**********january 2016 mummies**********

I've spent the day being as active as possible around the house and keeping myself busy, and now I'm quite paranoid because I can't remember how active baby has been today.
Yes! I gulped down a huge glass of ice cold water and lay on my side, baby soon got moving. I think I'll make an effort to pay more attention today, even if active!
So had my hair done, 38 wks today she can officially arrive anytime now!! I feel so tired today I've just slept for 45 mins on my son's bed settling him and feel worse at least this time next week she hopefully will be here.
My contractions were all in my back, started getting back ache every 20 mins or so the first night then most of the next day, I kept trying to time it but couldn't tell one from another! Heard one or two others at the hospital say they didn't think they were in labour because it was back ache too. So if you get that at all it could be it
Googled waters breaking on Sunday night because I wasn't sure if they were leaking and one thing was saying about a pop- 20 mins later I popped :O weirdest sensation ever so you'll know if you pop too!

Won't be long now for you guys waiting :)
I laboured in my back with ds and spoke to mw and she said to monitor the back pain despite labour ward saying not to worry.
Even if me and Ellie end up induced, we could all have our babies by the end of next week!
Getting exciting now! Just wish I hadn't napped earlier wide awake now
This is the latest I've been up in well over a week. I think I'm too frustrated to sleep now! We have family visiting tomorrow as well, I see me being exhausted. Thankfully (although I'm looking forward to seeing them) it's a flying visit. I'll be straight back to bed after!
I finally got to sleep arpund 1 last night but today am exhausted had a twitchy eye and jist want to sleep.
I was up until 4:30am last night, big mistake!

Today has been a proper 'fed up' kind of day. Plus now it's snowing so I'm worried about what will happen if midwives can't get to us or we can't get to the hospital!
I was up until 4:30am last night, big mistake!

Today has been a proper 'fed up' kind of day. Plus now it's snowing so I'm worried about what will happen if midwives can't get to us or we can't get to the hospital!
There will be a way of someone getting to u if needs be, this happened wuen pregnant with ds and we went to stay at in laws for a few days butcshe said theu have 4x4 vehicles as well for emergencies.
Thankfully the roads are clearing today! If need be we'd have to call an ambulance, although that's if we end up in hospital!

I wish I was 100% sure over where I will feel happiest and safest having baby, home or hospital. Although I suppose if I end up getting induce, I'll have no choice anyway!

How are you feeling today Kellylou?
Better thanks, past 24 hrs wiped me out but stripped the beds and got that done and hubby has descaled the steriliser and set up all other bits needed doing. Had lots of clothes from my sil yesterday so put them all away and took ds swimming which was nice to do something together. How are you feeling??
Frustrated, fed up, but not as bad as I have been re:inductions. Been talking to people online (Twitter etc) and heard a lot of positive induction stories so feeling less worried and panicked now. Had some period type pains again this evening but not letting myself get excited like the other night, in case it turns into nothing again!
Hope u dont have to wait much longer, we think the first tri is hard but the weight in tri 3 I think outweighs it!
It's the pains that make you think 'is this it' then the let down when nothing comes of it!

I've been in a way better mood today haha helps that I slept most of the day hehe

Hope you lovely ladies have had a good day too

Yeh it's very frustrating Ellie! I hate thinking 'could this be the start?' and nothing coming of it. Had a nap early afternoon but been up and about this evening, mainly cleaning the kitchen and doing some work on the PC! Trying to keep upright as I read that sitting or laying down makes it harder for baby to get into birthing position.

I think if you're on time or early, the 3rd trimester is fine. It's going overdue that makes it stressful ha!
I agree with you SAHF, going over due is no joke!

I need to keep upright more but I'm either lying down in bed or lounging on the sofa as it's deeper on my side, cos it's suppose to be like a corner sofa but it's not if that makes sense. Also don't like sitting on hubbys side as the coffee table doesn't let me stretch my legs!!

Getting really bad period pain at night at the moment, feel like I need to hold myself between the legs it hurts that much, I get it right at the surface, doesn't feel like it's helping on the inside at all!
Well I've spent a good 2 hours scrubbing the kitchen tonight in the hopes it'd start something, but I think all I've done is give myself backache and swollen feet. Time for bed I think!

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