*** January 2017 Mummies ***

Haha amazing Laura. I was really blunt in ours. No pictures etc just ' Baby ____ due Jan 2017! ' as sooooo many friends have already posted clever little announcements I just did the opposite haha xxxxx
Haha Blonde - I was thinking of the blunt approach.. I see so many soppy ones/videos/fully staged bloomin' photo shoots.. I find it all a bit cringe! Might just put "Up the duff again.."
Haha Blonde - I was thinking of the blunt approach.. I see so many soppy ones/videos/fully staged bloomin' photo shoots.. I find it all a bit cringe! Might just put "Up the duff again.."

Hahahaha I like it. My (hopefully not too cringe) cake announcement actually wasn't planned, I just happened to be making a cake and we didn't have a tin big enough so I put them in two and realised the coincidence.
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Haha nooo, I wouldn't have found that cringe at all! I think it's funny! I mean the woman making a heart shape on her stomach whilst the father gazes lovingly at her kind of cringe ;) Sorry to anyone who has done that - just personal preference! There is also a video, I think they're American, where the couple dressed up as Britney Spears and her then-partner and did a parody of "Oops I did it again.." Just awful!
Haha nooo, I wouldn't have found that cringe at all! I think it's funny! I mean the woman making a heart shape on her stomach whilst the father gazes lovingly at her kind of cringe ;) Sorry to anyone who has done that - just personal preference! There is also a video, I think they're American, where the couple dressed up as Britney Spears and her then-partner and did a parody of "Oops I did it again.." Just awful!

Yuck, cringe!
That's clever Laura! Some of the American ones are very cringy, I bet the blokes are really embarrassed but just go along with it!
Not done mine yet, DH wants to tell his best friends in person and we won't see them till the weekend so have to wait till after that. I have an idea for something subtle for FB!
Literally no one has picked up on it, I don't think! It's been liked quite a bit, but mostly by people I already told! Oh well, I don't mind the world not knowing, as the important people already know.

I'm actually feeling marginally human today! Long may this last!
Ah no that's so annoying!! Glad you're feeling good today though - my sincere sympathies go out to the girls feeling sick in this heat..
My scan went well today girls! Just looked so perfect nestled up in there :) My NT measurement was on the higher side though at 2.4.. Would it stress you out? Feeling fine as I know it's in the normal range, it's just niggling at me!
One of mine was 2.5, the measurement for Downs is 3.5 isn't it? How big was the baby? Mine was big for 13 weeks so I think that's why.
It varies depending on where you look/go! Ultrasound tech said 3, some sites/research say 2.5.. I was measuring 12+4 so kind of in the middle of the testing period.. I'm trying not to think about it too much, my background risk is low (i'm only 25) and I know it means nothing without the bloods.. Staying positive! Have you recieved your letter with the odds yet? I know they ring if it's urgent.. With my daughter I was 1:100,000+ or something silly.. Thanks for replying, i'm sure all will be fine xx
I'm a December mummy but just butting in here, if that's ok.

My NT was 2.7!! I was told on a Facebook group that one lady's doctor (not English by the way) said anything above 2 requires an amnio!!! I was already anxious enough as it is but that just left me in bits. My bloods were normal (I think!). I believe it's a really low Papp and high Hcg that can give an indication of problems my results were about the sameish. My odds were 1in1000 i know low risk but with my son my risk was loads lower. I can't remember the exact risk number though.

I've been so anxious about it ever since. I had my 20 week scan this week and I told my sonographer how worried I was and she said my NT measurement was absolutely normal. The comment about having an amnio for anything above 2 was absurd. Also I read some babies will always be the high end of the range won't they?? She was also pointing out soft markers for me in the scan they like to look for like nasal bone not being present as a possible indication and my babies was present which is a good sign. She said some hospitals don't even give you all the measurements you just get a letter saying your high or low risk!

I was told I'm having a boy and I did read somewhere on Google that boys can have higher NT measurements not sure how true that is!!!

I know how you feel Hun ring them if you concerned though she said I should have rung after my 12 weeks scan as they are there to answer any questions. I know how you feel though I've almost prepared myself incase something is wrong just in case but I feel much better after 20 week scan now.


Hello lovely ladies, just thought I'd pop my head back in to say hello and let you all know I'm now (fingers crossed) going to be an April mummy :) xxx
Hello lovely ladies, just thought I'd pop my head back in to say hello and let you all know I'm now (fingers crossed) going to be an April mummy :) xxx
Oh, Claire! So happy for you!! Congratulations! Keeping my fingers crossed that it will all be fine! xoxo

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