January 2019 testing

Welcome to the forum Chelle.
I had a chemical back in November was hoping to fall in December but sadly never so holding out for a January/February positive.
Baby dust to you x

Id never heard of it before! It was so hard to come to terms with it. But feeling positive!

Good luck to you for next test!
Seems to have finished too, but only today. So glad i can now look forward to this cycle :) Will start taking my temps in the morning up until ov!
I will be DTD every other too until i get my positive opk! x
My last day of Af today also so glad
Welcome new members!
And loving the new pictures ladies, although I was very confused when I scrolled through this thread!

Walked in tonight and whiffed something and out of nowhere was a little bit sick. Not much but was gagging for quite a while :rotfl: no idea what I smelled, my house doesn’t smell bad (!) but something caught me off guard! Very strange.
Resisting urge to test again until Saturday morning, give that line the best chance <3
Welcome new members!
And loving the new pictures ladies, although I was very confused when I scrolled through this thread!

Walked in tonight and whiffed something and out of nowhere was a little bit sick. Not much but was gagging for quite a while :rotfl: no idea what I smelled, my house doesn’t smell bad (!) but something caught me off guard! Very strange.
Resisting urge to test again until Saturday morning, give that line the best chance <3

Every time I’ve had a positive my sense of smell has been ridiculous, I was having a conversation with someone once and had to walk away because I could literally smell their hands! It was crazy!

I hope it’s a good sign for you! Xx
I could give you a very long list of the crazy stuff that I am trying this cycle. Head over to my journal, I have listed them all over on there. Xx

Haha ok!

Part of me wants to try anything and then I think of the people who eat processed/junk food 24/7, drink alcohol constantly, smoke drugs, are skinny or overweight and still get pregnant. Soooooo lol
Every time I’ve had a positive my sense of smell has been ridiculous, I was having a conversation with someone once and had to walk away because I could literally smell their hands! It was crazy!

I hope it’s a good sign for you! Xx
Fingers crossed my line gets darker! I had awful sickness with my miscarriage pregnancy and ot was a similar smell that used to set me off so I’m hoping this is a good sign!
Testing again saturday so we’ll see! Xx
BBT! so i taken temp today and shot up .Last 2-3 days been down as been unwell tooth ache / absess.. has it shot up because i perhaps have more of a fever then i did yday? Or because i had a fever last 2-3 days and now it passed?
When i say shot up i mean 0.40 up.
I still have this lump / toothpain so am confused
What a horrible few days its been for me :(
Well my plan of starting to temp this morning didn’t go to plan. I must have been in a very deep sleep, I didn’t even hear the OH get up at 5am and I jumped up at 6.30 when my alarm went off and completely forgot about it.
I think I’ll start on Monday now, no point starting on the weekend as I am planning to lay in :)
I’ll be CD10 Monday, and I’ll be starting my opks then too so many a good idea to start them both together anyway.
Haha ok!

Part of me wants to try anything and then I think of the people who eat processed/junk food 24/7, drink alcohol constantly, smoke drugs, are skinny or overweight and still get pregnant. Soooooo lol
I feel you xoxo!
I think this all the time! It’s not fair xx
Fingers crossed my line gets darker! I had awful sickness with my miscarriage pregnancy and ot was a similar smell that used to set me off so I’m hoping this is a good sign!
Testing again saturday so we’ll see! Xx
Just echoeing what I wrote on your journal but I have everything crossed for you that you see that blazing line tomorrow morning. I’ll be checking in first thing :dust: xx
Well my plan of starting to temp this morning didn’t go to plan. I must have been in a very deep sleep, I didn’t even hear the OH get up at 5am and I jumped up at 6.30 when my alarm went off and completely forgot about it.
I think I’ll start on Monday now, no point starting on the weekend as I am planning to lay in :)
I’ll be CD10 Monday, and I’ll be starting my opks then too so many a good idea to start them both together anyway.

I’m CD8 today so I guess we are about the same point in our cycle. I might try temping from next cycle as I guess it’s best to do from cd1 until you notice a pattern?

I’m also going to try OPKs again this month, I highly doubt I’ll get a positive I’ve never ovulated two months on the trot but worth a go I guess and at least I might have some idea whether I’m up for a 32 or 63 day cycle! X
I’m CD8 today so I guess we are about the same point in our cycle. I might try temping from next cycle as I guess it’s best to do from cd1 until you notice a pattern?

I’m also going to try OPKs again this month, I highly doubt I’ll get a positive I’ve never ovulated two months on the trot but worth a go I guess and at least I might have some idea whether I’m up for a 32 or 63 day cycle! X
If you haven't temped before then it probably is best that you start from CD1, i am just temping so i can confirm ov, then i will stop. But if you purely want to temp just so you can confirm ov to its not too late for you to start?!
I think opk's are definitely worth using even thought the cheapies last cycle didn't give me a positive. xx
If you haven't temped before then it probably is best that you start from CD1, i am just temping so i can confirm ov, then i will stop. But if you purely want to temp just so you can confirm ov to its not too late for you to start?!
I think opk's are definitely worth using even thought the cheapies last cycle didn't give me a positive. xx

I’ve bought it! I’ll let you know how I get on with it xx
AF here for me this morning, right on time :(

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