**January 2018 Mummies, New year Babies**

Fab news mariexo. Welcome emma and Ali! Ali, glad things have settled down for you, and enjoy the weekend! Xx
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That's great Mariexo congrats:)

So far I've got bloating (badly) I already look 5 months along not 5 weeks. Tiredness, some nausea ( only when I'm eating or immediately after) gas, huge sore boobs I had to go out and buy maternity bras already. None of my pants fit so I need to buy one of those belly sock things so no one can see they are unbuttoned and unzipped :lol: emotional, crying at silly things.
On a plus note I'm feeling a little less terrified of losing it every day since I'm now passed the point I lost the last one
Ive been asleep for 3 hours, I was so so tired, now I'm awake I feel so hot and sick. Poor Husband, I've gone for a nap instead of supermarket and now he has no tea! Didn't think I'd nap quite that long :lol:
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Oops Carly! Haha. I could nap every day at the moment too. I promise you it doesn't stay like this :) we will all hopefully feel better once over in tri 2. Eeeek :) xx
I had an epic nap today too! To be fair, I didn't get much sleep as I had to pick DH up from a night out and he snored all night and I went to the loo 4 times!

I had an epic nap today too! To be fair, I didn't get much sleep as I had to pick DH up from a night out and he snored all night and I went to the loo 4 times!

They're a nightmare aren't they!! I wake the OH up several times a night to ask him to sleep on his side, snores like a train. In his sleep he says to me the other night, "baby you're so unreasonable, I'm just trying to sleep".. :lol: about wet myself laughing, said it in such a funny voice x
So pleased i'm not the only one napping!
Don't get chance in the week, so I found myself fast asleep for over an hour on the sofa earlier.
Already contemplating going to bed now - although I keep waking up early, 5:30am - which is very annoying.
OMG, Meg!! HI!!

HI!! :wave: me again, hehe.

On symptoms, I've already some nippy pelvic pain which has crept in super early this time. I'm hoping it settles soon as I'm doing a sponsored hike in a few weeks!
I'd love to be able to nap but our boys are full of energy and I usually end up falling asleep trying to get our two year old to settle!
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I know the nap feeling ladies

I napped earlier for 4 hours!!
Sooo... think I'm starting with another joyous pregnancy symptom - thrush - !! Fuck sake! :( and I'm constantly telling my OH to roll over on his side, and we had an argument this morning because the kids have been up early both days over the weekend and an extra half hour in bed this morning would've been nice, but he laid in bed while I got up with them again! And then he went to work at 8:30. I know he's working but he knows I haven't been sleeping and he was awake anyway, just laid there .. I kept going up and making noise around him , turning light on and opening the window and curtains! Haha. Men !:wall2: my sickness is really kicking in, I'm struggling with things.. oh and putting petrol in the car yesterday made me heave! :(
Sooo... think I'm starting with another joyous pregnancy symptom - thrush - !! Fuck sake! :( and I'm constantly telling my OH to roll over on his side, and we had an argument this morning because the kids have been up early both days over the weekend and an extra half hour in bed this morning would've been nice, but he laid in bed while I got up with them again! And then he went to work at 8:30. I know he's working but he knows I haven't been sleeping and he was awake anyway, just laid there .. I kept going up and making noise around him , turning light on and opening the window and curtains! Haha. Men !:wall2: my sickness is really kicking in, I'm struggling with things.. oh and putting petrol in the car yesterday made me heave! :(

Think I'm starting with it too :sad: I got some cream last month from the doctors cause I started with it then. Cleared it up in about a day or two. All this extra fluid down there isn't helping, wearing liners everyday 🙈
Carly, the things we go through!! :) I can't wait until we're all having our scans .. ! It's dragging already!! :(
I know how you feel about the dragging. Time seems to have slowed right down. My first scan feels like an age away!
Hey ladies Im jumping for a second, Im on my phone and its hard to go back through all the message could someone please just comment the new ladies names and their due dates and ill update as soon as I can.
thanks ladies, and sorry again xx
I'm sat in the dark. My head is absolutely killing me! Had a headache, pretty much on and off since yesterday afternoon. Had two paracetamols last night as I was desperate, they haven't really done much.

I've drank loads of water to see if that helps, and had a huge nap. But still my headaches. *Sighs* don't remember this from last time I was pregnant!
What a week! Went on a work trip to Europe, and had my first bout of sickness......on the bloody plane home.. ! Made it to the loo at the back of the plane but just dry heaved really badly. I've not had anything that dramatic since, but I've had a few mildly nauseous moments... boobs are really beginning to hurt now.

Then the day after I got back from Europe, I had quite obvious dark brown spotting, made my heart leap into my throat, but I called the birth centre duty MW who said, agai, that spotting is common in the first trimester and unless it persisted, got heavier, got obviously bright red or was accompanied by pain, I shouldn't worry....was still scary though. It's pretty much stopped since then..

Then I went to visit my dad for the weekend and he wanted to go out taking photos but I was so exhausted, especially when we got home, I was so tired I felt sick!! Also felt very anxious and wanted to cry for no reason....

.. 6+1 and 20 days to my early scan..... no ones said pregnancy was such a rollercoaster of emotion! ��
Exhausted, nausea, boobs are massive and sore but I feel like this one going to stick I feel good, and even tho I complain about how crappy I feel at the time I'd rather feel crappy knowing that means baby is still doing good in there than feel nothing and not know :dance:

Oh and new symptom today I'm so dizzy ugh that just makes the nausea worse
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Trying to get to sleep but just can't because up every 5 minutes for a wee!!! God damn!!

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