**January 2018 Mummies, New year Babies**

Id say it was possibly to do with Doing the deed? Its pretty common to spot after sex, Do you have a midwife yet ? Can you call them?

Yeah I think it might be.

But we dtd at 11pm last night and I didn't start getting this discharge till around 2pm. So could it be to do with that so long after the dtd?

I do have a midwife yes, I called and left a voicemail for her to ring me back as she was not around.

Booked the early scan for Saturday at 12pm - so I'll be 6 weeks and 6 days when I have that. Just looking for the reassurance that everything is ok. Still not had any pain at all, discharge is coming and going, no blood or anything. Xx
Hope your scan goes well, always good to get reassured though I agree with others that it doesn't sound sinister.

I've got my early scan on Thursday thank goodness, the countdown has felt like months not weeks! DH is betting there's 2 in there but I don't think so!

Hello again ladies,
Congratulations to all the ladies who have joined us since I was on here last!
I've been stupidly busy pretty much since I got my BFP with a combination of having SATs at school last week, rehearsals for the school play, the wedding of a close friend coming up this weekend (I'm bridesmaid and I'm singing) and my Mum is retiring in a few months and moving closer to us so was staying with us this weekend to do some house-hunting. I feel like my feet have hardly touched the ground! I'm exhausted but can't decide whether that's a pregnancy thing or just because of the aforementioned busy-ness!
Also getting definite nausea now and still having heartburn and bloating. I have a pregnant friend who has recommended love-hearts for heartburn but I keep forgetting to get any!

Are you a year-six teacher? I work in a middle school and teach year six English, been so stressful!!! Think you need half term round about now! X
Tried the maternity shorts on (FYI they're GAP) and they don't fit at all, no where near being able to do them up! Oh well, back to yeh drawing board!

Slightly concerned...

Went to the loo earlier to have a wee and when I wiped I had a very light pink discharge. When I went for a wee again about half an hour later when I wiped there was nothing there.

Should I be worried at all of this pink discharge that has only been there once so far? OH and I dtd last night so not sure if cervix took some beating or not...

Got some mild twinges in the bottom left hand side of my stomach too...?

Never suffered a MC or anything like that before so not sure what to make of it. Everywhere I have read on the net has told me that pink discharge in early pregnancy is very much normal.

Any advice would be great xx

Just wanted to say, this sounds normal and I know it can happen after sex. Also spotting can happen around 6 weeks. I know you've booked an early scan, and the reassurance will be great for you both. Hope it all goes ok. Xx
Slightly concerned...

Went to the loo earlier to have a wee and when I wiped I had a very light pink discharge. When I went for a wee again about half an hour later when I wiped there was nothing there.

Should I be worried at all of this pink discharge that has only been there once so far? OH and I dtd last night so not sure if cervix took some beating or not...

Got some mild twinges in the bottom left hand side of my stomach too...?

Never suffered a MC or anything like that before so not sure what to make of it. Everywhere I have read on the net has told me that pink discharge in early pregnancy is very much normal.

Any advice would be great xx

Just wanted to say, this sounds normal and I know it can happen after sex. Also spotting can happen around 6 weeks. I know you've booked an early scan, and the reassurance will be great for you both. Hope it all goes ok. Xx

Yeah we seem to be feeling a bit better about it now after reading other people's stories and websites that say that it's normal. The scan will be the best reassurance for us though I think. Minds will be totally at rest after that.

Thank you xx
Hello again ladies,
Congratulations to all the ladies who have joined us since I was on here last!
I've been stupidly busy pretty much since I got my BFP with a combination of having SATs at school last week, rehearsals for the school play, the wedding of a close friend coming up this weekend (I'm bridesmaid and I'm singing) and my Mum is retiring in a few months and moving closer to us so was staying with us this weekend to do some house-hunting. I feel like my feet have hardly touched the ground! I'm exhausted but can't decide whether that's a pregnancy thing or just because of the aforementioned busy-ness!
Also getting definite nausea now and still having heartburn and bloating. I have a pregnant friend who has recommended love-hearts for heartburn but I keep forgetting to get any!

Are you a year-six teacher? I work in a middle school and teach year six English, been so stressful!!! Think you need half term round about now! X

I also teach in a Middle School! What a coincidence. I teach maths and have two year 6 Maths classes. The children were pretty chilled about it. I was feeling the pressure! Yes - more than ready for half term.
What did you think of the English tests this year? I haven't seen them yet but heard they weren't as bad as last year. On the other hand I thought the Maths were a bit harder this year. We had quite a lot of kids not finishing. Just hoping they got the early marks!
Just got back from my scan where I was measured around 5 and half weeks which is accurate based on my ovulation date. Sac and yolk sac seen . I have to go Back in 2 Weeks x
Slightly concerned...

Went to the loo earlier to have a wee and when I wiped I had a very light pink discharge. When I went for a wee again about half an hour later when I wiped there was nothing there.

Should I be worried at all of this pink discharge that has only been there once so far? OH and I dtd last night so not sure if cervix took some beating or not...

Got some mild twinges in the bottom left hand side of my stomach too...?

Never suffered a MC or anything like that before so not sure what to make of it. Everywhere I have read on the net has told me that pink discharge in early pregnancy is very much normal.

Any advice would be great xx

Just wanted to say, this sounds normal and I know it can happen after sex. Also spotting can happen around 6 weeks. I know you've booked an early scan, and the reassurance will be great for you both. Hope it all goes ok. Xx

Yeah we seem to be feeling a bit better about it now after reading other people's stories and websites that say that it's normal. The scan will be the best reassurance for us though I think. Minds will be totally at rest after that.

Thank you xx

Could you contact your local epu as they will scan for free if you have had bleeding?

Slightly concerned...

Went to the loo earlier to have a wee and when I wiped I had a very light pink discharge. When I went for a wee again about half an hour later when I wiped there was nothing there.

Should I be worried at all of this pink discharge that has only been there once so far? OH and I dtd last night so not sure if cervix took some beating or not...

Got some mild twinges in the bottom left hand side of my stomach too...?

Never suffered a MC or anything like that before so not sure what to make of it. Everywhere I have read on the net has told me that pink discharge in early pregnancy is very much normal.

Any advice would be great xx

Just wanted to say, this sounds normal and I know it can happen after sex. Also spotting can happen around 6 weeks. I know you've booked an early scan, and the reassurance will be great for you both. Hope it all goes ok. Xx

Yeah we seem to be feeling a bit better about it now after reading other people's stories and websites that say that it's normal. The scan will be the best reassurance for us though I think. Minds will be totally at rest after that.

Thank you xx

Could you contact your local epu as they will scan for free if you have had bleeding?


It's not bleeding though? It's only a pink discharge...
Had some more pink discharge this morning but not had much else since. Had some period like feelings today as well which I wasn't too worried about as when I first found out I was pg I had those too and that was not accompanied by a discharge or anything. I've read on several websites that period like feelings are normal??

Got my scan on Saturday at 12pm so the reassurance from that will help us I suppose xx
Had some more pink discharge this morning but not had much else since. Had some period like feelings today as well which I wasn't too worried about as when I first found out I was pg I had those too and that was not accompanied by a discharge or anything. I've read on several websites that period like feelings are normal??

Got my scan on Saturday at 12pm so the reassurance from that will help us I suppose xx

I've had the period like cramps since af was due... they seemed to have eased off now which I like :lol:
Hello again ladies,
Congratulations to all the ladies who have joined us since I was on here last!
I've been stupidly busy pretty much since I got my BFP with a combination of having SATs at school last week, rehearsals for the school play, the wedding of a close friend coming up this weekend (I'm bridesmaid and I'm singing) and my Mum is retiring in a few months and moving closer to us so was staying with us this weekend to do some house-hunting. I feel like my feet have hardly touched the ground! I'm exhausted but can't decide whether that's a pregnancy thing or just because of the aforementioned busy-ness!
Also getting definite nausea now and still having heartburn and bloating. I have a pregnant friend who has recommended love-hearts for heartburn but I keep forgetting to get any!

Are you a year-six teacher? I work in a middle school and teach year six English, been so stressful!!! Think you need half term round about now! X

I also teach in a Middle School! What a coincidence. I teach maths and have two year 6 Maths classes. The children were pretty chilled about it. I was feeling the pressure! Yes - more than ready for half term.
What did you think of the English tests this year? I haven't seen them yet but heard they weren't as bad as last year. On the other hand I thought the Maths were a bit harder this year. We had quite a lot of kids not finishing. Just hoping they got the early marks!

English were definitely better, apart from spelling which wasn't nice! Where abouts in the country are you, as middle schools aren't all that common! :) I feel bad that school don't know I'm pregnant as next year's timetable is being considered etc x
English were definitely better, apart from spelling which wasn't nice! Where abouts in the country are you, as middle schools aren't all that common! :) I feel bad that school don't know I'm pregnant as next year's timetable is being considered etc x

I know. I feel quite guilty! I have actually told my head of department who I'm close with anyway but to be honest my school leave timetables until almost the end of term anyway so hoping it will be ok. I'm in Worcestershire. How about you?
Slightly concerned...

Went to the loo earlier to have a wee and when I wiped I had a very light pink discharge. When I went for a wee again about half an hour later when I wiped there was nothing there.

Should I be worried at all of this pink discharge that has only been there once so far? OH and I dtd last night so not sure if cervix took some beating or not...

Got some mild twinges in the bottom left hand side of my stomach too...?

Never suffered a MC or anything like that before so not sure what to make of it. Everywhere I have read on the net has told me that pink discharge in early pregnancy is very much normal.

Any advice would be great xx

Just wanted to say, this sounds normal and I know it can happen after sex. Also spotting can happen around 6 weeks. I know you've booked an early scan, and the reassurance will be great for you both. Hope it all goes ok. Xx

Yeah we seem to be feeling a bit better about it now after reading other people's stories and websites that say that it's normal. The scan will be the best reassurance for us though I think. Minds will be totally at rest after that.

Thank you xx

Could you contact your local epu as they will scan for free if you have had bleeding?


It's not bleeding though? It's only a pink discharge...

Oh ok, my midwife reminded me today that any spotting is completely normal- amost as if she expects it to happen. Hope that reassures you and as yours is only a pink tinged discharge it shoule be fine. She said its normal after sex too as cervix is sensitive due to hormonal changes but also could be implantation bleeding. X
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English were definitely better, apart from spelling which wasn't nice! Where abouts in the country are you, as middle schools aren't all that common! :) I feel bad that school don't know I'm pregnant as next year's timetable is being considered etc x

I know. I feel quite guilty! I have actually told my head of department who I'm close with anyway but to be honest my school leave timetables until almost the end of term anyway so hoping it will be ok. I'm in Worcestershire. How about you?

I'm in Bromsgrove! I think I will tell head of English after my early scan as I don't want her basing the set she gives me on the assumption I will be there for next year's sats. X
How's everyone feeling today? Anyone going to find out the gender? We've decided to keep it a surprise. . After 4 boys we're not really expecting a surprise haha xx
Were keeping it secret too, I've never really wanted to know what were having, My Mum was the same so I guess thats just the norm for me.
Mariexo how is it now?

Is anyone else goign to ask not to be tested for downs?
We want the edwards and patau tests done, But were going to ask for them not to test for downs x

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