**January 2018 Mummies, New year Babies**

Oooo mystery great news that you've had your scan and heard the heartbeat.

Exciting Carly and selina!! Wish it was next week and it would be mine tomorrow! Only 8 days to wait... :)
We need a thread for all our scans together ,

Hope the scan will help with your anxiety Carly, and you feel better soon Xx

Thank you lovely x
Loving all the scan photos - finally time is moving on?!

I've temporarily admitted defeat with my insane work/life schedule. I'm going into work for lunchtime today, Zachary has had a temperature for the last 24hrs so I decided he needed his mummy and mummy needed to slow down. It's been such a struggle in the morning getting up, ready, lugging Zachary to the necessary form of childcare, I've been struggling more than i've let on. Last week, my rather kind boss, offered for me to come in later if he is in as well. So, I've arranged to go in later today. You don't get any extra marks for being a hero do you after all?! Me and Zac will be going to Grandma's for about 10am, then i'll go to work for about 11:30am.

Fortunately, me and my OH have 6 weeks off - my OH breaks up a week on Friday (14th), and I break up on the 19th so we haven't got much longer to muddle through, thankfully.

We've booked a private gender scan for the end of July, which i'm excited about. Trying not to wish time away, but I can't wait as then we can get ideas rolling on the nursery & items that we need to buy.

Hope everyone is feeling well or better today!

Alipops x
Good luck with any scans today.

JCT yes I've had a pounding head the last few days, maybe a hormone surge or something.

Ali sounds like you're doing the right thing taking some time. It's hard juggling everything isn't it.least you're both off for the summer, I finish on the 20th. Gender scan will be exciting. I'm still convincing myself I want a surprise .. :)

Shattered today, the sleepiness has hit with a bang! Could sleep all day! :(

Anyone that's further along, are we starting a tri 2 thread? Xxx
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Good luck with any scans today.

JCT yes I've had a pounding head the last few days, maybe a hormone surge or something.

Ali sounds like you're doing the right thing taking some time. It's hard juggling everything isn't it.least you're both off for the summer, I finish on the 20th. Gender scan will be exciting. I'm still convincing myself I want a surprise .. :)

Shattered today, the sleepiness has hit with a bang! Could sleep all day! :(

Anyone that's further along, are we starting a tri 2 thread? Xxx

I think we should start a Tri2 thread shortly - i'll be 13 weeks tomorrow.
Done ladies Tri 2 thread up and running woot woot

Ooo this is fabulous ! :) so exciting. I'll join over after my scan next week...

Anyone started to tell people? I'm still really Anxious about the announcement, I know my family will judge being baby number 5. It's really sad :( I'll feel better once it's all out there!
Done ladies Tri 2 thread up and running woot woot

Ooo this is fabulous ! :) so exciting. I'll join over after my scan next week...

Anyone started to tell people? I'm still really Anxious about the announcement, I know my family will judge being baby number 5. It's really sad :( I'll feel better once it's all out there!

Aw sorry you are feeling worried about your happy announcement! Maybe give the announcement with an advisory that you are not open to opinions, and can everyone please at least act as happy as you are.
:sad: Not the time for anyone to judge your decisions. You have been blessed and will clearly have reservations and concerns of your own, you don't need any more negativity xx
Think week 14 is the official start but we have a few ladies getting close to that now. I just did my announcements the day I had the 12 week scan and all was well
Glad your announcement went well mystery! Part of me wants to just send them a pic of the scan photo and say "our happy news" or something, and just leave them to judge away... it's a shame. They might surprise us, never know.

Thanks Carly, at least most people will be happy and understanding, it'll only be select few, including my mother ! :/ crazy though, as we have a homeand jobs and kids are fine and settled we don't rely on anyone. They will be happy in the end, so hopefully they will be from the beginning.

Think it's 13 weeks for tri 2, but I don't think it matters on the exact date , I was just going to move over after the scan. Some ladies will be 13 weeks already anyway. Exciting! Xx
Ooo me and Oh going to see the latest transformers film tonight :)
Oh enjoy! Dont think i have been to cinema since i was pregnant with number 1. In fact weve never been on a date since then either!!

Only really left him with a friend round the corner while i nipped to dentist.

My son (15 months)has just slept through 2 nights (first time ever to sleep through) and i imagine we might need to leave him with family as practice before i give birth so maybe we'll have a date before number 2. I know ill be beside myself to leave him, im about as worried about that as i am giving birth!!!

Completely rational :rofl:
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I feel like such a crazy person, after wishing I didn't feel sick and headachy, today I've felt great and all I can do is wonder if all is ok with the baby !!!
Sugar I'm terrified about telling my parents and inlaws!!! This is pregnancy number 4 for us though we have two little boys at home and have depended on grandparents for childcare pre school age. Hopefully all going well with oh new business I won't have to go back to work! But ever since we got married in April my mum has assumed our family is done! Room for one more I'd say :)
Any ideas on gently breaking the news?
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I was worried that family with judge us for having 4th, but really there's nothing to judge. My husband has a decent job, we have a nice house, car and the 3 children we have never want for anything. I was quite suprised at how supportive people have been. There's been the odd comment about getting a tv from jealous people, but everyone else has surprised me.
Sugar I'm terrified about telling my parents and inlaws!!! This is pregnancy number 4 for us though we have two little boys at home and have depended on grandparents for childcare pre school age. Hopefully all going well with oh new business I won't have to go back to work! But ever since we got married in April my mum has assumed our family is done! Room for one more I'd say :)
Any ideas on gently breaking the news?

I am in exactly the same position as mum does most of my child care (I work 3 X 5hr days a week). My parents def assumed we were done after our two boys so I was quite nervous about telling them about number 3. It was actually taken out of my hands as I've had HG so had to tell mum very early as needed her help. She didn't seem too thrilled to start with but has been fab since and has helped me out so much the last few weeks. We said she didn't have to continue providing childcare if she's had enough, but she said we can work it out. If I go back to my same job it should mean she'll only have the baby to look after as I'm back in time for school pick up. I'm going to have a think about what is best to do when on mat leave. We can't afford for me not to work but I could prob manage with me doing less hours if my work would agree. I think the thing is to make it clear you are not presuming they'll continue to give you childcare. X
So I was supposed to be 12 weeks and 4 days along today.. But baby measured at 13 weeks exactly! Baby was laying on its front and was all curled up into a ball so we could not get a good image. I had to go for a walk and have a bit of a jiggle around - jump up and down and vigorously shake my hips to get baby to try and move. Thankfully baby did as when we went back 10 minutes later baby was on its back kicking its legs around! The thickness of the neck measured negative for down syndrome - just waiting for the results of my blood test that I had alongside to confirm. I've attached a photo of our lovely little bean x


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Awh brill Marie!!

Thats me off for my second scan this am... Managed to get up in time i think as i have to get me and baby ready amd husband to work and miss rush hour traffic. So ill no doubt arrive early and have to have breakfast at the hospital!

So this is my second 12 week scan hope im not measuring massively behind again!! Looking fwd to getting a date today but mostly want to see a healthy looking scan!!
So I was supposed to be 12 weeks and 4 days along today.. But baby measured at 13 weeks exactly! Baby was laying on its front and was all curled up into a ball so we could not get a good image. I had to go for a walk and have a bit of a jiggle around - jump up and down and vigorously shake my hips to get baby to try and move. Thankfully baby did as when we went back 10 minutes later baby was on its back kicking its legs around! The thickness of the neck measured negative for down syndrome - just waiting for the results of my blood test that I had alongside to confirm. I've attached a photo of our lovely little bean x

What a lovely picture! Your dates have fallen back in line, cause I remember you were a week ahead of me when we got our BFP. that's great though, not as long to wait :dance:
I have mine at 10.20am today. I'm so excited but so nervous too xx

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