**********january 2016 mummies**********

Congrats beanie, I keep popping back to see if any more new babies have arrived.
We are on day 12 now and she is just so amazing :-)
Ollys just adjusting to life with her here but I'm taking each day as it comes, hubbys gone back to work so it's just the 3 of us !! Any of you mams who are planning to bottle feed Iv got to say my prep machine is worth its weight in gold - after making each bottle from the kettle with Olly and having him scream for half an hour while it cooled - this takes 1 minute to make ... I don't think I could survive without it. My son seems to think I can be in 10 different places at once so not having to think about bottles is great.
I hope things start moving for you soon sahf , it won't be long now

Congrats to all the new little arrivals on here now :) so lovely. To those who are still waiting, hang on in there it won't be long now xx
Been having pains this morning but got in the bath and they stopped?!? So I went to bed as I was so tired! Going to go and have a little walk and see if things pick up again :-/
Happy Due Date Day SAHF hehe

I've been getting Braxton Hicks every night, but nothing during the day!! Each time I think 'could this be it?', but nope! Happy due date to you too, here's hoping our babies arrive soon!! xo
Congrats to all the new little arrivals on here now :) so lovely. To those who are still waiting, hang on in there it won't be long now xx

Hope you and your boys are doing well Lols :)
Congrats beanie, I keep popping back to see if any more new babies have arrived.
We are on day 12 now and she is just so amazing :-)
Ollys just adjusting to life with her here but I'm taking each day as it comes, hubbys gone back to work so it's just the 3 of us !! Any of you mams who are planning to bottle feed Iv got to say my prep machine is worth its weight in gold - after making each bottle from the kettle with Olly and having him scream for half an hour while it cooled - this takes 1 minute to make ... I don't think I could survive without it. My son seems to think I can be in 10 different places at once so not having to think about bottles is great.
I hope things start moving for you soon sahf , it won't be long now


Thank you!! And for the bottle feeding tip. If I can't breastfeed, I will definitely be investing xo
So ladies who have had your baby's thinking back did u habe anything different the days leading up to labour?

I remember with ds that I just felt an overwhelming tiredness and wanted to just go to sleep and about an hour later my waters went. I was 5 days over though and had two sweeps.

I can't remember the week leading up to it though I.e what was going on downstairs and also if I was as weepy as im feeling now!
I had really bad hip pain on Saturday which I think was my hormones softening my joints kellylou but nothing that sticks out! Still having mild pains, it's much worse when I'm walking around but been told to take it easy and try to ignore them, back hurts so bad!! I'm not 100% on what BH feel like so was unsure what I was feeling this morning the my MIL came round and said I sounded like I was in early stages. I hate the pains and wonder 'is this it?' X
I'd be interested to know what people felt beforehand, with this being my first I just don't know what to expect or look out for! I was saying to OH last night, it'd be so much easier if I just knew what I was meant to feel or experience!
I Second wishing knowing what everything actually feels like but just seems like not one person has the same labour pain before hand. Seem to be getting a lot of tightenings today in tummy and Lower abdomen, wonder if these r braxton hicks ?
That's what I've experienced over the past week daily, mostly at night or in the very early hours. A tightening in my lower half, front and back - but I thought Braxton Hicks were meant to be at the top of your tummy? So I don't understand, it's all so confusing lol!

I doubt baby will make an appearance for me tonight. What about you Ellie?
I remember the bh and feeling a release of pressure when my waters went but thats about it!
That's what I've experienced over the past week daily, mostly at night or in the very early hours. A tightening in my lower half, front and back - but I thought Braxton Hicks were meant to be at the top of your tummy? So I don't understand, it's all so confusing lol!

I doubt baby will make an appearance for me tonight. What about you Ellie?

My tightenings have stopped at the moment and trying to get some sleep but haven't been able to much! Hope the sweep starts them off again today! Fingers crossed!

Just been lying here trying to sleep after dreaming I had a little girl and have gone off my girls name :wall2: oh well, just have to wait and see.
Haha how odd! I was just thinking of the names we have picked and how suddenly, despite having the girls name planned and picked for years before we even started trying for a baby, that maybe it wouldn't fit if we have a girl!

Had my usual toilet break wake up call and feeling wide awake. I'd be quite happy for things to get going after today's sweep!
About 3 days before I had him I was so sick. Couldn't keep anything down. Then the tears started and pure exhaustion. I just felt like I couldn't go on. Followed by one day of a burst of energy.
If I had a burst of energy tilliewoo, I'd know there was something up haha going to tidy the house a lil bit before my midwife app at 11:30 �� As my mum and nan are coming round after going to my great great uncles funeral!

My boys name is like that but there is no way my DH is moving from that name as its his grandads! I'm so back and forth with girls name, my mum was gutted when I'd changed my mind from Quinn! Oh well!

Good luck with your sweep today SAHF!!
I love the girls and boys names we've picked, but not 100% with the 1st middle name for a girl but OH wouldn't budge on it (he knows I'm not 100% happy with it), because he let me pick the first name, so I can't complain really!

My midwife appointment isn't until 3:15pm, you could be well on the way before me by then :) Good luck to you too!

Tillie did you nap at all towards the end?! The past week I can't sleep at night, nap most of the day and yesterday was just wanting to cry for no reason! No actual tears though, I think mostly down to tiredness and a sore back!
I love the girls and boys names we've picked, but not 100% with the 1st middle name for a girl but OH wouldn't budge on it (he knows I'm not 100% happy with it), because he let me pick the first name, so I can't complain really!

My midwife appointment isn't until 3:15pm, you could be well on the way before me by then :) Good luck to you too!

Tillie did you nap at all towards the end?! The past week I can't sleep at night, nap most of the day and yesterday was just wanting to cry for no reason! No actual tears though, I think mostly down to tiredness and a sore back!
All I could do was nap. Like you I couldn't sleep at night I took permanent residence on the sofa.
Do try to rest as much as you can. I ended up sleep deprived and in a terrible way. Think it ended up on night 6 I had a complete meltdown.
I'm hoping I can hold off on the day time nap today, what with my midwife appointment in the middle of the day, and get a proper full night's sleep tonight. Unless of course my sweep starts things off! I just feel exhausted all the time and the only thing I can physically do, is nap!
The day I went into labour I was exhausted. I went for a preg massage that my hubby had booked me as part of my Xmas pressie, came home and napped for an hour then I made him gave sex with me haha (Olly was out with nana and granda) and then my contractions started 20 mins later.

OH has suggested having sex but all I can think about is babies head!!

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