**January 2018 Mummies, New year Babies**

By dates so far, I am 6 weeks today :) still feels surreal , I go from feeling fine to not , in an instant. Last night I heaved at my fave chicken dish , while we were out with friends , so I had to eat it as they don't know! Anyone else just fancying a chocolate chip muffin for breakfast ... or is that just me :) :) ha ha xx
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Oh yum, I could go a chocolate chip muffin. I have been eating a lot of coco pops this weekend. Felt really ill this morning, don't know what it is about Monday mornings. I've got to be up at 4.30am on Thursday for a flight with work so I'm not looking forward to that, wonder if I should get travel sickness bands just in case?

DS has hand foot and mouth so I've been housebound all weekend! x

So I had some cheapie strips and just for fun wanted to test! This is what they looked like! Blue one is pregnancy test and purple is ovulation test. Pretty pointless but I like how dark the lines are, a little reassurance :) even if a little crazy! :) haha
Love coco pops too! I am finding chocolate easy to eat lately and I'm not usually a chocolate person. Struggling with savoury, although still managing spicy things. Going to have tomato soup for dinner as I really fancy it, and think I'd heave at a sandwich or jacket potato or something....
oh no hope your boy gets better soon belfa.
My neighbours have had builders in since 8:30, hammering constantly. My little boy usually has a morning nap too, I've just put him down and hoping he still manages it. :(
Thanks justme, I am reassured by the dark lines, but can't wait for a scan! Desperate to see a little heart beat :) xxx
Hi Ladies,

I haven't been on in ages. Looks like I've missed loads! I hope everyone is ok and not suffering too much with sickness?!
I don't have many symptoms apart from sore boobs and bloating.
We had an early scan Friday after MC In December. All looks fine so far, baby is where they are supposed to and with a heartbeat, you could even make out the shape, its so mad! I was so relieved as when I had a scan in December it was put down to pregnancy of unknown location as they couldn't find the baby.. So I was a bit concerned about possible ectopic..

Is anybody else having an early scan?

Hey Clare. Fab news on the scan. We're having an early scan, can't wait to see and check if all is ok. It's worrying at the beginning ! My symptoms come and go on a daily basis. My boobs don't feel as sore today, but by evening they're usually hurting more and I keep having leg cramps bloating and indigestion. Xx
I'm having an early scan too at 6-7 weeks. My OH is contacting the fertility clinic today so waiting to hear how that goes.
Thanks Sugar! When is your scan? my symptoms come and go too, one day I'll feel a bit sick then the next day completely normal..Sore boobs and bloating seem to be there most days but to varying degrees! It is a worry in the early days isnt it..

Ah good luck with your early scan Emma..I hope all is ok x
How do you go about having an early scan x

I had mine due to a miscarriage in December. Where I live, if you have an MC, they automatically scan you early in your next pregnancy to check all is ok..
I know some Ladies book early scans privately for reassurance though.. Lots of places do it x
Haha oh the peeing thing :lol: I get up so often and the majority of the time I don't have a full bladder it's a tiny bit of pee but the urgency gets annoying :wall: I'm having an early scan at around 8 weeks due to the previous mc hoping I can hear and see the heartbeat
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I think I lay for 2 hours last night trying to go back to sleep rather than go to the loo as I knew I didn't REALLY need. Eventually gave in and went and yup, hardly anything to pass!
Haha, I had the exact same thing last night! Lay there having an internal battle with myself about if I really needed to go!! Ah fingers crossed all will be good with your early scan Mystery x
Well ladies I have early scan booked for Wednesday, really looking forward to it but really nervous as well

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