**********january 2016 mummies**********

I've added you Kellylou!

Had my 28 week midwife appointment this week. All is good! Got another in 3 weeks at 31 weeks then they'll be every 2 weeks. Can't believe how close I am now, almost in single figure weeks too!

Booked in for my whooping cough jab too! Not looking forward to it, seen so many people say it leaves their arm aching for days afterwards. Anyone had theirs yet?
It's very scary! We're down to 9 weeks on Monday :shock: had our first antenatal class today too - starting to feel so real!!

Haven't had my whooping cough jag yet, still need to book it. I'm going for my flu jag next week though - was going to go on Friday as I'm off but it's my birthday on Sunday and I don't want to feel like crap all weekend. I need to phone and see what time the drop in clinic is open til so will book my whooping cough jag then.
Whooping. Cough done yesterday - 1 dead arm + snotty poorly toddler = a lot of pain !!!!!
My arm is aching today but it's going. Iv got to go back on Monday for my flu jab - they wouldn't give me it because I'm full of cold atm

I'm not looking forward to the dead arm but it's my last week at work next week so I'm sure I'll get through it :lol:

Finally got my blood and gtt results today - everything is normal so no iron tablets or anything for me. So chuffed gtt came back normal though as been really worried about it.
Got my GTT results too, all good! For now at least - she did say that doesn't mean it couldn't happen!
I've added you Kellylou!

Had my 28 week midwife appointment this week. All is good! Got another in 3 weeks at 31 weeks then they'll be every 2 weeks. Can't believe how close I am now, almost in single figure weeks too!

Booked in for my whooping cough jab too! Not looking forward to it, seen so many people say it leaves their arm aching for days afterwards. Anyone had theirs yet?
I remember mine hurting for a while but then the flu jab did for me also. Mines on the 6th
Morning girls,

So 30 weeks tomorrow...Yippie!!!

Anyway, I woke last night with shooting pains down both my sides, not contractions, more like pulling stabbing kind of pains, and feeling quite bruised today. Anyone else getting these?

Feeling him move, so not worried, just sore!
Got my GTT results too, all good! For now at least - she did say that doesn't mean it couldn't happen!

I really hope I don't get it. My worst nightmare, think I'm more worried about that than birth!!
So happy, exams are done- and passed!!! now it's full steam ahead for sorting out baby things :D need a bed, pram, more clothes, car seat, basically just about everything and now there's nothing else in the way to sorting it all :)
So ive got 12 Fridays until little miss arrives, seems a bit soon!!! Planning on getting the nursery started tomorrow and a few more xmas pressies.
Well done on passing your exams beanie - now you can really concentrate on bubs!!

Kelly, it's going so fast isn't it?! I always thought pregnancy would drag!
Yes I had hoped I wouldn't find out as early this time but I did so 12 weeks were slow but since then flying by. Feeling really uncomfortable today not surr if it's trapped wind or am stressed out so took myself off for a soak in the bath.
Yes I had hoped I wouldn't find out as early this time but I did so 12 weeks were slow but since then flying by. Feeling really uncomfortable today not surr if it's trapped wind or am stressed out so took myself off for a soak in the bath.

i'm the same today, really sore. Everytime one of my babies is turning or moving it feels like it is coming right out of my skin.
Yet to get any really painful or sore movements, but there's times when baby is moving around and it feels a bit uncomfortable, like I'm being stretched!

29 weeks tomorrow, I can't believe I have just 11 weeks left to go and 10 weeks left of work. I spoke to my midwife about my anxieties of going overdue, so I'm going to see a consultant around 36 weeks to discuss early inductions if I am overdue. Helped put my mind at rest a little, but still getting quite anxious at the idea of going overdue!

We've practically bought everything now - but jeez I have NO idea when it comes to nappies! Is size 1 going to fit even a big baby? We don't know how big our baby will be obviously but I don't they'll be small. I don't want to get 2-3 packs of size 1 if they're not going to fit.
We've bought 2 packs of asda little angels size 1 and apparently they fit up to 11lb. We will be using cloth nappies though so they're only really for the hospital and the first few days at home while we get our heads round the cloth ones.

Had our 28 week scan today. All fine apart from my blood pressure being slightly high and a trace of protein in my urine. Have the midwife tomorrow so be interesting to see if they're the same then. Twin 2 is still lying transverse across the top but twin 1 has flipped 180 so they now have both heads at one side - little bugger is now oblique breech though so managed to flip and then stick feet down!! Explains the fanny kicks I've been getting!! Our consultant is away so we saw two midwives who did the scan and they couldn't work out which head belonged to which twin to begin with :lol: they also couldn't get head and thigh measurements for one of them, little monkeys!!

The Dr told me she's not concerned about their positions at the moment but obviously if twin 1 doesn't turn to head down then it'll be a section. She said if twin 1 does turn then they would support me in a vaginal delivery if that's what I wanted so I took from that that I will get the final decision. Consultant may say different though!

So, roughly 9 weeks to go. Crap, just realised that's single figure weeks!!
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I feel as if baby is doing 180 degre flips! My entire stomach moves. My little boy loves feeling the kicks however which is so nice as my dh just seems to freak out. I can believe on Friday I have 12 weeks til u see my little miss! Ive got size 2 I think they are all under the stairs as nursery is just getting started at last.
Hello ladies. My first post here and wondering if I can come and join you?

I'm 28 weeks tomorrow and am expecting a little boy on 20 Jan. I'm a FTM and to be brutally honest I've been finding pregnancy really hard to deal with. I had some complications early on with bleeding and a large ovarian cyst (which I still have!), I was incredibly nauseous for what seemed like forever, I've had some problems with anxiety which is being treated through the perinatal team and now that I'm in the 3rd tri I just feel so uncomfortable and in so much pain all the time. My pelvis, hips, legs, belly, ribs etc everything seems to hurt.

I'm just counting down the days until my gorgeous little boy is here. I feel bad for moaning as I know I should be grateful but it's hard sometimes. Luckily I have a really supportive husband and work have been great.

Anyway sorry for the really whingy first post. I promise I'm usually more fun than this!
Welcome TeeggieBeeggie, moan away, pregnancy can be hard!!!

3 hours 45 minutes left of work!!!! I can't believe it...I've waited 10 years to go on maternity leave...Let the Pj days commence!
Thank you tillewoo. I'm very jealous of you starting your maternity now, enjoy those pj days whilst they last!!

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