July 2019 mummies

I used sea bands with my last 2. They helped so much. Not bothered this time and I'm sicker than ever. Determined to ride it out tho lol.

Got my next scan on Thursday. Still scared even tho I feel like poop.

Thanks, I've just ordered some now... hoping they arrive soon and that they work for me!
Hi everyone, sorry to hear sickness is in full swing for some of you. I'm only 4 weeks so I've got all that to come. Making the most of it until it hits. Can't stop eating! lol!

This is bubba #3 and I'm sooo nervous this time. I've had 2 pregnancies and 2 healthy babies and at the back of my mind I keep thinking my luck has surely run out. AF due yesterday/today and no sign of it so I guess that's one hurdle conquered lol. Argh the worry never stops, does it?;-)
I'm tempted to book a private early scan before xmas for a bit of reassurance. Perhaps an early xmas gift to myself;-)
Anyone having/had early scans? x

Hey babymaker! I have had the same thoughts from time to time as we have also been extremely lucky. Too lucky some would say (falling pregnant first time everytime) and having smooth pregnancies, not had a loss so I too have thought “surely it might be my turn” but you just have to stop yourself thinking that way. The way I look at it now is that worrying won’t help anything & if something happens it will regardless & there’s nothing I could do to change that so I just need to be thankful I am one of the lucky ones & hope it remains that way.

We’ll all be fine no matter what happens. It’s how we’re programmed :)

Aww thanks Linnett3. That's a lovely way to look at it. You're right, from now on I'm just going to enjoy it. If something happens, it happens. But until then, I'll allow myself to get a little bit excited:lol:
My grandma had 5 kids and no losses so I guess it is possible...

I used the seabands last time and whether it was psychological or not, I felt they worked for me (to a certain extent - only took the edge off)
It is really hard to enjoy it. I think knowing exactly what can happen makes it so much worse. In some way It would feel better to be completely oblivious.

I am having a clinic scan at 7 weeks+2. Going to book a private one towards Christmas for Christmas present reveals as I will be 10 weeks almost at Xmas and my family have big mouths :lol: NHS May offer one before Xmas and If they do i’ll Just have that.
So I have my belly button pierced and just had to take my bar out. It was hurting. My stomach is getting quite hard around that area! :yay:
It is really hard to enjoy it. I think knowing exactly what can happen makes it so much worse. In some way It would feel better to be completely oblivious.

I am having a clinic scan at 7 weeks+2. Going to book a private one towards Christmas for Christmas present reveals as I will be 10 weeks almost at Xmas and my family have big mouths :lol: NHS May offer one before Xmas and If they do i’ll Just have that.

I wondered to wait until 8 for a scan but I can book one at 7+2. They should be able to see a heartbeat then shouldn't they?
It is really hard to enjoy it. I think knowing exactly what can happen makes it so much worse. In some way It would feel better to be completely oblivious.

I am having a clinic scan at 7 weeks+2. Going to book a private one towards Christmas for Christmas present reveals as I will be 10 weeks almost at Xmas and my family have big mouths :lol: NHS May offer one before Xmas and If they do i’ll Just have that.

I wondered to wait until 8 for a scan but I can book one at 7+2. They should be able to see a heartbeat then shouldn't they?

Yes I saw one 2 weeks ago at just over 6 weeks so you should see one then.
It is really hard to enjoy it. I think knowing exactly what can happen makes it so much worse. In some way It would feel better to be completely oblivious.

I am having a clinic scan at 7 weeks+2. Going to book a private one towards Christmas for Christmas present reveals as I will be 10 weeks almost at Xmas and my family have big mouths :lol: NHS May offer one before Xmas and If they do i’ll Just have that.

I wondered to wait until 8 for a scan but I can book one at 7+2. They should be able to see a heartbeat then shouldn't they?

Yeah, just before 6 weeks it should be visable (providing dates are correct I think)
Hi guys! I’m a July mummy! I’m so excited yet a little nervous, I’m currently 8 weeks pregnant , I only found out on Sunday so still trying to get my head around it! But so excited to be a mummy x
Welcome Becky and congrats!!

So I ended up going to a walk in emergency gyno clinic as I was still bleeding on and off yesterday. Have to say amazing service from NHS got seen for a scan in around an hour!

Nurse did an internal scan and I was prepared for the worst because she went quiet for ages and then asked if I was sure about my dates.

Then she confirmed she could see a heartbeat and not one but TWO sacs.. which could mean non identical twins! She could see something in 2nd sac but didn't find 2nd heartbeat but said I am only 6 weeks so could be too early to tell or 2nd baby just a tad smaller.

Getting scanned again next week to see if weve got one or two heartbeats in there!! Dunno what we will do if it's twins but we are excited either way!!

So glad we went to the walk in and feel much more reassured even though I know it's early days. If any of you ladies have worries about bleeding definitely insist to get checked out. It's amazing to see the heartbeat flickering away 🥰
Welcome Becky and congrats!!

So I ended up going to a walk in emergency gyno clinic as I was still bleeding on and off yesterday. Have to say amazing service from NHS got seen for a scan in around an hour!

Nurse did an internal scan and I was prepared for the worst because she went quiet for ages and then asked if I was sure about my dates.

Then she confirmed she could see a heartbeat and not one but TWO sacs.. which could mean non identical twins! She could see something in 2nd sac but didn't find 2nd heartbeat but said I am only 6 weeks so could be too early to tell or 2nd baby just a tad smaller.

Getting scanned again next week to see if weve got one or two heartbeats in there!! Dunno what we will do if it's twins but we are excited either way!!

So glad we went to the walk in and feel much more reassured even though I know it's early days. If any of you ladies have worries about bleeding definitely insist to get checked out. It's amazing to see the heartbeat flickering away 🥰

Oh my goodness bless you!!!! How many weeks did you think you were? That's amazing and so glad you got checked out!!
Hi guys! I’m a July mummy! I’m so excited yet a little nervous, I’m currently 8 weeks pregnant , I only found out on Sunday so still trying to get my head around it! But so excited to be a mummy x

Congratulations!!!! Welcome to the thread
Hi guys! I’m a July mummy! I’m so excited yet a little nervous, I’m currently 8 weeks pregnant , I only found out on Sunday so still trying to get my head around it! But so excited to be a mummy x

Congratulations and welcome 😊
Morning Ladies,

I am back after have an early miscariage in April.... I am generally quite a pragmatic person but that was my second miscariage.... I have a healty six year old maniac who keeps me on my toes.

I stupidly slipped down the stairs on Saturday so went into hospital on Sunday as I was in pain.... The did an internal scan and baby was in the right place.... my consultant said that he never checks for a heartbeat ahead of 6 weeks so has booked me in for next Tuesday.... I'm trying my best to be positive but it's so hard!

Sending lots of postivie vibes to all of you.... I know the first trimester can be tough!
Just found my son's hamster has died
Oh god I'm a utter wreck. Gotta break it to my 4 year old when he's home now.

I was a state already today and this isn't helping

Edit: she's not dead she was hibernating. Gosh that was a whirlwind of emotions. Fully revived now and warmed up.
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Hey girls. Just after some advice. Im only 5 weeks on Friday but im really struggling with eating. Everything i eat makes me gag and im sick. Can anyone reccomend something to eat or even drink with nutrients? I feel like im failing this baby already x
Welcome to the new ladies! :)

I'm so glad you got such good news Lissa! And possibly two babies, how exciting!! You must be so relieved!
So today I am having poopy problems :lol: getting huge belly pains then needing the loo quite quickly. Midwife appointment is tomorrow but haven’t managed to speak to my boss about it yet. Going to try and tell her in the morning so it doesn’t count as leave!
Welcome and congratulations to the new ladies!!

Lissa, omg amazing news. Going from potentially zero babies to 2 must have been a bit of a shock - but a lovely one<3

Marvellous_mum, what an emotional rollercoaster of a day for you! I'm glad she's ok.

Stacey, tri 1 is so tricky trying to eat well, good quantities, drink lots etc when you feel so cr*p. With both my previous pregnancies the only thing that didnt make me gag was gingernut biscuits and i ate tons! Not healthy, I know, but it took the edge off the nausea. Are you taking pregnancy vits and keeping them down? Snacking on fruit/veg would be good if you can. Sending hugs!

My symptoms have pretty much disappeared:shock: I know symptoms come and go the first few weeks but it's still a worry:roll: ahh joys of tri 1! x
Looks like I'll be going to my scan on my own today. Both my kids are really poorly so husband has to stay home to look after them. &#55357;&#56852;
Welcome Becky and congrats!!

So I ended up going to a walk in emergency gyno clinic as I was still bleeding on and off yesterday. Have to say amazing service from NHS got seen for a scan in around an hour!

Nurse did an internal scan and I was prepared for the worst because she went quiet for ages and then asked if I was sure about my dates.

Then she confirmed she could see a heartbeat and not one but TWO sacs.. which could mean non identical twins! She could see something in 2nd sac but didn't find 2nd heartbeat but said I am only 6 weeks so could be too early to tell or 2nd baby just a tad smaller.

Getting scanned again next week to see if weve got one or two heartbeats in there!! Dunno what we will do if it's twins but we are excited either way!!

So glad we went to the walk in and feel much more reassured even though I know it's early days. If any of you ladies have worries about bleeding definitely insist to get checked out. It's amazing to see the heartbeat flickering away &#129392;

Oh my goodness bless you!!!! How many weeks did you think you were? That's amazing and so glad you got checked out!!

I thought I was 7 weeks at least, the digital test did say I was less too so I wasn't too sure.

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