**********january 2016 mummies**********

Had no pains, except for feeling like I've been kicked between the legs! Was very uncomfortable but she said she managed to do a good one and I was a trooper haha so fingers crossed it worked and little one will start making an appearance in the next 48hours!!x
I found mine quite sharp/painful. I wasn't expecting it at all I just expected it to be uncomfortable! She said I was 1cm dilated and 'favourable' though, so who knows!

What was your Bishops score Ellie?
Don't think I'll last until bedtime without a nap mind you haha! Feeling exhausted today. Midwife thinks I'm getting early stages of labour by the sounds of what I told her I'd been experiencing. She said it wasn't braxton Hicks I've been having as they're top of tummy!
Oh that sounds positive SAHF! They didn't give me a bishops score but just had a look and it's probably 1? It was posterior, 50% effaced and 1cm dilated also baby's head is 3/5th she didn't give me more information than that!

Been for a walk and going to have a bounce on my peanut then probs DTD later! Think I am getting tightening but very few and far between!! So tired again though, been a busy day! X
She said my Bishop's Score was 3 and after Googling it, that doesn't actually seem a good number! We've just ordered curry, with me having spicy options, to see if that works! I'm getting a bit frustrated if I'm honest, I just want baby here now and to avoid induction.
Just had two really bad pains one after the other to tue left of my stomach ended up screaming hubby out of the bath and also feeling pressure in my bum...I really hope this isn't the start I'm getting so many twinges at the moment
Did it feel like contraction pain Kelly? I often get really sharp pains that made me vocally react, but more like sharp stabbing pains or as I like to tell OH, like being electrocuted in sensitive areas below!!
Sorry for the TMI!!!

I've had a tiny, tiny amount of brown discharge. I'm saying discharge as the colour isn't pinky or red, so I don't think it's blood? but it's also not mucus which would suggest my plug coming away.

Not sure whether I should be concerned or not? Previous to the sweep I had just the normal discharge they say you get at this stage and not had any bleeding or spotting at all throughout my pregnancy!
Sorry also if this is TMI but my discharge has been really weird (kind of like breadcrumbs), but have had like brown EWCM, I'm guessing that's my plug? What consistency is it, if you don't mind me asking? X
Sorry also if this is TMI but my discharge has been really weird (kind of like breadcrumbs), but have had like brown EWCM, I'm guessing that's my plug? What consistency is it, if you don't mind me asking? X

The brown 'stuff' I've got is getting thicker but only by the tiniest amount. It's more so just like if you were having clear or white discharge, but brown. As far as I am aware, and from Googling images, the mucus plug is almost like snot! Lovely... not! xo
Don't think it was contractions I think it was trapped wind!!
Oh kellylou �� Hope it's worn off now and you no longer have pain!

Yeah as long as it is brown SAHF, I got told that's fine, just lots of red blood isn't!

Also went on a bishops score calculator thing and my score is about 4 I thought it was just what score you were mostly under not that each thing was its own point and add them together haha oh well
Hahahaha Kelly that made me laugh!!

Yeah it's not pink or red. I'm keeping on eye on the amount as midwife said no more than a £2 coin worth. If it gets more than that I'll call the maternity assessment unit just to get advise in case.

We're not far off of each other then! Although it's a little disheartening to know the highest/best score is 13!
I know, the one I read said 10 is going into labour soon and 1 is no chance! Great! Really hurt my tummy just lying down, I could cry! Hoping to wake up in a puddle haha fx
Hope you've had a better night than me! Or more productive, baby wise! I've had another sleepless night (I did end up having a 2 hour nap yesterday evening though, so it's my own fault coupled with OH's snoring). He's up for work now so I've decided to just get up, do some work, order some bits for my new Life Planner and get back in bed in a couple of hours when I feel exhausted enough to drop off to sleep easily. No niggles or signs of labour starting, OH was of course very upset he's had to go to work ha!

No more brown discharge since yesterday evening either, so I don't think it was my plug but merely the expected spotting they say can happen after a sweep. I have a feeling I'll be back at the midwives next Wednesday for another, I honestly don't think baby is going to make a show before then!
Today is the most uncomfortable day for me, I cannot get comfy and baby seems in a really awkward position which feels like something is digging into me constantly!
DS went back to school today after 2 days off so hoping to get a bit more rest, got my hair booked in for tomorrow so once that is done if she wants to come early she can.
I haven't had any more pains so must have been trapped wind, poor hubby was in the bath and I had to yell at him to get out of the bath as I was in pain. Still suffering with my back and have given in now and took a couple of paracetemol.
I slept through all night which hasn't happened since New year!! I have not more pains, just feel like I've been kicked between the legs by a horse! Don't know what to do with myself aarrrgghh

Hubby just keep asking if there is any signs so he can come home!

My prediction to give birth was today, so not going to happen!

Lots of rest then kellylou with hot water bottles!!
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Ellie my OH is the same bless him. He's so excited for baby to arrive, but also hates having to go to work when our baby should have arrived by now!

I've not told my OH/friends etc but my predicted overdue date is the 17th, as I'm a 17th of the month baby! I had a weird thought the other day that wouldn't it be funny if baby came on the 17th, then it'd be exactly 6 months until my birthday and baby would be 6 months old on my 28th!

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