Has anyone had their hcg tested? Mine was done today via blood test (had some cramping last night so they wanted to check) and it's come back at 5w4d at 18,639!!!
Now they want to do a scan tomorrow to see if there's a reason why it's so high!! My dates are correct as I was temping and using OPK's (cheapies and CB digi that both gave positive on the same day).
Just wondering if anyone else has had theirs tested as a comparison?
Has anyone had their hcg tested? Mine was done today via blood test (had some cramping last night so they wanted to check) and it's come back at 5w4d at 18,639!!!
Now they want to do a scan tomorrow to see if there's a reason why it's so high!! My dates are correct as I was temping and using OPK's (cheapies and CB digi that both gave positive on the same day).
Just wondering if anyone else has had theirs tested as a comparison?
Ooo are you thinking multiples?!!
Glad scan went well belfa! Ohh lou lou I don't know what my hcg are, have you looked on a website to see normal ranges ? Xx
Glad scan went well belfa! Ohh lou lou I don't know what my hcg are, have you looked on a website to see normal ranges ? Xx
I did google it and 'normal' at this stage is between 18 and 7340....
Where are you from Carly? Every where has different procedures that's all. In my area, we tend to go straight to see the midwife around 8 weeks, skip the gp entirely. At that 8 weeks (approx) appointment , there is paperwork to fill in - green pregnancy notes - and height and weight and blood pressure. Possibly a blood test if history required it. Then 12 week dating scan. I also see a consultant around 12 weeks - (high risk) , this isnt required if all is well with your medical history. Then midwife at 16 weeks, usually bloods and tests then. There will be an appointment for midwife every 4 weeks, unless it's the 12 and 20 week scan. And anything extra as the pregnancy progresses. But every is slightly different , you will probably find out at your first appointment / or the phone call.![]()
Sorry I can't help with your process Carly as I'm in Scotland and we have a similar procedure to Sugar (where are you from Sugar?). We call a central booking line when we get a BFP and get everything booked in at once.
You can probably get your midwife's number from your GP? x
I don't have a midwife, haven't seen her yet, wouldn't be seeing her until 8 weeks usually. We only tend to have one or two at our health centre and my sons only 1 , so I was hoping it was the same lady I had last time! I just wanted to ring for reassurance, I had to make an appointment to speak to her via reception desk. But on the booking app she will give you her mobile number on your notes. (Usually) . I have had a colposcopy, and abnormal cells, And then had them removed, but I wasn't pregnant when I had my procedure, I would say you would need to talk to the midwife about the risks with that procedure during pregnancy, I don't know what the risks are. Try seeing a gp, or ask for phone call off the midwife today if possible. The reception will be able to pass your details on for her. Good luck xx
I am from south Cumbria, belfa. My names Natalie.![]()