Haha Blonde - I was thinking of the blunt approach.. I see so many soppy ones/videos/fully staged bloomin' photo shoots.. I find it all a bit cringe! Might just put "Up the duff again.."
Haha nooo, I wouldn't have found that cringe at all! I think it's funny! I mean the woman making a heart shape on her stomach whilst the father gazes lovingly at her kind of cringeSorry to anyone who has done that - just personal preference! There is also a video, I think they're American, where the couple dressed up as Britney Spears and her then-partner and did a parody of "Oops I did it again.." Just awful!
Oh, Claire! So happy for you!! Congratulations! Keeping my fingers crossed that it will all be fine! xoxoHello lovely ladies, just thought I'd pop my head back in to say hello and let you all know I'm now (fingers crossed) going to be an April mummyxxx