**********january 2016 mummies**********

Congratulations Louise! And what a beautiful name, too :)

So glad to hear you are home in time for Christmas Tillie! A very merry Christmas indeed :)
We had our 37 week midwife appointment this afternoon. Midwife couldn't say for definite what position baby is in, but she *thinks* s/he may have turned head down again. The heartbeat sounded wonderful as always, it's just stronger higher up my tummy than she'd expect at this stage which is why she's not 100% sure on position - she did say whatever is down, is pretty darn engaged!

We have our scan on Christmas Eve to confirm position. If baby is breech we'll be booking in a c-section. If baby is head down, then we'll be making the decision as to whether to have a home birth or not........

Hope everyone else is doing OK?
What a bloody night !!
Iv waited in all day for hot point to come and fix my washer and the guy turns up at 6.10 pm
Hubby getting picked up at 6.30 for his works do so I'm left on my own to sort it all out. He had to take my whole washer apart and there was about 1000 piece all over my kitchen floor, and then the washer flooded the whole kitchen. All this and I'm trying to keep the dog and the child in the living room. So he managed to fix it which Is fab but I was left to clean up all the mess and push the washer back in the hole. Iv had to get every towel bar 1 (7 I think In total) to.clear the water from the floor then get down and spray and wipe because the water was dirty. Olly went flying through it and skidded into the living room leaving a carpet burn on his knee, the dog was going mad because I wouldn't let him in the kitchen !!
I am absolutely shattered now ! Iv quickly bathed Olly and just put him to bed, I'm jumping in now and and then I'm following him. I'm just thinking how the hell am I going to dry 7 huge towels tomorrow :-(

Hope everybody else has had a better evening that us !!!

Fab news Tilly :) early night sounds like a good plan riccy!
Fingers crossed baby's just being cheeky and is head down sahf
What a bloody night !!
Iv waited in all day for hot point to come and fix my washer and the guy turns up at 6.10 pm
Hubby getting picked up at 6.30 for his works do so I'm left on my own to sort it all out. He had to take my whole washer apart and there was about 1000 piece all over my kitchen floor, and then the washer flooded the whole kitchen. All this and I'm trying to keep the dog and the child in the living room. So he managed to fix it which Is fab but I was left to clean up all the mess and push the washer back in the hole. Iv had to get every towel bar 1 (7 I think In total) to.clear the water from the floor then get down and spray and wipe because the water was dirty. Olly went flying through it and skidded into the living room leaving a carpet burn on his knee, the dog was going mad because I wouldn't let him in the kitchen !!
I am absolutely shattered now ! Iv quickly bathed Olly and just put him to bed, I'm jumping in now and and then I'm following him. I'm just thinking how the hell am I going to dry 7 huge towels tomorrow :-(

Hope everybody else has had a better evening that us !!!

What a nightmare! Times just dragging for me now im on mat leave.
Hope everyone is doing well? Are u all ready for tomorrow?

Belated Merry Christmas :)

Was quiet on here over Christmas as I decided to steer clear from the PC/laptop and just enjoy our last Christmas before baby arrives and all future Christmas celebrations are hectic, busy and much louder, ha :)

Hope everyone had a lovely Christmas? How are those of us still growing babies doing?

We had our scan on Christmas Eve and baby has turned back down, so they are no longer breech which is very reassuring, it was so relieving!
That must be so relieving for you SAHF. Maybe the midwife got it wrong and baby was never breech at all. Either way, here's hoping they stay head down for you now!

Did everyone have a nice Christmas? Now it's all over with we're starting to sort things out for next week - set up the perfect prep machine today and moved some things in the kitchen to fit that and the steriliser in. Tomorrow we're taking the Christmas decorations down, having a general tidy up and sorting our room ready for the cotbed to go in. We've got the hospital at 11 for my steroid injection too then heading into town to pick up a couple of formula starter kits for the hospital. Got hubby's cousin visiting at some point too. Monday is another trip to the hospital for more steroids and my pre-op.

Feels too real now that Christmas is over with. Think I was focusing on that to take my mind off the fact the babies will be here next week!
Gosh, not long at all for you hoping! Then again, few more weeks and we'll all have our babies. Isn't it crazy??

We're taking down the decorations on New Year's Eve. I just want to get the house tidy and Christmas-free now, but we don't have time before then. I've also decided to finish work on December 30th opposed to January 3rd. Thankfully as I pick my own shifts I was able to do that, as I've made sure I'll do my minimum weekly hours before then, but boy am I looking forward to maternity leave!

I've felt myself feeling absolutely exhausted every day now, needing naps every afternoon too. I hope it's not like this until baby comes now, as I still have so much to do.... not baby wise, but general life stuff wise!
It really is crazy to think we will all have our babies soon! It's gone so fast! Having a fab bunch of ladies to share the journey with has been great though :)

That's good you're managing to finish a few days early, not long at all for you to go now and hopefully you'll manage to get things done before bubs decides to make an appearance. Are you looking into home birth now that they're definitely head down?

I've been pretty tired too but still not sleeping until about 2am no matter how tired I am. I was shattered last night and nearly falling asleep on the sofa but forced myself to stay awake in the hope I'd drop off last night but nope, still awake at 2am as usual! It's like as soon as my head hits the pillow my brain wakes up! Part of me is looking forward to the tiredness once the babies arrive as I might actually sleep when I get the chance! Plus the fact that hopefully when I'm awake in the night it'll be because a baby wants fed and cuddled and not because my brain won't switch off!
Wow its so close now hoping! Christmas was lovely as it was the last the three of us, didnt go to plan but with a 5 yo I never thought it would! Ready to get the decs down now tho and get house set up for our arrival in 26 days!
fab news on your scan SAHF, hopefully all set for the birth you want now ? :)
hope you all had a good christmas

my OH's had a cold for the last couple of weeks, this last weeks he's been coughing through the night so that combined with my sore hips has not led to very much sleep, was a bit of a zombie on christmas day and felt really bad since his sister had us round and had cooked etc for us and i can't say i was very social. midnight through to about 2am boxing day morning we were down in labour ward due to reduced movement, she'd been quiet through the evening and wasn't reacting to cold hands which usually makes her wallop me. midwife said that she was fine but i had a temperature and raised pulse, probably because i was starting to come down with a cold, so she gave me some paracetamol and kept monitoring us until it'd levelled out. eventually did however upon measuring my belly's had a big growth spurt last 4 weeks ish and now higher than the 90th percentile so they've put me in for a growth scan.

so fed up and feeling rubbish, yesterday i was convinced something horrible was going to happen and today i'm sat around feeling like i'm doing a really rubbish job of baby making :(
I'm struggling with sleep too, but mainly because when I wake in the night for a toilet break (thanks baby on my bladder!!), I find myself feeling absolutely wide awake and it takes me ages to fall back asleep again. I do find myself needing at least 2-3 hours nap every afternoon now though, so it's a good job I'm stopping work this week as it's not the easiest thing to explain to your employer that you feel so tired you could breakdown in tears!!

We are going to go for a home birth, yes :) I'm a little nervous about it but tbh, as soon as we decided (after knowing for sure baby was head down again), I've felt so much better about going into labour. I know if we need to (i.e. in the case of an emergency) get to the hospital that an ambulance would be called and we'd get there in good time. I also know if I change my mind between now and then, or when labour actually starts, or even in labour, that I can ask to go to hospital. But it has definitely taken away a lot of my anxiety about the birth and baby arriving. The idea of being home and comfortable, somewhere I know and feel safe, is a massive positive for me. I could very well end up in hospital still, I think the percentage of first time mums who chose a home birth who end up in hospital for one reason or another is something like 60%, but hey, I may be in that lucky 40%!

You'll have to let us know how your growth scan goes Beanie! Try not to worry. My friend was made to have growth scans every 2 weeks with her little boy, and he came out at just over 8lbs, she just kept being given dodgy measurements, the scan would show it was fine, then at her next midwife appointment another dodgy measurement, sent to another scan etc etc!
Merry Christmas girls, hope you all had a great day.
Ours was hectic and mad !! Exactly what it's meant to be with a toddler haha. Couldn't eat a lot of dinner or pud ... Have a shed load of chocolates to eat before baby comes because once she's here the diet starts - I can't wait to get back to exercise.
Been struggling the last few nights with a trapped nerve in my left bum cheek and my right hand and arm keep going numb through the night ... It's such an awful feeling !!!

It really is crazy to think we will all have our babies soon! It's gone so fast! Having a fab bunch of ladies to share the journey with has been great though :)

It has honestly been SO lovely to share this journey with all you January ladies. Your advice, tips, reassurance and listening ears along the way have truly been completely invaluable xo
In my 'final' week ... Hopefully hahaha !!!!
Everyone I know apart from 1 who has been due within a few days or after me have had their babies already so it's making me very impatient now. Iv non stop walked, haven't really had much rest during the day because I'm still sleeping ok ish at night .. I'm getting 8/9 hours, maybe in 2 blocks with a toilet trip during the night but I can drop off easily when I'm back in bed - I think with Olly being a terrible sleeper from birth to about 18 month Iv learnt to sleep when I can haha !!
I'm just trying to keep active and hope it works in my favour, haven't bothered with a ball this time or raspberry tea. I'm getting a lot of pains down there so fingers crossed it will be very soon xxx
Hope it's not too much longer for you riccy! I'm feeling quite blessed when it comes to sleeping - like you I'm managing a good sleep with one or two toilet breaks in between. It's just the getting to sleep I struggle with but once I'm asleep it's fine. Last night I managed to sleep from 1-8 without waking so was pretty impressed. I feel sorry for those of you up at the loo all the time.
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I'm jealous girls! I'm still up every 1.5-2 hours like clockwork. I suppose it'll be good practice for me, with night feeds just a couple of weeks away!
Im getting one sometimes 2 trips in the night just find it hard to get out of bed now.

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