Reduced movements - twin 2 was very quiet on Tuesday evening when he's usually kicking away like mad. Still felt him moving but not as much as usual. Had antenatal class yesterday so mentioned it to midwife and she said to go up to hospital. Was up there for 3.5 hours on monitor then had scan - all fine. I think my braxton hicks are coming much more frequently though as the midwife asked if I could feel the tightenings that were showing on the monitor (which I could) so it was good to confirm they are actually tightenings and not babies moving as I was never 100% sure.
I've been battered today so they're clearly fine. Got an appointment to go back to hospital tomorrow on monitor again but they said if movements return to normal just to ring and cancel so don't think I'll be going.
The midwives and doctors were amazing and it's really put my mind at rest about being in hospital once the twins are here - I absolutely hate hospitals but doesn't feel like you're actually in hospital on the maternity ward so I'm feeling much more relaxed about the whole thing now. Especially if I have a section and have to stay in a few nights.
Glad all ok hoping. That's insane I saw it recently on fb again so how they haven't seen it before puzzles me. I need a nice thick blanket for the hospital and car journeys
Lols hope all is okay hun. It's scary isn't it?! Read another thread on that other forum last night where someone said they'd noticed reduced movements but not worried because baby is still moving and they hate going to the hospital to be told all is finethese people amaze me!
SAHF - that is correct. Because snow/pramsuits are padded it means the straps aren't tight enough on baby when used in a car seat. Obviously if they're in car seat on pram it's fine but not when in the car. If you Google it it's quite scary how loose the straps actually are when a snowsuit is worn. It's not something I'd put on them in the car anyway as surely they'd melt?! I've read they're not very good for regulating temp either but I do plan to use them in the pram if out for a walk and it's really cold.
So... I've taken the brave (for me) step of buying some newborn sizes. I've spent my entire pregnancy convinced we'll have a HUGE baby, but unless they come out at 10lbs+, I need to stop worrying and start preparing, because all the clothes we have so far are 0-3 months upwards.
Boots have a fab offer on their Mini Club at the moment, with buy one get one half price. I picked up a snug little cardigan hoody, and an all-in-one.
We've also done some re-organising of the nursery today, switched around some of the furniture and put some of the books and keepsakes our on the chest of drawers!
Hope you're all doing OK!
So... I've taken the brave (for me) step of buying some newborn sizes. I've spent my entire pregnancy convinced we'll have a HUGE baby, but unless they come out at 10lbs+, I need to stop worrying and start preparing, because all the clothes we have so far are 0-3 months upwards.
Boots have a fab offer on their Mini Club at the moment, with buy one get one half price. I picked up a snug little cardigan hoody, and an all-in-one.
We've also done some re-organising of the nursery today, switched around some of the furniture and put some of the books and keepsakes our on the chest of drawers!
Hope you're all doing OK!
I'm the opposite, all my clothes are newborn and a small amount of small baby (up to 7lbs) as I assumed they would be small but now I think they will be average, normal sized little babies. So January we are stocking up again on bigger sizes for them as all the clothes we have, i doubt will do them too long - it's so hard to guess.
Lols we're the same as you. We've got mainly tiny baby stuff but these range anywhere from 5-7.5lb and then the rest is newborn. People keep telling us not to buy too much because we'll be swamped with clothes once they're here and probably won't even wear some of it. Therefore my hospital bag has a range of sizes in it so far but if we need more of a particular size hubs or mil will pick some stuff up. We haven't been given any indication of what size they are now or what they are likely to be at birth so hard to plan.
How's everyone's weekend been? My hips decided to give up on me on FridayI was in agony on Friday night and couldn't get to sleep, ended up taking some paracetamol to knock me out a bit. My right one has always been a bit sore in the night but now it's both so I ended up having to toss and turn all night as they got sore. They're now sore when I lie down or sit so can't get comfy at all. Got so much pain in my public region too, can't even lift my leg without it being so painful! The next 7 weeks are going to be joyous! Got the Dr tomorrow though so going to mention it to her.
Yes am booked in for a section, if I could have tried for a water birth I'd have opted for vbac but pretty much not an option so got to pick the date.Ah Kelly that's so exciting! Are you having a section? Sorry I can't remember. I'm hoping for a section, planning on discussing it with our consultant on 16th, I hope he doesn't insist on natural if twin 1 moves. I can't wait to have an actual date to countdown to though - all we know at the moment is its roughly 8 weeks til they're here.
I was about a 16 with ds and he was 8lbs 2oz so not too big, I was sure I was going to have a big baby as I was 10lb 1 but she said I didn't seem bigger than normal. I'm fretting this time as my bump seems tiny for 28 weeks but measure bang on dates.So... I've taken the brave (for me) step of buying some newborn sizes. I've spent my entire pregnancy convinced we'll have a HUGE baby, but unless they come out at 10lbs+, I need to stop worrying and start preparing, because all the clothes we have so far are 0-3 months upwards.
Boots have a fab offer on their Mini Club at the moment, with buy one get one half price. I picked up a snug little cardigan hoody, and an all-in-one.
We've also done some re-organising of the nursery today, switched around some of the furniture and put some of the books and keepsakes our on the chest of drawers!
Hope you're all doing OK!
I'm the opposite, all my clothes are newborn and a small amount of small baby (up to 7lbs) as I assumed they would be small but now I think they will be average, normal sized little babies. So January we are stocking up again on bigger sizes for them as all the clothes we have, i doubt will do them too long - it's so hard to guess.
Yeah I am going to ask my midwife roughly how long after birth baby's usually stay in newborn, because I imagine it wouldn't be too long before they went into 0-3 anyway. I plan to buy the last of the clothes we need in the Boxing Day/January sales, and I'm going to pop to George at Asda before Christmas for some cheapy newborn bits!
My midwife said because I'm big (size 14 pre-pregnancy), our baby will be bigger than average. But all my measurements so far have been spot on?! So I don't know how she's estimating that!
Hope u feel better soonLols we're the same as you. We've got mainly tiny baby stuff but these range anywhere from 5-7.5lb and then the rest is newborn. People keep telling us not to buy too much because we'll be swamped with clothes once they're here and probably won't even wear some of it. Therefore my hospital bag has a range of sizes in it so far but if we need more of a particular size hubs or mil will pick some stuff up. We haven't been given any indication of what size they are now or what they are likely to be at birth so hard to plan.
How's everyone's weekend been? My hips decided to give up on me on FridayI was in agony on Friday night and couldn't get to sleep, ended up taking some paracetamol to knock me out a bit. My right one has always been a bit sore in the night but now it's both so I ended up having to toss and turn all night as they got sore. They're now sore when I lie down or sit so can't get comfy at all. Got so much pain in my public region too, can't even lift my leg without it being so painful! The next 7 weeks are going to be joyous! Got the Dr tomorrow though so going to mention it to her.
I hope you're hips are less sore now! I've been getting very mild hip pain at night, but it's mostly my knees feeling it now when I'm in bed. Using all the pillows possible to prop myself and my bump up! Hopefully your GP will be able to recommend something to help ease the pain.
Just been for my 30 week checkup at the doctors and had my whooping cough jag. All fine, bump has grown 6cm in 2 weeks though so it's now measuring 43cm at 30 weeksshe said we should be planning for a section so hope the consultant agrees on Monday when we see him. For some reason since we decided on a section I really don't want to have a natural and am stressing that the consultant is going to insist on one if twin 1 moves! She wasn't much help with my hips etc but I'm guessing when there's 2 in there and bump is so big it's inevitable I'll get pain. At least I'm not doing a lot of walking now I've finished work and I can cope with it in the house so just need to keep resting!