I have a question about dates? My cycle is normally 34-36 days long. I had ovulation pains on 2nd November and am wondering whether the midwife will just do it from my LMP or will take my late ovulation on board?

The midwife will go by LMP for now but dating scan at 12 weeks will tell you the more accurate date. Tends to always shift backwards or forwards by a couple days. I think I ovulated early as I found out so early so by LMP I’m 8 weeks but I could actually be closer to 9 - hopefully only a few weeks to wait until I find out xx
I feel awful. Being sick nearly everyday. Im tje most grumpiest woman ever atm. This time is so much harder than the last ones. Always tired, constant sickness feeling and gone off most foods. Iv post 4lb somehow,

Feeling very angry today but that's due to being tired. Going back to bed when Iv dropped the kids at school.

Aww bless you! Fortunately I’m getting away with the physical sickness, although sometimes I wish I could just throw up & be done with the sick feeling! One good thing is I think my bloats going because my belly doesn’t seem too dissimilar to how it was before now :)

Hope you start to feel a bit better soon!
Hi everyone, sorry to hear sickness is in full swing for some of you. I'm only 4 weeks so I've got all that to come. Making the most of it until it hits. Can't stop eating! lol!

This is bubba #3 and I'm sooo nervous this time. I've had 2 pregnancies and 2 healthy babies and at the back of my mind I keep thinking my luck has surely run out. AF due yesterday/today and no sign of it so I guess that's one hurdle conquered lol. Argh the worry never stops, does it?;-)
I'm tempted to book a private early scan before xmas for a bit of reassurance. Perhaps an early xmas gift to myself;-)
Anyone having/had early scans? x
Hi everyone, sorry to hear sickness is in full swing for some of you. I'm only 4 weeks so I've got all that to come. Making the most of it until it hits. Can't stop eating! lol!

This is bubba #3 and I'm sooo nervous this time. I've had 2 pregnancies and 2 healthy babies and at the back of my mind I keep thinking my luck has surely run out. AF due yesterday/today and no sign of it so I guess that's one hurdle conquered lol. Argh the worry never stops, does it?;-)
I'm tempted to book a private early scan before xmas for a bit of reassurance. Perhaps an early xmas gift to myself;-)
Anyone having/had early scans? x

Iv booked one for the 8th of decmber. I will be 7 weeks then, i cant rest until i see that little dot on the screen. Weve had a few loses over the past few months so we need the reassurance.
Like you said its xmas so treat yourself xx
Has anyone ever tried the sea bands for nausea?? I'm thinking to get a pair, as I'm willing to try anything to help, but not sure if they actually work.
Has anyone ever tried the sea bands for nausea?? I'm thinking to get a pair, as I'm willing to try anything to help, but not sure if they actually work.

I’ve heard they do work for some ladies
I have a question about dates? My cycle is normally 34-36 days long. I had ovulation pains on 2nd November and am wondering whether the midwife will just do it from my LMP or will take my late ovulation on board?

The midwife will go by LMP for now but dating scan at 12 weeks will tell you the more accurate date. Tends to always shift backwards or forwards by a couple days. I think I ovulated early as I found out so early so by LMP I’m 8 weeks but I could actually be closer to 9 - hopefully only a few weeks to wait until I find out xx

Yeah I got my BFP on the digi at 12DPO but I definitely only ovulated when I think I did because I felt it. I suppose I will change all my apps! :lol:
Hi everyone, sorry to hear sickness is in full swing for some of you. I'm only 4 weeks so I've got all that to come. Making the most of it until it hits. Can't stop eating! lol!

This is bubba #3 and I'm sooo nervous this time. I've had 2 pregnancies and 2 healthy babies and at the back of my mind I keep thinking my luck has surely run out. AF due yesterday/today and no sign of it so I guess that's one hurdle conquered lol. Argh the worry never stops, does it?;-)
I'm tempted to book a private early scan before xmas for a bit of reassurance. Perhaps an early xmas gift to myself;-)
Anyone having/had early scans? x

Hey babymaker! I have had the same thoughts from time to time as we have also been extremely lucky. Too lucky some would say (falling pregnant first time everytime) and having smooth pregnancies, not had a loss so I too have thought “surely it might be my turn” but you just have to stop yourself thinking that way. The way I look at it now is that worrying won’t help anything & if something happens it will regardless & there’s nothing I could do to change that so I just need to be thankful I am one of the lucky ones & hope it remains that way.

We’ll all be fine no matter what happens. It’s how we’re programmed :)
I have a question about dates? My cycle is normally 34-36 days long. I had ovulation pains on 2nd November and am wondering whether the midwife will just do it from my LMP or will take my late ovulation on board?

The midwife will go by LMP for now but dating scan at 12 weeks will tell you the more accurate date. Tends to always shift backwards or forwards by a couple days. I think I ovulated early as I found out so early so by LMP I’m 8 weeks but I could actually be closer to 9 - hopefully only a few weeks to wait until I find out xx

Yeah I got my BFP on the digi at 12DPO but I definitely only ovulated when I think I did because I felt it. I suppose I will change all my apps! :lol:

You know you say you felt it ? Out of interest how? What did you feel? I had a lot of cramping over a week before I got my BFP. I wish I knew when I actually ovulated just out of interest really. Me & hubby DTD pretty much everyday after finishing AF for about 2 weeks so I have no clue when it actually was
I have a question about dates? My cycle is normally 34-36 days long. I had ovulation pains on 2nd November and am wondering whether the midwife will just do it from my LMP or will take my late ovulation on board?

The midwife will go by LMP for now but dating scan at 12 weeks will tell you the more accurate date. Tends to always shift backwards or forwards by a couple days. I think I ovulated early as I found out so early so by LMP I’m 8 weeks but I could actually be closer to 9 - hopefully only a few weeks to wait until I find out xx

Yeah I got my BFP on the digi at 12DPO but I definitely only ovulated when I think I did because I felt it. I suppose I will change all my apps! :lol:

You know you say you felt it ? Out of interest how? What did you feel? I had a lot of cramping over a week before I got my BFP. I wish I knew when I actually ovulated just out of interest really. Me & hubby DTD pretty much everyday after finishing AF for about 2 weeks so I have no clue when it actually was

When I am on letrozole I have a sharp pain that I suppose lasts for about 5 minutes. It’s very distinctive and isn’t like a cramp or anything. I only ever have that pain around the time I am due to ovulate so I am pretty sure it’s ovulation.
I used sea bands with my last 2. They helped so much. Not bothered this time and I'm sicker than ever. Determined to ride it out tho lol.

Got my next scan on Thursday. Still scared even tho I feel like poop.
Saw the GP today who's booking the 12 scan then told me to speak to reception about booking a midwife appointment. She handed over the blue folder and said congratulations. DH and I looked at eachother in shock, lol. Made it seem a bit more real now. The midwives will ring me when I get back from qatar to arrange booking in at 8-10 which will be sometime before Christmas.

I'm going to book an early scan when we get back which will be 7-8 weeks. Just need some reassurance really.

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