*** January 2017 Mummies ***

Has anyone had their dating scan dates through? Mine's on 29th June - excited already!
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Has anyone had their dating scan dates through? Mine's on 29th June - excited already!

Ooh exciting! I haven't even registered with the midwife yet as we're moving next week to a different area so need to get registered with the gp and midwife over there as soon as we're in! X
I'm 20th too :dance:

Has anyone developed a severe loathing for their husband, I can't stand to be around him last few days.
Hi Lucy I'm with you with the insomnia. And lack of symptoms lol was expecting the exhaustion and sore boobs sickness etc I'm not getting much and am poas all the time just to check
How is everyone doing lately? I poas today just to check it was all real.
How exciting sprout! I called the doctors last week and they told me to call back in a few weeks as it was too early still �� cry!
I have Lucy haha! We had a big row over nothing the other day.
Does anyone have any morning sickness or anything yet? As I've got sweet nothing so far!
Hope your all well �� x
I also took another pg test yesterday haha, I took one every day for the first four days after finding out (At 11DPO). It was so nice to see such a lovely strong line.

I phoned the midwife when I was only 4 weeks and totally expected them to ask me to call later but no!

Today's the day I've felt most nauseous but it's still pretty mild, nothing like my first pregnancy. Really hoping it stays this way.

I'm getting way too ahead of myself with thinking of names, looking at baby stuff, even started writing my birth plan! Last pregnancy was a surprise so it felt way too surreal to do any of that until later on, this time I really need to slow down or I'm gonna have nothing to do for those last few weeks which drag on! Anyone else feeling like this?!
I'm still taking cheapies just to see the line getting darker! lol!
Still doesn't feel real but it will when I see a midwife.
I have had no sickness or anything yet but am bloated, I have been a crisps and chocolate monster too which is really unusual for me. My first pregnancy I loved meat and dairy (those fromage frais I couldn't get enough of)!
I had bad news today though as my area has stopped commissioning the 1-2-1 midwives so I'm going to have to change gp, to be fair I wasn't happy with mine anyway but it's still a bit of an inconvenience, hopefully by doing that I'll get the service.
Anyway, sending love to you all and I'm looking forward to our journey together! Xxx
I've already got morning sickness, bloating and breast pain like crazy! Hopefully it all won't last too long but I'm sure I will be disappointed in that respect. As long as baby is healthy I guess I'm fine with it ☺️ Hopefully will finally get to talk with my OB tomorrow and get a game plan ��
Hi ladies, got my bfp yesterday, my due date is the 22nd.
This is going to be my third pregnancy, the first two were miscarriages and didn't get past 8 weeks with either. We have been trying for over a year, so really hoping this is my sticky Rainbow Baby. xx
Fingers crossed for you peanutbutter! Had my first lot of sickness last night was not nice. My 2 year old threw up this morning yay haha. So hoping we don't have a bug now.
I'm really contemplating paying for an early scan just to put my mind at ease. They are only £40 here which makes it even more tempting! X
Hi All. I had a bfp on Friday. I am around 4 weeks and think my DD will be around 22 January. This is my second pregnancy and I thought I would be more chilled out last time as I worried about everything the first time around. This pregnancy wasn't 100% planned but we weren't not trying if that makes sense. I have a little boy who is 15 months. This pregnancy is two years exactly to the date of my last one. I suspect that my EDD will be around the same as last time.
Congrats on all the BFP's :dance:

Soooo ill today. Can't move without throwing up, feel like death.
how do I edit my ticker, I've created a new one and have the link but can't seem to find where to edit it.
I also took another pg test yesterday haha, I took one every day for the first four days after finding out (At 11DPO). It was so nice to see such a lovely strong line.

I phoned the midwife when I was only 4 weeks and totally expected them to ask me to call later but no!

Today's the day I've felt most nauseous but it's still pretty mild, nothing like my first pregnancy. Really hoping it stays this way.

I'm getting way too ahead of myself with thinking of names, looking at baby stuff, even started writing my birth plan! Last pregnancy was a surprise so it felt way too surreal to do any of that until later on, this time I really need to slow down or I'm gonna have nothing to do for those last few weeks which drag on! Anyone else feeling like this?!

I did that last time, i even bought a few bits. Has a mc so this time not even gonna think about it till at least 20 weeks lol x
I also took another pg test yesterday haha, I took one every day for the first four days after finding out (At 11DPO). It was so nice to see such a lovely strong line.

I phoned the midwife when I was only 4 weeks and totally expected them to ask me to call later but no!

Today's the day I've felt most nauseous but it's still pretty mild, nothing like my first pregnancy. Really hoping it stays this way.

I'm getting way too ahead of myself with thinking of names, looking at baby stuff, even started writing my birth plan! Last pregnancy was a surprise so it felt way too surreal to do any of that until later on, this time I really need to slow down or I'm gonna have nothing to do for those last few weeks which drag on! Anyone else feeling like this?!

I did that last time, i even bought a few bits. Has a mc so this time not even gonna think about it till at least 20 weeks lol x

Ohh I'm sorry. I'm being a bit naive but I just can't help myself.
Hi everyone.
I am due on 20th Jan 2017. first pregnancy so don't know what to expect.
Luckily no morning sickness yet, but do have sore boobs!
Seeing GP for first time tomorrow? Any tips on what to ask?
lol, wasnt being mean xD
I would love to go out shopping! :(

Totally didn't mean you were being mean, sorry if it read that way. I just mean I'm fortunate enough that I can be naive, iyswim...having a loss must really change how you feel when pregnant?

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