**January 2018 Mummies, New year Babies**

Ronnie - you're in the same boat as me! I'm still waiting and it's driving me mad! Hoping for a date on Monday when I see the midwife.
I feel like I'm having to wait forever for a scan as well. Mine isn't until I'm 14+1!! I've booked one privately for 11+3 because I just can't wait xxxx
Oh that's really late girls! I was 13 weeks with my last one and felt forever! I thought they had to do them before 13+6? I'm praying this weekend goes fast, which I know I shouldn't be wishing time Away but I'm just so anxious and ready for my scan Tuesday! :) then I can give OH a break from the count down! Or find something else ! Haha. I'm trying to decide if not finding out the gender is the right decision, I have had 3 surprises and loved that, but can't help thinking practically. . Hmmmm. Xx
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My pregnancy app asked me for a month 4 photograph so I thought I'd share it here too.

I feel like a wardrobe already lol!!


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Yeah it definitely should be before 13+6. I was furious but felt petty whinging about 2 days! It's so annoying. Anything much beyond 12 weeks was going to wind me up I think anyway.

Love the photo Marie

I just had mine at 13 + 6. I queried the lateness with the sonographer as was concerned about being right on the last day for the NT testing, but she said they offer them (and the NT testing if wanted) up to 14 + 1. X
Wow what a bump I really have nothing yet lol apparently my uterus tips backwards so won't see bump for a while and placenta is planted squarely at the front so won't feel movement till later either :(
Ahh that's interesting Hoping! I had been thinking that if I changed my mind about the testing it would be too late anyway. I am sure the scan was worth the wait - did you see a lot at 13+6? Xxx
Ahh that's interesting Hoping! I had been thinking that if I changed my mind about the testing it would be too late anyway. I am sure the scan was worth the wait - did you see a lot at 13+6? Xxx

Yes I would say it was a lot more developed than at 12 weeks, and much clearer, particularly the arms and legs - I could see the little feet so clearly! And the bonus is less time to wait till my next scan at 20 weeks! I'd had private scans at 8 weeks and 12 weeks due to bleeding, so they are being nicely spaced out.

I've got a huge bump already at 14 + 2...I'm not surprised as its my 3rd but there's no hiding it now!! X
I've developed a hard bump this week :love:

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Oooo fab bump Carly! forgot to ask, what due date did they give you? And did you get your 20 week scan date? We usually do at our hospital at the 12 week scan.

I've got abit of a proper bump popping out!feeling rotten today , over done it this weekend and feel achy and full of cold :(

But, YAY ... 1 more sleep! Scan day tomorrow!! :) 8:40am aswel so no waiting. I'll be 12+ 5 approx. Xx
Oooo fab bump Carly! forgot to ask, what due date did they give you? And did you get your 20 week scan date? We usually do at our hospital at the 12 week scan.

I've got abit of a proper bump popping out!feeling rotten today , over done it this weekend and feel achy and full of cold :(

But, YAY ... 1 more sleep! Scan day tomorrow!! :) 8:40am aswel so no waiting. I'll be 12+ 5 approx. Xx

21/1/18 is the due date they've given me. 25th August for my 20 week :) got our private gender scan on the 12th August though can't wait. Can't wait to see your scan pic Natalie, let us know how you go xx
I've got one more sleep until our scan too! Very nervous indeed despite having had two scans already. We're not having the NT test and never have but I worry enough! I'm interested to hear what edd comes from this one as my last scan she measured baby a bit bigger than dates.
Oh that's great. It's a good feeling when you get to the dating scan, with an official date, and can think about announcements. Can't believe we've made it, time was really dragging..

We're hoping to go on holiday the 29th August so hoping my 20 week scan is before then. I'll update you all tomorrow don't worry. I'm going to be so excited tonight, and nervous incase anything is wrong (trying to stay positive though) , having a full bladder is going to be the hard part , as I must wee 75 times a night! Haha x
Good look tomorrow too megs, what time is yours? How far along do you think you'll be? Xx
Is any one else's feet hurting? I can wake up in the morning and they are sore before I even get out of bed lol not fun
I had my scan on Thursday! This is our first baby so quite surreal! They kept turning their back to us so I had to wiggle around loads to allow her to take measurements haha. I was dated 12+4 then (one day further than I thought) so my due date has changed to the 14th of Jan! Baby looked great which was a relief as I've been so sick and unable to keep vitamins down! On scan day I was sick 14 times and feel like death
Good luck tomorrow megs and sugar, post pics of your scans :-) mine is Wednesday... so exciting and nerve wracking at the same time

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