*** January 2017 Mummies ***

Hi all,

I'm due on 1st January with my first. Exciting!

I have been horribly queasy for the last week or so. And I'm been so gassy... :oooo:

Congratulations to you all.

Hello lovely ladies!!! So excited to be able to join you!!

How are you all feeling? I'm quite crampy, VERY bloated to the point I already look four months along and I could sleep for England! The back pain and boob sensitivity is just starting to properly kick in, too.

This is my second and I'm only 4+1 so I'm wondering if I'm just feeling everything way more since it's my second?!

I'm finding myself quite paranoid of something going wrong this time, too :( I think because we were actively trying and really wanted this it seems to good to be true that I finally got to see that BFP!!

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Ooo didn't know about the ambulance stuff! I suppose they will be monitoring you and the bubba really closely!
Lahlou could of written that post! Mainly about the cramping though. I feel like af is on its way! Hope that's normal! X
I'm just trying to tell myself it's good cos it means things are progressing for bub, Paige!! I keep reading everywhere that cramping is totally normal and actually quite a good sign but still!!

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Ladies if it's any consolation I'm the same! I'm only 4+5 and already sick with nerves and trying to remember did I worry this much last time. Had lots of nasea and sore boobs before AF was even due. Today no nasea, boots not really sore and not too tired and of course worrying now that somethings wrong. God only 8 more months of this worrying lol
Let's keep our fingers crossed. My cramping has ramped up today! Had some pink spotting at the toilet on my loo roll sorry if tmi but really hoping it's just a cervix thing or something! Can't cope with eight more months haha. Someone pass out the chill pills!
Thanks for adding me Cornishfairy!

I did it! He was super pleased thank god!!! :)

We aren't going to tell anyone till out 12wk scan but I think I'll tell my mum on Monday just incase I need any support before then!
I got really bad SPD at 16 wk last time so I'm super nervous! X
Hi Ladies, lovely to meet you all!

This is my first BFP, found out last week, I think i'm due 03/01/17 if I've worked back my dates correctly.
Yay! Glad it went well Selina :)

Hi ClaireDoll! Congratulations! :)
I tried emailing our local private scan studio today to ask about booking an early scan on the 21st when I think I'll be 7+6; last time we had one around the same time although I measured a few days behind. Although I'm not fretting as much this time because I'm so busy with moving house, work and running around after a toddler (to the point I keep forgetting!) I'd still like that reassurance if I can get it. And even though I know it doesn't guarantee everythingstill being OK by the 12 week scan, it's a little boost to see a heartbeat hopefully. Anyone else thinking of having one? Xx
Our private scan is on Saturday. I'll only be 6+5 but we really wanted one before we go away for our wedding and it's the only date we could fit it in. I'm really nervous about it!
That's lovely to hear Selina!

I looked at reassurance scans last night but I can't justify the cost, would love if you ladies would share any scan pictures though! Sickness has kicked in today though which is quite encouraging.

I've been trying out this protein idea and it seems to be working wonders...every time I've felt ill, I've had something really protein-y and felt 100% better. Just had a sausage sandwich which was one of the few things I could eat last pregnancy. It's funny how much my weekly shop has changed the past few weeks - normally it's lots of carbs, veggies, fruit and cake/chocolate...but now it's meaty stuff, eggs and crisps - I've gone right off sweets.

Which vitamins are you all taking? I've got B vitamins + folic acid, vitamin D3, Omega 3 and some Spatone to start taking in the 2nd tri. Took Pregnacare last pregnancy but I think it made me feel sick because of the iron? So I'm trying to have all the essentials for now and add in iron later.
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I had a day of it yesterday! Woke up with a bleed, NHS 24 sent me to out of hours GP miles away, who then eventually sent me to A&E further miles away, then had to wait 12 hour to see the Gyno, had bloods done, checked me out and said the cervix was closed which is a good sign, didn't seem like new blood, then had an internal scan, couldn't see anything at all, said I might not be as far as I thought but everything else looked fine and no sign of ectopic, also good sign that it wasn't painful for them to carry the scan out, waited a further 2 1/2 hours for bloods to come back they said they'd be able to tell more from them either way, they came back and said the hcg levels were in the middle normal region so couldn't say either way what this will mean but didn't say what the normal level was, and said they would phone today to give me another scan date in about a week.

Worried out my mind, went to my own doctors this morning to see if they would do more blood tests or anything in meantime, wish I hadn't bothered after the hospital staff being very positive and saying it was probably all fine all signs were good etc, the GP just said this morning yes it'll be a m/c, can you drive yourself to a+e if it gets worse today please!

Trying my hardest to stay positive now!
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I had a day of it yesterday! Woke up with a bleed, NHS 24 sent me to out of hours GP miles away, who then eventually sent me to A&E further miles away, then had to wait 12 hour to see the Gyno, had bloods done, checked me out and said the cervix was closed which is a good sign, didn't seem like new blood, then had an internal scan, couldn't see anything at all, said I might not be as far as I thought but everything else looked fine and no sign of ectopic, also good sign that it wasn't painful for them to carry the scan out, waited a further 2 1/2 hours for bloods to come back they said they'd be able to tell more from them either way, they came back and said the hcg levels were in the middle normal region so couldn't say either way what this will mean but didn't say what the normal level was, and said they would phone today to give me another scan date in about a week.

Worried out my mind, went to my own doctors this morning to see if they would do more blood tests or anything in meantime, wish I hadn't bothered after the hospital staff being very positive and saying it was probably all fine all signs were good etc, the GP just said this morning yes it'll be a m/c, can you drive yourself to a+e if it gets worse today please!

Trying my hardest to stay positive now!

Oh no how stressful. Usually they do HCG tests 48 hours later just to check and considering hospital were so positive I would hold on to that. GPs can be utterly useless in these situations!

Fingers crossed all goes well. The bleed you had could be left over implantation? Xx
Hi all I got my BFP today due date Jan 20th :wave:
Hey everyone!!!!
Got positive test today!! Am due 14th Jan I think!!!! Eek! Exciting xxx
Hi ClaireDoll, sorry to hear about your stressful weekend. GP sounds a nightmare! Keeping everything crossed that it's all ok and that it was just a bit of old blood. Has it stopped now? Xx
Dont like the sound of your Gp!
Try not to worry loads of women have unexplained bleeding during the first trimester.

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