**********january 2016 mummies**********

I always just thought you'd be out and back home after 24 hours if you had a scan, so I'm quite nervous thinking about up to 5 days in there.

Hopefully you'll be home for Christmas :)

I think there's a possibility you may need a catheter in for a short while after a section and also depends on how the babies are too I suppose. The good thing for me is I've to be in for 7am on Tuesday for my section and they should prioritise me so hopefully delivery is early morning.

I can only imagine how elated you will be having both of your babies in your arms on Tuesday morning! Hope it all goes to plan for you lols.

Well I'm just back from my final check from hospital, they went over everything in relation to the section with me, checked my urine and BP and listening into baby's hearts on a doppler; they said they will put a catheter in when I go in for the section first and I'll probably have it in overnight. Also said I'll probably get home after two days, if babies need to stay in longer I'll be discharged home without them, which I hope doesn't happen. No food or liquids from the night before but to take one of my rataddine (sp) the morning of the op with only enough water to swallow to stop me being sick during the op.

I think I'd much prefer them putting in a catheter before the c-section, especially if I have already been given an epidural/local anaesthetic.

Sounds like you're all set to go! Hope you used your last weekend wisely ;)

Aw thanks missus, yesterday was my worst day yet energy wise. Just about to have an early morning bath then another day laying on the couch by the looks of things. So breathless with these little ones now xx
I'm.... I don't know, ha! Feel like I'm in limbo not knowing whether baby is 100% in breech or not, and not knowing what my options are until our scan on Christmas Eve.

Been looking into c-sections which is my most likely option now. A friend who had one said she had to stay in hospital for 5 days, which I hate, hate, hate the idea of!

Do you know how long you'll be made to stay in Lols?

I was kept in for 2 nights. I was pretty healthy & mobile from day 1 after op I guess it just depends on situation x

I know it'll be a case of being kept in as long as I/baby needs, but I've never had to go for hospital for anything before in my life except my scans through this pregnancy. I wouldn't mind at all how long they'd want me to stay if my OH could stay with me, because of my anxiety, but knowing he'll only be allowed there during visiting hours is kinda freaking me out!
I felt like that with my first, plus im quite quiet so knew I wouldn't mix well woth other mums, I found it ok in the end, but hospital allowed siblings and partners to come and go as he wished, he even went when I was in labour to get some food! I hope u find it ok too, am sure you will be absolutely fine, I always got teary when he arrived/left but I blame the hormones!
Aww girls I'm so sad today.
Got up this morning and Ollys bunnys back legs are paralysed :-( had to have little Blue put to sleep. He hasn't asked to see her today, not quite sure how I'm going to explain. Poor bunny must have been in so much pain, it wasn't fair keeping her alive. I'm just feeling a bit deflated :-(

Poor bunny.
SAHF I've never heard of partners only being allowed in at visiting times? My hubby will be allowed in whenever he wants (within reason) but others are only allowed in at visiting times. I'm hoping hubby will be in by about 10am and be there until 8/9pm.

Tillie that's fab news about Cormac, fingers crossed he keeps improving and is home for Christmas!

Riccy so sorry to hear about poor bunny. Hopefully Olly will understand however you decide to tell him. Having pets can be so hard at times.

We're officially on countdown, I only have 10 days left of being pregnant :) hubs is finished work at lunchtime on Xmas eve until 18th January so really looking forward to spending our last few days together just the two of us.
That sounds so good, its literally flown by for you and lols, well it feels like it!
SAHF I've never heard of partners only being allowed in at visiting times? My hubby will be allowed in whenever he wants (within reason) but others are only allowed in at visiting times. I'm hoping hubby will be in by about 10am and be there until 8/9pm.

My friend who gave birth in Nottingham and had a c-section was only allowed her partner in with her during visiting hours. And even if my OH is allowed in all day, it's the night time I'm worried about as I have bad anxiety and I have never stayed in hospital before. The thought of him not being there at night - added to the fact we haven't spent a single night apart in 4 years - makes me really, really anxious!
Have u had a look on your hospital website it should list the visiting policy which could help ease ur anxiety a little.
I always just thought you'd be out and back home after 24 hours if you had a scan, so I'm quite nervous thinking about up to 5 days in there.

Hopefully you'll be home for Christmas :)

I think there's a possibility you may need a catheter in for a short while after a section and also depends on how the babies are too I suppose. The good thing for me is I've to be in for 7am on Tuesday for my section and they should prioritise me so hopefully delivery is early morning.

I can only imagine how elated you will be having both of your babies in your arms on Tuesday morning! Hope it all goes to plan for you lols.

Well I'm just back from my final check from hospital, they went over everything in relation to the section with me, checked my urine and BP and listening into baby's hearts on a doppler; they said they will put a catheter in when I go in for the section first and I'll probably have it in overnight. Also said I'll probably get home after two days, if babies need to stay in longer I'll be discharged home without them, which I hope doesn't happen. No food or liquids from the night before but to take one of my rataddine (sp) the morning of the op with only enough water to swallow to stop me being sick during the op.

I think I'd much prefer them putting in a catheter before the c-section, especially if I have already been given an epidural/local anaesthetic.

Sounds like you're all set to go! Hope you used your last weekend wisely ;)

Aw thanks missus, yesterday was my worst day yet energy wise. Just about to have an early morning bath then another day laying on the couch by the looks of things. So breathless with these little ones now xx
Feet up for the last few days then, I can't believe its this week it seems to have flown by
I always just thought you'd be out and back home after 24 hours if you had a scan, so I'm quite nervous thinking about up to 5 days in there.

Hopefully you'll be home for Christmas :)

I think there's a possibility you may need a catheter in for a short while after a section and also depends on how the babies are too I suppose. The good thing for me is I've to be in for 7am on Tuesday for my section and they should prioritise me so hopefully delivery is early morning.

I can only imagine how elated you will be having both of your babies in your arms on Tuesday morning! Hope it all goes to plan for you lols.

Well I'm just back from my final check from hospital, they went over everything in relation to the section with me, checked my urine and BP and listening into baby's hearts on a doppler; they said they will put a catheter in when I go in for the section first and I'll probably have it in overnight. Also said I'll probably get home after two days, if babies need to stay in longer I'll be discharged home without them, which I hope doesn't happen. No food or liquids from the night before but to take one of my rataddine (sp) the morning of the op with only enough water to swallow to stop me being sick during the op.

I think I'd much prefer them putting in a catheter before the c-section, especially if I have already been given an epidural/local anaesthetic.

Sounds like you're all set to go! Hope you used your last weekend wisely ;)

Aw thanks missus, yesterday was my worst day yet energy wise. Just about to have an early morning bath then another day laying on the couch by the looks of things. So breathless with these little ones now xx
Feet up for the last few days then, I can't believe its this week it seems to have flown by

Thank you :) partner finishes up for PA leave today, going to see if they can manage without him I'm gubbed xx
SAHF I've never heard of partners only being allowed in at visiting times? My hubby will be allowed in whenever he wants (within reason) but others are only allowed in at visiting times. I'm hoping hubby will be in by about 10am and be there until 8/9pm.

My friend who gave birth in Nottingham and had a c-section was only allowed her partner in with her during visiting hours. And even if my OH is allowed in all day, it's the night time I'm worried about as I have bad anxiety and I have never stayed in hospital before. The thought of him not being there at night - added to the fact we haven't spent a single night apart in 4 years - makes me really, really anxious!
Have u had a look on your hospital website it should list the visiting policy which could help ease ur anxiety a little.

Yeah ours is 10-10 for the dads, double check that. I made sure when I was down the other day id be getting help when he's not there lol x
Just checked the visiting hours and it's 11am - 8:30pm. I'm going to talk to my midwife about whether it would be at all possible for him to stay through the night though, as I really don't know how I'll cope with my anxiety and just the thought is stressing me out which can't be good for baby. She's aware of my anxiety problems, so hopefully can advise!

I think one thing I am worrying about (have we all noticed what a worrier I am?!) is that my friend who gave birth in Nottingham with a c-section was given very, very little help. She would call the midwife in the night to help her get up to pick up baby for feeds, and the midwife point blank refused because she needed to 'learn how to do it yourself'. On the 1st night of her having had the c-section!!
That is wrong that the mw was like that but doesn't mean you will have the same experience. I found recovery really suprising nd I wasnt in the best condition last time, I was moving around quite quickly and found I was able to do things with the baby sooner than I thought but they should help its difficult to lift baby I was actually afraid to ring the bell to ask them to lift the baby for me which was daft x Talk to as many ppl as u can to get a little reassurance
Just wanted to pop on and say good luck for tomorrow Lols! Hope everything goes smoothly and I'm so excited for you to meet your little ones! Hope you'll keep us all updated once you are settled and recovered. Here's to the best Christmas present ever :)
Just wanted to pop on and say good luck for tomorrow Lols! Hope everything goes smoothly and I'm so excited for you to meet your little ones! Hope you'll keep us all updated once you are settled and recovered. Here's to the best Christmas present ever :)

Aw thank you so much, just doing a final check i have everything packed that i need and sipping my water until 10 before I can't have no more lol - i'll check back in when I can :) x
Today was my first week on mat leave. Decided to have a lazy day with ds, now im in agony with back and buttock pain. Literally felt as if my belly was going to explode the position baby was moving around. A month tomorrow until the section but I think this will be difficult
Just wanted to pop on and say good luck for tomorrow Lols! Hope everything goes smoothly and I'm so excited for you to meet your little ones! Hope you'll keep us all updated once you are settled and recovered. Here's to the best Christmas present ever :)

Aw thank you so much, just doing a final check i have everything packed that i need and sipping my water until 10 before I can't have no more lol - i'll check back in when I can :) x

Good luck hunni xxxxx I'm still in hospital with mine just waiting on esme to finish her antibiotics , there the best Christmas presents you will ever have xxx
Hope all has gone well lols and you have your boys by now. Looking forward to an update :)
Just popping on to check on updates.

Congrats louise xox

Cormac got home yesterday. Have my baby for xmas.

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