**January 2018 Mummies, New year Babies**

Ah congrats Belfa, glad it's all going well!! X
Congratulations Belfa! Glad all is going as it should xx
Has anyone had their hcg tested? Mine was done today via blood test (had some cramping last night so they wanted to check) and it's come back at 5w4d at 18,639!!!

Now they want to do a scan tomorrow to see if there's a reason why it's so high!! My dates are correct as I was temping and using OPK's (cheapies and CB digi that both gave positive on the same day).

Just wondering if anyone else has had theirs tested as a comparison?


Ooo are you thinking multiples?!!
Glad scan went well belfa! Ohh lou lou I don't know what my hcg are, have you looked on a website to see normal ranges ? Xx
Has anyone had their hcg tested? Mine was done today via blood test (had some cramping last night so they wanted to check) and it's come back at 5w4d at 18,639!!!

Now they want to do a scan tomorrow to see if there's a reason why it's so high!! My dates are correct as I was temping and using OPK's (cheapies and CB digi that both gave positive on the same day).

Just wondering if anyone else has had theirs tested as a comparison?


Ooo are you thinking multiples?!!

That has crossed my mind! Hahaha. Eeeeek!

Glad scan went well belfa! Ohh lou lou I don't know what my hcg are, have you looked on a website to see normal ranges ? Xx

I did google it and 'normal' at this stage is between 18 and 7340.... :shock::shock:


Great news Belfa! I haven't had levels tested this time but did last time and mine were super high. Just one bub but probably explains why I had HG as they think it's to do with how your body reacts to pregnancy hormones. Would you like twins?! I keep worrying we will have twins this time...I'm not sure if I could cope as I'm on number 3, lol!! X
I'm unsure as to whether to ring my midwife today. I haven't had a booking app yet but I feel really unwell. I've had to take the day off work. I haven't slept well at all the last few nights, the bloating is really painful and I feel constipation pressure really low down but I don't seem to be constipated. I seem to have a constant headache which I assume is down to not sleeping and hormones. I know this is baby number 5, but I haven't had this early bloat and pain before. But that's not to say it isn't normal. . I'm 5w 4d, approx. Xx
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I don't think it would do any harm to give them a call Sugar. At baby no.5 I'm sure they will listen if you don't feel quite right x
Thanks, I'll give them a call and also take a bath. :)
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This is our first baby, and I am wondering what happens with doctors appointment/ midwife? I called on Wednesday and told them i had a positive result, and they have booked me in for a telephone consultation on Monday? I thought they were supposed to take bloods and confirm the pregnancy etc. From experience can anyone advise?
Where are you from Carly? Every where has different procedures that's all. In my area, we tend to go straight to see the midwife around 8 weeks, skip the gp entirely. At that 8 weeks (approx) appointment , there is paperwork to fill in - green pregnancy notes - and height and weight and blood pressure. Possibly a blood test if history required it. Then 12 week dating scan. I also see a consultant around 12 weeks - (high risk) , this isnt required if all is well with your medical history. Then midwife at 16 weeks, usually bloods and tests then. There will be an appointment for midwife every 4 weeks, unless it's the 12 and 20 week scan. And anything extra as the pregnancy progresses. But every is slightly different , you will probably find out at your first appointment / or the phone call. :)
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Where are you from Carly? Every where has different procedures that's all. In my area, we tend to go straight to see the midwife around 8 weeks, skip the gp entirely. At that 8 weeks (approx) appointment , there is paperwork to fill in - green pregnancy notes - and height and weight and blood pressure. Possibly a blood test if history required it. Then 12 week dating scan. I also see a consultant around 12 weeks - (high risk) , this isnt required if all is well with your medical history. Then midwife at 16 weeks, usually bloods and tests then. There will be an appointment for midwife every 4 weeks, unless it's the 12 and 20 week scan. And anything extra as the pregnancy progresses. But every is slightly different , you will probably find out at your first appointment / or the phone call. :)

Im from Leicester UK, think i am about 5 weeks, though not sure, i was 5 days late on my period before i confirmed it monday. The telephone appointment i have is with the Midwife. Im anxious as i have a colposcopy booked for Monday also, and i am not sure i want them rooting about up there so early on, but i have abnormal cells and HPV so i know it could potentially be something of concern in the future if left untreated. I was hoping id see the midwife prior to it, but shes due to call the same day, so i reckon ill just go to my hospital appointment anyway. i saw you said ring your midwife, and we are about the same weeks along, how do you already have a midwife? x
Sorry I can't help with your process Carly as I'm in Scotland and we have a similar procedure to Sugar (where are you from Sugar?). We call a central booking line when we get a BFP and get everything booked in at once.

You can probably get your midwife's number from your GP? x
Sorry I can't help with your process Carly as I'm in Scotland and we have a similar procedure to Sugar (where are you from Sugar?). We call a central booking line when we get a BFP and get everything booked in at once.

You can probably get your midwife's number from your GP? x

I hate my doctors, the lady on reception is never very helpful. That sounds like a breeze! x
I don't have a midwife, haven't seen her yet, wouldn't be seeing her until 8 weeks usually. We only tend to have one or two at our health centre and my sons only 1 , so I was hoping it was the same lady I had last time! I just wanted to ring for reassurance, I had to make an appointment to speak to her via reception desk. But on the booking app she will give you her mobile number on your notes. (Usually) . I have had a colposcopy, and abnormal cells, And then had them removed, but I wasn't pregnant when I had my procedure, I would say you would need to talk to the midwife about the risks with that procedure during pregnancy, I don't know what the risks are. Try seeing a gp, or ask for phone call off the midwife today if possible. The reception will be able to pass your details on for her. Good luck xx

I am from south Cumbria, belfa. My names Natalie. :)
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Had bad cramping this morning so went in to the hospital. They did a scan and said they could see an empty sac of approx 5 weeks. I have to go back in 10 days to the epu. Is it normal for the sac to appear empty at this stage?? So scared! The doctor didn't seem worried but I had a miscarriage last time so I'm terrified it's happening again :-(


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I don't have a midwife, haven't seen her yet, wouldn't be seeing her until 8 weeks usually. We only tend to have one or two at our health centre and my sons only 1 , so I was hoping it was the same lady I had last time! I just wanted to ring for reassurance, I had to make an appointment to speak to her via reception desk. But on the booking app she will give you her mobile number on your notes. (Usually) . I have had a colposcopy, and abnormal cells, And then had them removed, but I wasn't pregnant when I had my procedure, I would say you would need to talk to the midwife about the risks with that procedure during pregnancy, I don't know what the risks are. Try seeing a gp, or ask for phone call off the midwife today if possible. The reception will be able to pass your details on for her. Good luck xx

I am from south Cumbria, belfa. My names Natalie. :)

Sorry ive misunderstood, you said you was unsure if i you needed to ring 'my midwife' today, i thought like you'd had one assigned.
I am hoping they will let me put it off until after the birth all things being well. I asked for the midwife to call, they just said no she cant call until Monday, and thats when you are booked. they're so unhelpful at my doctors. Ive tried to ring the gyne ward at the hospital, but theres no answer there either. i think ill just go along and see what they say monday.
I am Originally from Preston! Beautiful part of the world cumbria, spent many a wet weekend in the lakes :lol: x
JCT I had early scans in my last pregnancy as I was bleeding heavily. First scan, just looked like a black circle on the screen and I was very worried too!but they weren't. Re - scanned 10 days later and saw a sac without visable heartbeat. Rescanned a week later , clear heartbeat and measured 6w 2 days. Sometimes it's just too early to see anything. I'm sure you will see more at your next appointment. :)

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