I had a day of it yesterday! Woke up with a bleed, NHS 24 sent me to out of hours GP miles away, who then eventually sent me to A&E further miles away, then had to wait 12 hour to see the Gyno, had bloods done, checked me out and said the cervix was closed which is a good sign, didn't seem like new blood, then had an internal scan, couldn't see anything at all, said I might not be as far as I thought but everything else looked fine and no sign of ectopic, also good sign that it wasn't painful for them to carry the scan out, waited a further 2 1/2 hours for bloods to come back they said they'd be able to tell more from them either way, they came back and said the hcg levels were in the middle normal region so couldn't say either way what this will mean but didn't say what the normal level was, and said they would phone today to give me another scan date in about a week.
Worried out my mind, went to my own doctors this morning to see if they would do more blood tests or anything in meantime, wish I hadn't bothered after the hospital staff being very positive and saying it was probably all fine all signs were good etc, the GP just said this morning yes it'll be a m/c, can you drive yourself to a+e if it gets worse today please!
Trying my hardest to stay positive now!