**January 2018 Mummies, New year Babies**

JCT I think 5 weeks is definitely early enough not to see anything. If the doctor wasn't worried the I'd take that as a positive sign xx

Hello, I'm tentatively edging in to tri one! I got my Bfp yesterday and what a shock that was!
So I'm not exactly sure of my due date since my cycles are a bit variable but I'm guessing sometime between 18th and 23rd of Jan.
Looking forward to seeing all you ladies through the trimesters! X
Had bad cramping this morning so went in to the hospital. They did a scan and said they could see an empty sac of approx 5 weeks. I have to go back in 10 days to the epu. Is it normal for the sac to appear empty at this stage?? So scared! The doctor didn't seem worried but I had a miscarriage last time so I'm terrified it's happening again :-(

I definitely dont think you would see anymore at 5 weeks hun so try to be reassured that the dr wasnt too worried. I hope your cramping isnttoo painful but sometimes its a good sign that baby is getting comfy! Xx
Symptoms ladies? Mine seem to have gone other than big boobs and being starving! X
My heart just feels like it's fluttering all the time! Google says this is normal, anyone else??? X
Symptoms ladies? Mine seem to have gone other than big boobs and being starving! X

My symptoms seemed to disappear around the time you are now, however today they are back with a vengeance :shock: can't even eat, gone right off everything. All I've really had today is water because I feel so sick!! Make the most of it for now I say :)
My biggest symptom seems to be that I can't seem to stay a comfortable temperature. I'm either too hot or too cold. It's weird! Also very tired still, sore boobs and nausea. No sickness yet (thank goodness) and the bloating seems to have gone now. Yet!
Welcome Megs and congratulations!
Hey ladies. I'll update everyone as soon as I can. Unfortunately my granddad has been taken to hospital and were saying our goodbyes. I'll jump back on the forum when things have calmed down. Congrats to the newbies ����
Hello, I'm tentatively edging in to tri one! I got my Bfp yesterday and what a shock that was!
So I'm not exactly sure of my due date since my cycles are a bit variable but I'm guessing sometime between 18th and 23rd of Jan.
Looking forward to seeing all you ladies through the trimesters! X

OMG, Meg!! HI!!
Hey ladies. I'll update everyone as soon as I can. Unfortunately my granddad has been taken to hospital and were saying our goodbyes. I'll jump back on the forum when things have calmed down. Congrats to the newbies ����

So sorry lulla good luck with everything I'm praying for you and your family 😞
Hey ladies. I'll update everyone as soon as I can. Unfortunately my granddad has been taken to hospital and were saying our goodbyes. I'll jump back on the forum when things have calmed down. Congrats to the newbies ����

Sorry to hear your sad news lulla bell :sad: xx
Morning All,

Firstly, hello to all those who have joined since I was last around! Lulla - thinking of you.

Sorry I haven't been around much this week, had a very busy and slightly emotional time at work this week. Won't bore you too much with the details but brief outline....

I'm a Deputy Head. I told my Head (also a v good personal friend) that I was pregnant. Asked him to keep it quiet as at that time I was only just 4 weeks. Then this week, I found out he'd told the ultimate God within our Academy. I felt so upset and betrayed. I couldn't speak to him for an entire day, really thought that was it, I was going to look for something else as I couldn't believe he'd told when i'd asked him not to. Anyway, we had a big meeting/discussion/rant yesterday and have managed to clear the air. But, obviously, being upset/emotional/hormonal, it was all very draining and tear-filled!

Anyhow, on more happier things:

- On Monday, I've got some time off work to go and look at our local preschool for my little boy [Zac] who will be three in August. Hoping to move him there from his current nursery, as the preschool are offering wrap around care and it's literally 5 min walk from our house.

- Next Friday (I'll be 7 weeks) I have my booking in appointment with the Midwife. I'm looking forward to this, get the ball rolling and then within the week I should have a scan date/time. I'm predicted this will be end of June/First week of July.

Symptom wise it's all a bit hit and miss. This week, some days i've felt starving until tea time, then I feel sick. My boobs are heavier than they've ever been, literally. I feel like no matter how many times I wash my hair, it's still greasy and yuk. I'm tired - that's the only constant symptom I have!

So pleased it's the weekend - time to chill a little bit - no great plans, which I love!

Alipops x
Hey all, I'm new here and got my BFP on Thursday. I'm due 26th January.
Scan was all fine
Saw the heartbeat, was like a little feather flickering away!!
She calculated me as 6w1d instead of 6w6d.
Had to do internal as well as abdominal to see if she could see any better. All is fine though no problems and a strong little heartbeat xx

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