**********january 2016 mummies**********

We've been weighing up pros and cons since we found out it was twins. Our main worry is twin 2 getting into difficulty once twin 1 is born and us having to be rushed to theatre. Our main concern is getting them both here safely with as little distress to all 3 of us as possible. It's weird because I was so against a section to begin with and if it was just the one I still would be.

Just home, feeling so much better about it all. Twins are absolutely fine, measuring bang on for dates. They're now both breach though! We discussed section, discussed our pros and cons and he gave us some input too. He's pretty convinced the twins are going to decide it's a section anyway - he said usually he'd say they have plenty time to turn but because neither of them have ever been in the right position he thinks it's unlikely they will be now. We will see him again in 3 weeks and make our decision then - if twin 1 still isn't head down then it's section and if it is head down then it's our decision but the final decision is ours and he's happy for us to make that decision.

Section will be some time between Christmas and new year and we'll be booking the date when we see him in 3 weeks!! Can't tell you how relieved I am that he's agreed the final decision will be ours.
I had a very long labour with my 1st and resulted in an emergency section.
Recovery is so much better if you can avoid a labour. You only have one thing to recover from then. I bounced back so much quicker after my second section
The only downside for us is the recovery but I'm hoping hubby is going to take a weeks holiday after his paternity leave so he'll be at home for 3 weeks then his mum has offered to take some time off to help me if needed. Although she's having an op sometime before Xmas and pretty much be like recovering from a section too so we might both be recovering at the same time lol.

As you say, at least I will only be recovering from one thing and hopefully I'll heal quickly! To us it's the safest option to ensure we're all in the least distress possible.

You've probably already said but my memory is awful - are you having a section this time?
Yes. I've had two previous, so have no choice this time.
The recovery isn't the best, but then can be tough after a normal delivery too. Here's a few things I am doing to make it a little easier on myself this time.
Have supplies down stairs nappies, extra clothing and bedding for babies. ( stairs are not your friend)
Have as many pillows on your bed, lying straight back is almost impossible.
Take your meds, and on time.
Use a V pillow for feeding to save pressure on your wound.
Take laxatives (this is the biggest bit of advice I can give)
Keep a pillow close to protect wound when you cough of sneeze.
Thank you :) I've got a pile of things to bring downstairs as I didn't fancy doing the stairs after any kind of delivery! Will keep note of your other tips too :)
Glad it's your choice, this will be my 2 nd section and as tilly says u can prepare more and have everything in place
You're all very brave! I'm hoping I manage a natural birth, as the idea of a c-section scares me. I know if it comes to the point where I need one that's what would happen, and I'd actually prefer a c-section to having to use forceps, but I'm hoping I manage to squeeze him/her out naturally!

I'm actually starting to get a little scared about the birth :(
Don't be scared just be as informed as possible that's what helped me when my birth became complicated I understood more what was happening and it helped keep me calm x
You're all very brave! I'm hoping I manage a natural birth, as the idea of a c-section scares me. I know if it comes to the point where I need one that's what would happen, and I'd actually prefer a c-section to having to use forceps, but I'm hoping I manage to squeeze him/her out naturally!

I'm actually starting to get a little scared about the birth :(
I wish I had a choice but I don't. Both my previous sections were emergency, so they won't let me try a labour this time incase it ruptures the old Wounds.
It's the no driving for 6 weeks that drives me crazy. I'd love the experience of a normal delivery. .but guess as long as baba arrives safe that's all that matters.

this time I am planning better, I want more of a say on how things go. I never had that before x
I actually feel better about getting a c-section than a natural birth with two babies lol I'm probably weird! Lol.

Finally feel like I am organised now, my Moses baskets ordered, pram in the shop just to be collected, got my car seat muffs today and my bags packed. Just little odds and ends now and that's us. I'm stopping my baking business in the next week or so so will get all the baby things arranged in kitchen and bottles steralised etc. 5 weeks today (if I don't go myself before then) my two little boys will be here 😊
I managed to clean out my towels and bed sheets. Pains started again shortly after, so back on the sofa again.
Hope to make a start on this hospital bag today, got my granny knickers in my asda delivery hahaha.
Either way, natural or section, birth doesn't scare me. The thought of having two babies to look after does though!! :lol:

We've been away shopping today, went to ikea then costco for a stock up. Spent about 2.5 hours walking in total and was in agony when I got home. Poor hubs had to empty the car by himself then ran me a bath. Now I'm sat on the sofa while he sorts the pets out then makes our tea. He's been amazing throughout my entire pregnancy, definitely one of the good ones!
I actually feel better about getting a c-section than a natural birth with two babies lol I'm probably weird! Lol.

Finally feel like I am organised now, my Moses baskets ordered, pram in the shop just to be collected, got my car seat muffs today and my bags packed. Just little odds and ends now and that's us. I'm stopping my baking business in the next week or so so will get all the baby things arranged in kitchen and bottles steralised etc. 5 weeks today (if I don't go myself before then) my two little boys will be here
I managed to clean out my towels and bed sheets. Pains started again shortly after, so back on the sofa again.
Hope to make a start on this hospital bag today, got my granny knickers in my asda delivery hahaha.
Ha ha me too I went for black rather than the cheaper white ones!
My sister in law has twins and sometimes I get envious as they have each other for company so although it is demanding at times you will find a way that works for you.
That's the one thing I'm looking forward to kelly - they'll have each other for comfort and amusement as they grow up. I'm hoping having each other might also help them settle more in the early days.
I managed to clean out my towels and bed sheets. Pains started again shortly after, so back on the sofa again.
Hope to make a start on this hospital bag today, got my granny knickers in my asda delivery hahaha.

I'm the same tillie, I'm struggling with most things, I walked up to the local baby boutique today which is not far at all, 5 minute walk at a push and I had to go into a coffee shop for a seat and rest before heading back home. I could just sleep the rest of tonight away now but my two wee boys are having a party and my stomach is contorting all ways, as well as a very little needy dog lying across me, doesn't leave my side now :)
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Awh that's so sweet. I have an 11 year old that's starting to get very clingy, we think me may have trouble ahead, didn't think I would have a jealous sibling at that age.

I'm hoping when this UTI clears up my pains settle a bit and I can do a bit more.

I've to see the consultant on Thursday. My test came back positive for GD, so see what she suggests between that, the low iron and these contractions she may bring me forward a bit.

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