*** January 2017 Mummies ***

lol, wasnt being mean xD
I would love to go out shopping! :(

Totally didn't mean you were being mean, sorry if it read that way. I just mean I'm fortunate enough that I can be naive, iyswim...having a loss must really change how you feel when pregnant?

Yup, pretty sure I've lost this one already to. Bfn on tests this morn, having no pregnancy symptoms at all now. So will have to see if i bleed. That'll be 3 losses in 9 months. Think I'm done with it all tbh xx
sorry to hear that peanutbutter. even if you had miscarried, don't the pregnancy hormones stay in your body for a while anyway? I am far from an expert so could be wrong. are you using different tests and at different times of day. you are stille arly so it could be that they are just not picking up the hormone today.
Did asda test this morn had a very very faint line, pretty much non existent. I was using first responce, and superdrug so idk. I started getting faint lines at 5dpo which was 2 weeks ago. So surely I should have good lines on asda tests x
Sorry guys I'm trying to post in another thread but keeps coming up on this one
HI all. when are you all booking in to see the GP. I thought I could just contact the midwife team directly but my GP practice informed me that I have to have a health check up with them first. They booked an appointment for me for the 31st of this month. when I'll be 6 and a half weeks. in my last pregnancy I visited the doctor at 5 weeks, had my midwife appointment before 6 weeks and had my scan date on that appointment. Last time I had my scan at just over 11 weeks which I would prefer this time as it's harder to tell gender and I want it to be a surprise.
I have got midwife appointment on Tuesday with one to one midwives service.
I'm so excited to get date for 12 week scan though. I have booked an early reassurance scan (private) at between 8/9 weeks due to previous miscarriages and also because I'm desperate to see that it's real!!!
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Hi Selina. Yes it doesn't seem real until you see the baby on the scan. I am thinking of booking an early scan between 8 and 9 weeks also. I did that last time and found it reassuring. How old is your other little one? I'm sure I remember you from when I was pregnant before. My Boy was
born on the 1st of February 2015 but was due in the January.
I feel like I've been pregnant forever but I only found out 5 days ago. thought I wouldn't feel as anxious this time around but I do. when did you visit your GP?
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lol, wasnt being mean xD
I would love to go out shopping! :(

Totally didn't mean you were being mean, sorry if it read that way. I just mean I'm fortunate enough that I can be naive, iyswim...having a loss must really change how you feel when pregnant?

Yup, pretty sure I've lost this one already to. Bfn on tests this morn, having no pregnancy symptoms at all now. So will have to see if i bleed. That'll be 3 losses in 9 months. Think I'm done with it all tbh xx

Oh no, my heart sank when I read this :( Keeping everything crossed that the tests are wrong.
I think im out. Had some red blood yesterday. Still feeling sick though. Got a scan next week to check
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ah sorry to hear that emerald. Was there a lot of blood? sometimes blood can be totoally normal.
Hi Selina. Yes it doesn't seem real until you see the baby on the scan. I am thinking of booking an early scan between 8 and 9 weeks also. I did that last time and found it reassuring. How old is your other little one? I'm sure I remember you from when I was pregnant before. My Boy was
born on the 1st of February 2015 but was due in the January.
I feel like I've been pregnant forever but I only found out 5 days ago. thought I wouldn't feel as anxious this time around but I do. when did you visit your GP?

Ahh yes my boy Theo was born on 6th Feb! It's nice we are here together again!!! <3
I haven't seen gp, I self referred to the service. Where do you live? I'll post the link and you can see if they are in your area.


Congratulations! What you doing about a pram? I'm gonna keep my single and use sling and buggy board/seat just swapping them over as required!!! lol! X
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Hi ladies, sorry to hear some of you are having a tough time. I hope things turn out to be ok. I'll add the new ladies to the front page soon, it's been a bit hectic here as we moved house yesterday and are surrounded by boxes and piles of crap! We've got an early scan on Saturday which has been handy being so close to moving as we've been so busy I haven't had too much time to dwell, however I am starting to get that sinking feeling that it'll be bad news, not that I've had any problems but also haven't had hardly any symptoms apart from slightly sore boobs. I just don't feel pregnant like I did with my son. I didn't suffer much sickness really that time round, just nausea occasionally and went off my food, but this time I feel completely normal. I know they say every time is different but it's hard not to worry isn't it! X
Hi please add me! By my dates il be due 22nd Jan! Xxxxx
Yes I'm going to keep my single pram as then hopefully use a sling. I breasfed my first baby (Still am) and wish that I used a sling with him as it's easier to do stuff.

My mother in law has a double buggy that she uses for her grandchildren anyway so I could always borrow that if need be.

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