Funny, I called my dr to tell them I'm pregnant and they said you'll need to come in to take a test, first appointment 16th May!
I did another FRER this morning and the line is much much darker than when I last tested on Saturday (I was on hols over the weekend and didn't take any tests with me which was a killer!) Anyway, glad that this morning's test was still positive and darker. Tempted to buy a CB digi one now but the £9 price tag always stops me in my tracks. I know I am pregnant so am I just wasting money on it!!
Does anyone plan to go for an early reassurance scan? My local place does them for £45 and I am very tempted to book one in for 8 weeks. x
Congrats Robbda! Janine I did a test yesterday morning as this was day AF was due and had one left. Pee'd on the bloody results window urgh and I usually always dip. Result was definetely darker than previous but not as dark as I expected so trying not to worry. Im not going to get a reassurance scan tbh. 45 sounds good though. Because of my age Ive decided to get a panorama or harmony test done. It can be done from nine/ten weeks but will cost 500 euro so have decided to keep the money for that and Ill be scanned as part of the test
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