***January 2017 mummies!*** 3rd Trimester

Thank you both. Managed to make it to the GP and have been given precautionary antibiotics and some codeine which I'm told is breastfeeding safe. So we'll see how I get on tonight. Just makes me feel really down :-(
Thank you both. Managed to make it to the GP and have been given precautionary antibiotics and some codeine which I'm told is breastfeeding safe. So we'll see how I get on tonight. Just makes me feel really down :-(
It must be so hard! I hope the antibiotics and codeine help xxx

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Amazing well done for getting yourself there.. How is your partner being and how is your wider support network? I don't really have my partner to rely on as he's quite volatile and i'm usually the one holding us all together so I tend to suffer in silence.. If it is getting infected then the antibiotics will make a difference very quickly so in a way I hope that is what it is so you can get some relief! Hope the codeine works - it is good stuff! How is Matilda generally? Is she sleeping/an easy baby? xx
My husband's brilliant, but he's back to work in the morning which is daunting. I'm lucky that I have a family support network though, and people coming to help out this week - I guess I'm just as nervous about him missing out on things as I am about coping on my own. i know I'm very lucky though, and I'm sorry you're having to get through on your own :-(

Matilda's doing OK I think, but I'm finding the late evenings and night times really hard as she just won't settle. Since she woke me up for a feed at 2am I've fed her four times, changed her three times, and had her in and out of her basket almost 20 times. I'm exhausted but she just won't fall asleep :-(
That's great it's lovely having people over to help - makes everythiing seem so much more manageable. The dreaded return to work!! You will both be fine, as daunting as it feels. It actually helps to get things into a little routine which in turn makes the day a little smoother I find!

I could have written that.. I think we've had one night since coming home that she's settled and all the others she has really struggled :( I think she has reflux so i'm going to try and speak to a GP tomorrow as the poor little mite looks in so much pain and I am literally nauseous with exhaustion. She falls asleep beautifully on me as she loves being upright but then i'm not allowed to sleep.. giving up and going downstairs for the day I think :)
That's great it's lovely having people over to help - makes everythiing seem so much more manageable. The dreaded return to work!! You will both be fine, as daunting as it feels. It actually helps to get things into a little routine which in turn makes the day a little smoother I find!

I could have written that.. I think we've had one night since coming home that she's settled and all the others she has really struggled :( I think she has reflux so i'm going to try and speak to a GP tomorrow as the poor little mite looks in so much pain and I am literally nauseous with exhaustion. She falls asleep beautifully on me as she loves being upright but then i'm not allowed to sleep.. giving up and going downstairs for the day I think :)

We are having the same problem she's not having much milk through day and since yesterday she keep sicking some up so worrying that she's going to get dehydrated she keeps having bad wind and explodes in her nappy once or twice a day but that's it her nappy is extremely wet when I change it but it's still so worrying she seems to be a night time feeder though as she seemed starving last night and managed a full 4 ounce bottle and settled back down straight away she also wasn't sick just fed her now and she seems ok but still was sick and took a bit to settle her in her Moses basket with help of dummy as she was rooting so I give her bottle but she sicked it back up so I think she was wanting comfort
How did you get on at the doctor Kate? Matilda was marginally better last night, but her middle of the night feed still takes just over 3 hours - was pacing the living room from 12:45 to 4 am last night, ugh...
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That's great it's lovely having people over to help - makes everythiing seem so much more manageable. The dreaded return to work!! You will both be fine, as daunting as it feels. It actually helps to get things into a little routine which in turn makes the day a little smoother I find!

I could have written that.. I think we've had one night since coming home that she's settled and all the others she has really struggled :( I think she has reflux so i'm going to try and speak to a GP tomorrow as the poor little mite looks in so much pain and I am literally nauseous with exhaustion. She falls asleep beautifully on me as she loves being upright but then i'm not allowed to sleep.. giving up and going downstairs for the day I think :)

We are having the same problem she's not having much milk through day and since yesterday she keep sicking some up so worrying that she's going to get dehydrated she keeps having bad wind and explodes in her nappy once or twice a day but that's it her nappy is extremely wet when I change it but it's still so worrying she seems to be a night time feeder though as she seemed starving last night and managed a full 4 ounce bottle and settled back down straight away she also wasn't sick just fed her now and she seems ok but still was sick and took a bit to settle her in her Moses basket with help of dummy as she was rooting so I give her bottle but she sicked it back up so I think she was wanting comfort
Awww defo sounds like reflux poor baba xx

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I took her to see GP yesterday they said she seemed fine may have mild chest infection but didn't require treatment she still occasionally been sick after feeds just trying to feed her little and often had a stand off today when she wouldn't go of for her nap she finally went after 2 hours a change of clothes and a change of bedding after being sick
Oh bless her!
Sometimes feels like your changing all day doesnt it haha Imogen got wee on her vest so did full change then she was sick lol! Typical.
Have you got a wrap for her just thinking to maybe baby wear in day when she wont be put down? Xx

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Oh bless her!
Sometimes feels like your changing all day doesnt it haha Imogen got wee on her vest so did full change then she was sick lol! Typical.
Have you got a wrap for her just thinking to maybe baby wear in day when she wont be put down? Xx

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No I haven't might have a look at one
Finally got Mags looked at today and they agree reflux (so pleased I wasn't fobbed off..) She has a prescription for a thickener called carobel which is apparently all natural and should help prevent the sick coming up in the first place. Can't pick up the prescription until tomorrow but i'm hoping it'll make a difference for her. Poor little thing.. Hope we all get some sleep tonight xx
Finally got Mags looked at today and they agree reflux (so pleased I wasn't fobbed off..) She has a prescription for a thickener called carobel which is apparently all natural and should help prevent the sick coming up in the first place. Can't pick up the prescription until tomorrow but i'm hoping it'll make a difference for her. Poor little thing.. Hope we all get some sleep tonight xx
Aw they never offered me that... I prefer the sound of that being natural! Xx

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Apparently it's the newest/latest 'thing' in our local hospital so I must have got lucky. She told me at first though that it had to go in a bottle and i'd have to stop breastfeeding and I nearly cried on the spot as i've worked so hard! Luckily she was wrong and I can give it to her before a feed from a syringe :) maybe ask about it if Imogen starts struggling on Gaviscon? Think they're essentially meant to be doing the same thing! xx
I will do :) how many feeds can she have it? Imogen can onlh have gaviscon 6 times in 24 hours but she feeds more often than that xx

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She pulled off bottle screaming a lot, didn't have much at each feed even though she was screaming for her milk. Spat stuff straight up etc and wouldnt be lay down for a good couple hours after feeds xxx

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Hope you're getting on ok Thumbs - i've been thinking of you xx
Thank you so much for thinking of me Kate - sadly I'm not doing well at all. Having been on those antibiotics all week, the pain got much worse over the last few days so I went to the GP yesterday. She sent me to triage at the hospital as she didn't like the look of things, and they discovered that my stitches are infected and that I have an abscess on them that's hugely inflammed. So I'm now on a new 10 day course of mega antibiotics and stronger painkillers which are just about taking the edge off the pain. If this doesn't work, they'll need to drain it next week.

Can't tell you how fed up I am :-(

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