**********january 2016 mummies**********

Yeah you need to look after yourself. Glad they're making changes for you though. Always helps when you have an understanding workplace, takes some stress off!

Maybe pressure from baby's head making it uncomfortable? Especially once gravity takes force too! I had that at about 16-20 weeks and couldn't walk for more than 5 mins without being in agony. Either babies moved or it was just stretching etc as it went away.

Not doing anything here today, did some housework this morning and put tea in the slow cooker but it's absolutely chucking it down so just watching TV. Hate rain!!
Aw no I honestly was nearly sick. I had to hold my nose to take the rest :lol: hubs got the peppermint one for me and there wasn't a hint of peppermint when I actually tasted it!

Fab news about work, hopefully you can take it easier for your last few weeks. I'm on my last day of my holidays today, mat leave starts on Monday. So bored already but hubby is on holiday next week so looking forward to having some company lol.

My friend text me yesterday asking if I was free on a certain day as her and her sister want a girly catch up. Something tells me they're planning a baby shower as she never ever arranges anything that far in advance! It's in December though so here's hoping the twins haven't decided to arrive before then!

Aw that's lovely :)

My friends had a 'surprise' one for me a week or so ago, I had guessed though lol just naturally suspicious :lol:
Aw that sounds lovely, dh told me if they didn't do something in work then I would have to start my mat leave early and I really didn't want to do that as have 4 weeks off before baby is coming a lot more than when I had DS. My oldest friend is visiting tomorrow so I am looking forward to that, have a later start in work on Sunday which is lovely no more 8am starts! I just find I struggle walking around long distances now I wonder if its the position of baby's head.
Today I have a bad head and have a bit of work to do at home but cannot find the motivation!!

It will probably be the pressure as mentioned? I get so much pressure and tightness when i'm walking around on my feet and I constantly have to stop for a breath, I feel like an old lady at times.
Aw no I honestly was nearly sick. I had to hold my nose to take the rest :lol: hubs got the peppermint one for me and there wasn't a hint of peppermint when I actually tasted it!

Fab news about work, hopefully you can take it easier for your last few weeks. I'm on my last day of my holidays today, mat leave starts on Monday. So bored already but hubby is on holiday next week so looking forward to having some company lol.

My friend text me yesterday asking if I was free on a certain day as her and her sister want a girly catch up. Something tells me they're planning a baby shower as she never ever arranges anything that far in advance! It's in December though so here's hoping the twins haven't decided to arrive before then!

Aw that's lovely :)

My friends had a 'surprise' one for me a week or so ago, I had guessed though lol just naturally suspicious :lol:

Haha me too! She was asking weird questions months ago about how quick I can get time off work etc and when she asked what I was doing in 3 weeks I just know she's up to something. We only ever arrange something a week or so in advance and it's never on a specific day. Saying that, I'm going to be disappointed if she's not up to anything :lol:
Gosh it sounds like some of you are having a hard time of it lately! Makes me feel a bit guilty for having a mostly breezy time so far. Only problems I'm struggling with the past couple of weeks are slightly sore/stiff knees after sleeping (although this is getting easier now I've caved and have a pregnancy pillow) and tiredness!

Tonight has been an odd one. I know we're so, so close to our due date and I'm so excited, but I've also randomly starting missing all the things I can't have?! Like wine and bubbly, rare steaks and some of my favourite essential oils!

Who plans on indulging in the things they've missed come January?
To be fair I've had a pretty good pregnancy health wise, it's just the last few weeks I've started getting sore and started to struggle. I was on Facebook earlier and saw a picture of someone's due date bump and it was the size mine was at about 16-18 weeks!! That depressed me a little lol! Poor hubby is getting thrown out the bed this weekend once we've tidied the spare room and made the bed up. Makes me quite sad and I actually had a wee cry about it last night because I know it's just going to feel strange and wrong! But the twins will be here in about 6 weeks so not going to be forever.

I can't wait to have pate!! I think I'll be eating it by the tonne once the twins arrive :lol: apart from that there's not much I've missed.
Gosh it sounds like some of you are having a hard time of it lately! Makes me feel a bit guilty for having a mostly breezy time so far. Only problems I'm struggling with the past couple of weeks are slightly sore/stiff knees after sleeping (although this is getting easier now I've caved and have a pregnancy pillow) and tiredness!

Tonight has been an odd one. I know we're so, so close to our due date and I'm so excited, but I've also randomly starting missing all the things I can't have?! Like wine and bubbly, rare steaks and some of my favourite essential oils!

Who plans on indulging in the things they've missed come January?

Bottle of Baileys chilling already lol not that I was ever a big drinker but I would have a glass at the weekend watching tv. I've been missing it lately so a wee half glass at some point after the babies arrive will do me :)
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I miss painting my toe nails...not my rare steaks, or glass of red.
I just want to be able to paint me toes again
I've enjoyed this pregnancy much more than the last, I moaned so much last time but once u have children u just get on with it. 29 weeks and im only just stepping into a less mobile role but I can't wait for xmas to have a rest!
Funny u say about missing things I'm missing brie and my waist!
Lol kelly!! This being pregnant actually feels like I'm going to have this huge tummy forever!! I can't wait to be able to sleep on my back/tummy again!
Funny u say about missing things I'm missing brie and my waist!
I also miss needing to see if I need a bikini wax hahah

Hahaha!! It's been a while since I could see down there!! Our midwife was talking about c sections at our antenatal class last week and she was on about shaving down there then piped up "or they will do it for you as I imagine you can't see down there now" :lol: thanks but hubby can get that job! No danger I'm letting my consultant shave me down there - read some horror stories about how they just dry shave you so you're left with a horrid rash afterwards!! No thank you!
After my 1st section it took longer to heal the shaving cuts than the section scar.
Waxing all the way for me. I will be going to the works the day before I go in for my section.
Tillie I'm not that brave! I assume it needs to be clean shaven? I usually use a trimmer and keep the whole lot as short as possible but not bald lol. Going to rope hubby in to helping, I can't remember the last time I tackled it! Same with my legs lol!
Yeah, it needs to be completely clean skin for a section.
You're as well getting hubby at it than them. A blunt Bic razor is my memory....never ever again haha....the horrors people don't warn you about.
Now my legs...That's a whole other story. Will get them done when getting the rest sorted. Goodness knows when I will get a chance to get back again lol
How far down does it need to be? I don't really want to whack the whole lot off if I don't need to lol! Yeah, I read somewhere that they just take a blunt razor to you and do it dry! No thank you! As you said, it will be worse than your actual section wound! What a lovely conversation for a Saturday :lol:

God yeah, my legs haven't been done since we were at a wedding in September. Funny thing is they actually feel quite smooth because the hair has got that long it's passed the jaggy stage and is actually quite soft haha!! I was going to do them in the bath the other night but couldn't be bothered and thought I may as well just wait until nearer the time or I'll need to do them again anyway.
After my 1st section it took longer to heal the shaving cuts than the section scar.
Waxing all the way for me. I will be going to the works the day before I go in for my section.
Never thought of waxing what do u ask for as its more than a bikini isn't it?
How far down does it need to be? I don't really want to whack the whole lot off if I don't need to lol! Yeah, I read somewhere that they just take a blunt razor to you and do it dry! No thank you! As you said, it will be worse than your actual section wound! What a lovely conversation for a Saturday :lol:

God yeah, my legs haven't been done since we were at a wedding in September. Funny thing is they actually feel quite smooth because the hair has got that long it's passed the jaggy stage and is actually quite soft haha!! I was going to do them in the bath the other night but couldn't be bothered and thought I may as well just wait until nearer the time or I'll need to do them again anyway.
About 3 inches down from the panty line will have you well covered. X

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