**********january 2016 mummies**********

Congratulations Hoping! Glad to hear they arrived safe and sound, I hope you're all doing OK? :)
Been quiet on here for a few days, sorry! I'm just blooming exhausted 24/7! I keep having the mental energy to get stuff done, but my body is like "HA! No chance, the only thing you're going to do is waddle around at the pace of a really old snail and don't even attempt trying to get anything done, because as soon as you try I'm going to make your feet swell so much you have no choice but to lie down.". And to think, once baby is here, as everyone keeps telling me, I'll have even LESS energy! Ha :)

Today we put up the cot-bed, added the wall decals to the wall and arranged the nursery. Little bit annoyed that the paint job we did in there isn't perfect - some touching up to do but we're going to leave it for now, as baby won't be in there until they're 6 months old anyway. Just frustrating that it's not turned out as 'perfect' as I had hoped!

Rest of today is putting away the Christmas decorations (which I wanted to do on NYE but OH wanted to 'relax'.) and general tidying. I've been getting quite a few sharp pains and braxton hicks/cramps, sore lower back, odd twinges here and there, so I want the house in order as I'm a little worried baby might come early...

How is everyone else doing?
Congratulations Hoping! Glad to hear they arrived safe and sound, I hope you're all doing OK? :)

We're all doing great thanks. The boys had a great second night at home last night and were only up twice. Hope it wasn't a fluke :lol: I'm still a bit sore but definitely getting better, I'm fine once I get stood up and straighten myself up. We went shopping this afternoon as we had absolutely no food in the house and I find pushing the pram helps me stand upright. Physio told me in hospital it's a good way to make sure my wound heals flexibly so am hoping the weather is decent over the next few days so we can get out for walks.

Not long for you to go now. I honestly can't tell you how amazing it is!
Im like you mentally want to do loads but physically can't do it. Decs down tomorrow and then final sort out want to be done by next weekend.
Our decorations will have to come down tomorrow now too. I spent most of my day on my feet today and by 6pm I just couldn't hack it any more, ended up in bed! I'm going to do the rest of our bedroom organising/tidying tonight, and the bathroom, then leave the decorations and kitchen for tomorrow.

I think I just need to admit defeat and realise I'm almost 39 weeks pregnant now, if I keep overdoing it, I'll push my body into labour before it's ready!
Congratulations Hoping! Glad to hear they arrived safe and sound, I hope you're all doing OK? :)

We're all doing great thanks. The boys had a great second night at home last night and were only up twice. Hope it wasn't a fluke :lol: I'm still a bit sore but definitely getting better, I'm fine once I get stood up and straighten myself up. We went shopping this afternoon as we had absolutely no food in the house and I find pushing the pram helps me stand upright. Physio told me in hospital it's a good way to make sure my wound heals flexibly so am hoping the weather is decent over the next few days so we can get out for walks.

Not long for you to go now. I honestly can't tell you how amazing it is!

Ah I am so happy for you Hoping! I can't wait to have that same feeling when our baby is here. Good to hear the pushchair is helping - Once OH is back at work after his two weeks off, I plan to walk to work with him each day. It's only a 15 minute trip there and back but it'll get me off of my bum, get baby some fresh air minimum 15 mins a day (obvs I plan to go out and do other things on days where I can, rather than stay home everyday forever more!) and it'll be nice to 'walk daddy to work' :)
i'm getting even more impatient. not very tired so think maybe i need to get off my bum a bit more and be more active to try and shoo her along a bit. my cold's finally easing off, got all the way to 7am this morning before i had a coughing fit and managed another couple of hours after so caught up on some sleep too.
hoping for sometime this week otherwise midwife's booked in for week Tues
I can't sleep got bad acid reflux which keeps me awake but other than that just counting down 19 days left now. Normality resumes on tues so hoping I manage to get ds in a routine before no.2 makes her entrance
I'm definitely impatient, as I'm more and more immobile by the day, but I also have so much to do that I would prefer him/her to either be on time or a couple of days over, opposed to early!
I keep checking on all the December and January threads to see if there are anymore new babies ! so exiting! I have been fine too just got the flu and on week 36+3 but so far been good. I have been getting some dull back aches for a few days now they can be really uncomortable but will come and go ! FTM so not a clue what any pain ache means lol
Ive been getting it to, keep an eye on it it should be manageable with heat or paracetemol but if on doubt call ur mw for reassurance. I find when I do too much bending or lifting my back is so sore so I have been having soaks in the bath.
Christmas decorations are away and in the attic again (hurrah!!), house is mostly tidy (doing little bits here and there as I have the energy) and pushchair, carseat & hospital bags, toy storage and playmats are all in their positions and ready to go/be used in the living room!

Getting more uncomfortable by the day, but I'm resigned to the fact that is how it will be until baby arrives!
Oh u r truly ready! Ive put the pram up and boxed most of the decs
Hubby back to work tomorrow so he will have to put them up tomorrow night.
Well my OH is working lates this week, so I will finish the cleaning day by day and actually start to enjoy my maternity leave! I keep moving my hospital bags as they are only an 'in case we need them' now, as we're going with the home birth. But I think in the living room with car seat will do for now!

Just scrubbed the bathroom, my back is hating me right now ha!
Definitely struggling with sleep lately! I'm either up every 1.5-2 hours, or just finding myself wide awake and unable to shut off. Think it's the loss of a work routine and not having work to tire me out mentally and physically throughout the day.
my sleeps been ok to be quite honest, just wake up to go the toilet a few times though! A still got a horrible cold n cough so annoying. I have woke up today with sore thighs for some weird reason a sort of tingly achey type of pain .. xx
Well today makes me 39 weeks and officially one week to go until my due date. Midwife appointment tomorrow, interested to see what the protein in my wee last week meant, although I presume when sent off for tests if it had been pre-eclampsia I would have been contacted before tomorrow to ask me to go into hospital?

I found out yesterday, after craving it for months and months and thinking I couldn't have it, that actually we can have smoked salmon whilst pregnant. AFTER they stop selling all the Christmas smoked salmon bits that I look forward to each year. GUTTED!
Hey ladies. Been a while since I posted on here but have been middle of the night lurking when I can't sleep. Glad to see some of the babies are already safely here and the others are hanging in there until closer to due dates. I'm due no 3 on Sunday but seriously ready any time now. My pelvis is so heavy and I still have really bad heartburn. Only stopped work a week and a half ago and was absolutely done in at the end. Anyway, not complaining as such just ready to meet my little one any time now. No labour signs other than back ache but that has gone on for days now. Fingers crossed We all don't have to wait to much longer. I've just finished sorting out and washing the stuff that has been stored in the loft for the last 3 years (Moses basket, car seat, carrycot for pram and stuff) so officially ready now - well once it's all dry!! ��
Anyway, take care and enjoy the rest before the mayhem of new baby life!!

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