Hello ladies. My first post here and wondering if I can come and join you?
I'm 28 weeks tomorrow and am expecting a little boy on 20 Jan. I'm a FTM and to be brutally honest I've been finding pregnancy really hard to deal with. I had some complications early on with bleeding and a large ovarian cyst (which I still have!), I was incredibly nauseous for what seemed like forever, I've had some problems with anxiety which is being treated through the perinatal team and now that I'm in the 3rd tri I just feel so uncomfortable and in so much pain all the time. My pelvis, hips, legs, belly, ribs etc everything seems to hurt.
I'm just counting down the days until my gorgeous little boy is here. I feel bad for moaning as I know I should be grateful but it's hard sometimes. Luckily I have a really supportive husband and work have been great.
Anyway sorry for the really whingy first post. I promise I'm usually more fun than this!