*** January 2017 Mummies ***

Thanks for the support ladies, got bloods done this morning, results at 3pm, all fingers and toes crossed!

Congrats to everyone that's just got their BFP :) x
I'm still awating my BFP but Im on my 18dpo and no af yet >_< so I'm due the 14th!
No phone call, stupidly waited til 4pm to investigate by phoning the maternity switchboard to get put thru to EPU, rang out for 30 minutes then automated message to say EPU closed at 4pm!!! Another night of total limbo not knowing what's happening!
Thinking of you Claire, what a crap situation! Hope you get some answers tomorrow.
I had a day of it yesterday! Woke up with a bleed, NHS 24 sent me to out of hours GP miles away, who then eventually sent me to A&E further miles away, then had to wait 12 hour to see the Gyno, had bloods done, checked me out and said the cervix was closed which is a good sign, didn't seem like new blood, then had an internal scan, couldn't see anything at all, said I might not be as far as I thought but everything else looked fine and no sign of ectopic, also good sign that it wasn't painful for them to carry the scan out, waited a further 2 1/2 hours for bloods to come back they said they'd be able to tell more from them either way, they came back and said the hcg levels were in the middle normal region so couldn't say either way what this will mean but didn't say what the normal level was, and said they would phone today to give me another scan date in about a week.

Worried out my mind, went to my own doctors this morning to see if they would do more blood tests or anything in meantime, wish I hadn't bothered after the hospital staff being very positive and saying it was probably all fine all signs were good etc, the GP just said this morning yes it'll be a m/c, can you drive yourself to a+e if it gets worse today please!

Trying my hardest to stay positive now!

I am a nurse. I want to punch your GP in da face :P
Please listen to the A&E staff who actually SAW you and your body, scans and blood work! Do not hesitate to go to A&E again if needed. Keep us posted!

ps: next time I suggest talking to a midwife, most GPs are useless for this stuff, bless them
Sorry to hear what your going through clairedoll

I know I'm only very early at 4 weeks but I'm longing to get some good baby making symptoms after an ectopic in October of last year.

I already have a four year old son and on his pregnancy I had morning sickness from week 3, not that I'm wishing for that but all I have right now is loads of excess wind :shock:

Anyone got symptoms yet?
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Thanks Lucy, fingers crossed for you this time. I'm quite a 'sicky' person, normally I'm sick and faint with my period so my friends have always took the piss out of me saying I'd be the one with morning sickness constantly, so far I've only had the middle of the night insomnia followed by vivid dreams, bigger heavier sore boobs and a crazy sense of smell which can sometimes lead to nausea but no actual sickness! It's crazy but you actually wish for a wee bit of unexplained sickness to make it feel real don't you, lol X
Yes, I'm looking for something, anything lol. No sore boobs yet, but I have been unable to sleep, I was literally awake all last night.
Well I eventually got my results after chasing them up this morning, it was another miscarriage after all. Its my wedding anniversary today so trying to stay positive and move on, chin up, I wish all you ladies the best with your pregnancies xxx
I'm so very sorry to hear that Claire...Such sad news
Well my minimal symptoms seem to have all but vanished, I had slightly sore boobs and at the end of last week it had started to become more noticeable but now it's all pretty much stopped. No other symptoms either so cue a week and a bit of fretting leading up to my scan!

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