**********january 2016 mummies**********

I'm the same SAHF (actually due on the same day, first baby and team yellow too) the thought of someone touching me down there really puts me off, however I have thought of it in a different way and it must be how the midwives see it too and that's it's baby's exit door, nothing else! Does that make sense? Or do I sound like a complete loon? Sweep- just knocking on baby's door :rotfl: now I know I sound crazy, but that's the way I'm going to think about my downstairs from now on till after baby's born!

Good luck everyone, I'm so excited and pooing myself at exactly the same time, like I'm sure the rest of you are too:lol:

Ooohh! Due date buddies :)

Haha, it doesn't sound crazy! I suppose like everyone says, after we've given birth and lost all of our dignity, we'll be well beyond caring about anything like that!
Ooohh! Due date buddies :)

Haha, it doesn't sound crazy! I suppose like everyone says, after we've given birth and lost all of our dignity, we'll be well beyond caring about anything like that!

True and like you said before if it gets baby out... I also have my sweep on Wednesday and already told Hubby the plan for the day even if it is snowing we're taking the dog for a walk after midwife app. then I'll bounce on my ball then have a hot curry hehe and maybe DTD but won't tell him that haha will also be keeping an eye on here to see how you're getting on too
:-) xx
sahf - yes that's what the midwife said today she said if it snows do not even attempt to try and come in the car must phone an ambulance as they are better equipped for all weathers. So that's re assuring!
we are still waiting on a few January babies yet ! Except lols and hoping I don't think any other January babies hve made an appearance yet ...
It's definitely quieter in here, but also a lot of ladies who commented when I first made this thread and had their info added, never returned or commented again! So I don't think there will be many of us to wait for announcements.

I'm kind of hoping baby doesn't make an early arrival and come over the weekend - I have a to-do list as long as my arm ha!
2 weeks today for me, doubt I will be going any earlier either she seems to be all tucked up!!
Hi girls

Had appointment at ANC yesterday and had an internal and membrane sweep. As before it was a bit uncomfortable but not too distressing. I did have a few contractions afterwards and a tiny amount if blood but the worst bit was being told that labour doesn't seem too likely over the next few days. Cervix still high and posterior so back to the drawing board to get this baby moving! I must admit to being a bit fed up this time around and very uncomfortable over the last couple of days. Come on baby, mummy wants to meet you!

Hope the rest of you have more success.
I was wondering that GemmGirl, as to whether my midwife would be able to give me any idea after the sweep as to how likely it is to work?

I'm still really nervous about the sweep, but I don't feel like labour is imminent!
Due dates been and gone and I'm pretty sure I'm still nowhere near engaged or showing any signs of anything :( I know the dates are just an estimate but still a bit gutting when you've been counting down to it for nearly a year with nothing to show for it at the end

What's the next step for you gem?
we are still waiting on a few January babies yet ! Except lols and hoping I don't think any other January babies hve made an appearance yet ...
My little guy arrived Dec 1st. A whole month early.
And Queenriccy had her little girl early too :)
Another sweep next week and they will let me know if anything has progressed. Will have to have section if baby doesn't arrive before next Monday. I will be 41 weeks.

How are you getting on Tillie? Hope you're enjoying being a mummy. X
Still a few more babies to arrive then! As eaxh one arrives I get a little more excited!

Ive started getting af style cramps this evening as well as pinky cm and on wiping there was the tiniest amount of red blood, nothing to write home about and none since. Im only just 37 wks atm so not expecting anything to happen anytime soon as was late with Ds as I've had the pinkiness twice before and strangely always on a late sat night/sun morning wonder if its just my cervix aggravated as baby has definitely moved a lot lower down.
after all my moaning, been having cramps in my back since 10/11pm last night and think i lost my plug too. nothing's got any worse today but not stopped either, going to go for a walk after lunch to hopefully keep it all moving. fingers crossed this is the start
Ooh. Good luck ladies. Hope it's all happening now. I lost a huge blob of plug this afternoon too. Sad that I was excited about it as its really gross!! Back is still killing me but no other symptoms yet. Hoping we don't have to wait too much longer to meet our bubbas. X
Ooohh exciting Beanie! Here's hoping it's the start of things for you. I haven't had a show or any lost plug yet. I honestly don't feel like it's likely to happen any time soon, and I also feel far too relaxed about that ha! I feel like the only one who isn't ready for their baby to arrive, in my head I'm still in 'pregnant' mode!
I wonder if you'll be a due-date birth Gemmgirl!
Keep us updated beanie ! perhaps another january baby? I have still been having a lot of bother with back
ache i haven't done any heavy lifting etc so not sure why I am
getting it....
Don't think I will manage to squeeze baby out in the next few hours without any contractions! Will keep you posted though ;)
Good luck gem girl ! never say never hehe u might end up breaking waters tonight ! lol

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