*** January 2017 Mummies ***

Funny, I called my dr to tell them I'm pregnant and they said you'll need to come in to take a test, first appointment 16th May!

I did another FRER this morning and the line is much much darker than when I last tested on Saturday (I was on hols over the weekend and didn't take any tests with me which was a killer!) Anyway, glad that this morning's test was still positive and darker. Tempted to buy a CB digi one now but the £9 price tag always stops me in my tracks. I know I am pregnant so am I just wasting money on it!!

Does anyone plan to go for an early reassurance scan? My local place does them for £45 and I am very tempted to book one in for 8 weeks. x

Congrats Robbda! Janine I did a test yesterday morning as this was day AF was due and had one left. Pee'd on the bloody results window urgh and I usually always dip. Result was definetely darker than previous but not as dark as I expected so trying not to worry. Im not going to get a reassurance scan tbh. 45 sounds good though. Because of my age Ive decided to get a panorama or harmony test done. It can be done from nine/ten weeks but will cost 500 euro so have decided to keep the money for that and Ill be scanned as part of the test
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Oh congratulations girls, have a healthy and happy nine months x
Ooo, I've never heard of that Ali, will do some googling. Mine wasn't as dark as I expected either but still a pretty obvious line, I have one more test that I'll probably do tomorrow x
Have a look Janine. Its basically a non-invasive test which tests for the main chromasonal disorders. Its just a blood test and tey scan you before hand. Apparently the Panorama isnt suitable for twins and Harmony can onl;y be done from 10+ weeks so they scan to make sure only 1 in there and the gestation. Its 99% accurate and gives you the odds of just say downs/turners/Patau syndrome. Can also tell you the sex if you want. Its nearly as accurate as a amnio but wont give you aw broad a result but only a blood test so no risk to baby.
Hello ladies my midwife told me on Tuesday that they now now give the harmony test free on the nhs if you come back as high risk on your 11 week bloods and 12 week scan. Not sure if you knew this.

Thanks Tonks I'm in Dublin so not on the nhs unfortunately. Think OH forgot I was pregnant for a minute today. Have a bit of a headache and mentioned it to him and he said will I get you a tablet (I have migraines so not talking paracetamol!). Had to say to him em I can't take any if those meds. He was oh lol
Hello there! I think I am due on the 2nd January.

Am very pleased but anxious, this is my 3rd pregnancy but have no children as yet. My first pregnancy was ectopic and then I miscarried quite early on in my 2nd - they were back in 2012.

I'm really intrigued as to how you are all feeling and what sensations you are experiencing. I'm frustrated that all the books and online info just tell you to expect morning sickness and sensitive breasts - I know all that but what I want to know is if what I am feeling is normal! How are you all? Are you having sensations within your tummy? I seem to be having light-headedness instead of feeling sick - is anyone else the same?
Hi Kaym81
My boobs and nausea etc seems to come and go, one minute they're on fire and the next nothing. I was really worried st first but from what I can see most people are the same. I also read that for many girls symptoms don't start in earnest until week 6. Also many girls report having every symptom going and mc but have no symptoms on their successful pregnancy. I guess everyone and every pregnancy is different. Have everything crossed that this one goes smoothly for you xx
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What is everyone's name? I hate using the tags. Mine, if you didn't guess, is Janine. Maybe we could put them next to our due dates on page one, if it's not too much bother cornishfairy xx
I'm Lucy :)
Symptom wise I've been saying to my husband I haven't had a thing, but I guess if I was desperately looking for something to put down to it (I'm still convinced I'm imagining it!) then my boobs are slightly sore at times, and I've been getting more tired than usual where I feel like I'll just fall asleep wherever I am. Insomnia at night too! I had all of these last time and then started going off food and feeling nauseous around week 6-7 I think. I've felt a bit light headed and dizzy when I'm at work which might be related and that's the only time I'm particularly exerting myself physically (I work in Sainsbury's stacking the shelves in the evenings) x
Goode morning all!

My name is Kay, which I think my tag may have given away!

I was exhausted the week before my positive test (taken the day before my period was due as the light-headedness had started) and the week that followed but I've been feeling a lot more energised since the bank holiday weekend so I might have just genuinely been knackered! I haven't been getting cramps but I have had the odd sensation where it feels like something tugging on a string attached to my inside, it doesn't hurt and then there has been a couple of times where its felt like a little bean doing a somersault and wiggle.... During the last 2 days my belly feels like it has ballooned and I am feeling quite bloated.

I guess my biggest worry is that it feels like its implanted on the left of my womb - it was my left tube that was removed before so its got to be in the right place this time surely? I'm meeting the Midwife on Thursday and then I am hoping she can put my mind at ease!

On the plus side, we've not told anyone our news yet but this week I've had quite a few people ask me if I've done something different as I have a lovely "glow" about me! Has anyone else had comments like that yet?
I wouldn't worry if it is on the left side as it will only have been your tube that was removed and that shouldn't impact on your womb.

No glow comments for me, although my hair is desperate for a cut and colour so not surprising really. I've only told DH (obvs) and my friend that lives in America, she doesn't know anyone here so no risk of gossip lol. I'll probably tell my parents when I see them this weekend.

So glad it's Friday, feels like another week ticked off :-) xx
I'm Laura :)

My main symptoms have been tiredness and stomach cramps. I was woken up every 2 hours the other night as they were so painful. They're still there now but not as bad. I have been tempted to make a GP appointment about them but I'm worried I'm just being dramatic, and don't think my GP can do a lot anyway. I've had sore boobs and felt a bit sick this morning, but felt fine once I had eaten.

We have booked a private early scan for 14th May. We go away to get married at the end of the month and I would love a bit of reassurance before we go. Desperately hoping we have our booking appointment before we go but it's not looking likely.
FX for you Laura, cramping is quite normal from what I have read, still worrying though! Congrats on your wedding, where are going for it? Are you doing the big white affair or just a simple thing with you and your partner?
We're getting married in Italy! It's not a huge thing, about 30 of us in total. I'm looking forward to it all been over to be honest, wedding planning is stressful! I see you got married last August, was yours a big wedding?
Oh lovely, I love Italy, just came back from a w/e in Sicily.

We had the traditional white wedding but with a bit of a twist. Got married in a pub on the river Thames, hired a boat for our champagne reception and then back to the pub for dinner and dancing. It was so much fun - wish I could do it again!! I didn't mind the stress of planning too much, I am a PA though so planning is in my nature xx
That sounds lovely! The boat sounds amazing!

I thought I would be in my element wedding planning but we've had so many problems. We were originally getting married in the UK and then our venue let us down and we had to cancel everything. Now our reception venue in Italy has let us down and we currently don't know where we're holding our reception. It's been a bit of a nightmare but I'm sure it will be worth it in the end.

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