July 2017 mummies to be.

2: 00am CNM decides to go to bed
2:30am cat decided CNM's feet are evil and must die
3: 00am CNM loses feeling in arm from trying to sleep on left side
3:30am loses feeling in other arm
5: 00am husband decides to come to bed. Not to sleep, to play on his phone.
5:30am husband is still playing;CNM considers divorce
6: 00am every police car in London passes CNM's window, all sirens blazing. CNM realises husband is blissfully asleep and once again considers divorce, mostly out of jealousy.
6:30am CNM decides to open the easter eggs. Happy Easter everyone!
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2am!!?? I can't remember the last time I saw that time of day! lol.. I'm falling asleep by 8pm!

I get your frustration with the phone thing, my OH does that, there's nothing more relaxing then dozing off to a phone screen is there? Not!

Happy Easter everyone!

Aurora if you're about I have a GD question, do you have a snack before bed to help blood sugars for fasting? Been reading up that snack before bed can help reduce them as that's the only bloods I'm having problems with all the rest are fully stable xxx

I know you didn't ask me but in my case i don't eat anything after dinner around 6pm. I just drink after that time as I find it raises mine. Are they always higher in the morning? I find an unsettled night raises mine - if I have been up and down with my daughter, the diabetic midwife says this is due to my body producing extra sugar to keep waking me up, could it be the same for you?
Ladies the sciatic you're feeling is most probably not disc herniation (spinal) but a result of the relaxin on the muscles of the sacrum.

Basically we have a large muscle in our hip called the piriformus which both allows the leg to pivot outwards and prevents the leg from pivoting outwards (or bowing the knee)

It's really important that the knees don't bow outwards because it causes extreme pain and irreversible damage.

So when our hips loosen (as they do so we can give birth) the piriformus tightens, to stop the leg from bowing.

This tightening presses on the sciatic nerve and gives the results listed, pain in hip/lower back, some referred leg pain and even loss of sensation.

The best thing you can do is wear a thick belt or scarf around your hips which add support and allows the piriformus to relax.

There are strengthening exercises but they're best left til after birth
Shall we do a mass tri 3 move?

Maybe in the next few days? Not much point without you lot
I think you should all move over to tri 3. Its so quite over there with out all of you to talk 2.
Good to go - I'll be six months on wed, so I think that can be counted as tri 3. I'm still not totally sure which thread to use though...
Well the june mummies are the ones who use the june/july thread and the july mummies are on the july thread.
Having some strong braxton hicks. They are not painfull just making me uncomfortable as if it wasn't bad enough that i can't eat any easter eggs or hot cross buns.

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