**********january 2016 mummies**********

Battling on as ever girls, on the countdown to Xmas now then baby time.
Finding it harder and harder each day with Olly, some ahole parked so close to me today I physically couldn't get him in the car because my belly wouldn't fit !!! Had to battle getting him in the other side !! Fair to say I was pissed off !!

How's everyone's appointments falling over Xmas ? My mw has booked me for another appointment on Monday where I'll be 37 weeks and then said she doesn't know after that


No more appointments, babas will be here before Christmas. I've never had a midwife I feel slightly robbed, just carried on without one.
Battling on as ever girls, on the countdown to Xmas now then baby time.
Finding it harder and harder each day with Olly, some ahole parked so close to me today I physically couldn't get him in the car because my belly wouldn't fit !!! Had to battle getting him in the other side !! Fair to say I was pissed off !!

How's everyone's appointments falling over Xmas ? My mw has booked me for another appointment on Monday where I'll be 37 weeks and then said she doesn't know after that


I've resorted to parking in mother and baby when in oh car as its so low I have to open the door wide and struggle in normal spaces now.
Yes just Sunday and Thursday to work next week now then I am done, it's flown by! Got in from work tonight and all the xmas decs are down the past two weekend have been manic, tomorrow get them up and then sat over to visit family and drop off the first set of pressies. I cannot believe it's nearly down to the final month.

Heartburn is being a real pain atm and have made my way through an entire large bottle of gaviscon so might try and get an appt with the dr to see if anything stronger can be given as it's not doing anything.

Not long for some of you ladies now and the babies will soon be here!
So jealous of all of you finishing work or who have already finished! I've still got 3 weeks to go, finishing on January 3rd. Finding it harder and harder everyday, as my job can be very tiring sometimes, even if it doesn't seem so working from home! Really, really looking forward to maternity leave starting - I wish I'd taken it sooner than I am!

We also have a health visitor visit tomorrow, our first. I'm glad OH will be home as after all the stress of arranging/rearranging/her forgetting the rearrangement/etc, it's made me really NOT want to meet her. Hoping having him here will stop me coming across too obviously how much I'd rather she wasn't in my home lol.

Packed more of my hospital bags tonight. It's made me realised that I really do need to get a move on with washing baby clothes, muslin cloths, blankets etc, so some of it can go in our hospital bags. Going to start that tomorrow evening! Thankfully OH will be doing the ironing, not me!

I have my 36 week midwife appointment on Tuesday - I presume my next one will be at 38 weeks. My midwife hasn't mentioned anything about appointments not going to plan over Christmas/New Year!
Battling on as ever girls, on the countdown to Xmas now then baby time.
Finding it harder and harder each day with Olly, some ahole parked so close to me today I physically couldn't get him in the car because my belly wouldn't fit !!! Had to battle getting him in the other side !! Fair to say I was pissed off !!

How's everyone's appointments falling over Xmas ? My mw has booked me for another appointment on Monday where I'll be 37 weeks and then said she doesn't know after that


No more appointments, babas will be here before Christmas. I've never had a midwife I feel slightly robbed, just carried on without one.

How come you haven't had a midwife Lols, is it just because twins are consultant led?
Battling on as ever girls, on the countdown to Xmas now then baby time.
Finding it harder and harder each day with Olly, some ahole parked so close to me today I physically couldn't get him in the car because my belly wouldn't fit !!! Had to battle getting him in the other side !! Fair to say I was pissed off !!

How's everyone's appointments falling over Xmas ? My mw has booked me for another appointment on Monday where I'll be 37 weeks and then said she doesn't know after that


No more appointments, babas will be here before Christmas. I've never had a midwife I feel slightly robbed, just carried on without one.

How come you haven't had a midwife Lols, is it just because twins are consultant led?

Yes the minute I found out I was having twins at 13 weeks I was just told to attend consultant appointments at the hospital every fortnight. There is always a midwife there but I've never had one allocated to me, not been ideal being my first pregnancy plus twins but we've managed.
Urgh! Went to bed at 10.30pm last night and started with awful backache! Had period pains too along with everything getting really sore every 10 mins or so. Backache eased off and I was left with constant period pain that got really intense every 5 mins or so. Come 4am I was ready to wake hubby, went to loo and thought I'd stand for a bit to see if they continued...the pain pretty much eased off! Finally got to sleep the back of 4. How on earth can they just suddenly stop after being so sore for so long?!
How have u been today?

Had a bit of an off day yesterday - really lacking in energy and then had a splitting headache before bed. Been much better today though and, as you can see, back to not sleeping until silly o clock! Twins are currently having a party!
Urgh feel dreadful this morning - I feel so sick and Iv got what I can only describe as pulling pains by my hips, feels like a continuous stitch xx
hello all
just popping my head in to see how you are all getting along as i started the journey on the january forum initially!

im due 30th decemebr so might end up going over we'll see
hope you are all well
All good here! Or should I say 'managing here'? Haha!

I am definitely finding sleep harder and harder with each day, and apparently I'm making sleep more difficult for OH too as I keep snoring! Not good when he gets up at 4:45am each morning for work.

We have our 36 week midwife appointment later today. Going to talk to my midwife about swelling as my feet are swelling everyday now even when I'm doing nothing but sitting at my desk working. My hands and face aren't swelling as well, so I'm not too worried about pre-eclampsia, but my feet are actually painful from the swelling and I'm finding it really unbearable at times!

Wrote my birth plan last night, washed all baby clothes too. Everything is happening so fast!
Had my 36w this morning, now a bit disheartened as although everything's looking good (which I am pleased about) there's no sign of her moving out. Was hoping for at least a little bit engaged but nope. Still early but I'm just starting to get a bit fed up with feeling huge and waking up sore all night long so was hoping the end would start to be in sight! Really hoping I don't go overdue as I'll end up being a right mardy cow for the next 5/6weeks!
I'm curious to see if we are engaged at all. All my appointments recently midwife has said 'head down', but nothing about being engaged or on the way to being engaged. I've felt more baby movement down there the past couple of weeks and sharp pains, so I presume they are heading that way, but I have a feeling like you I won't actually get any engaged news today Beanie!

We can be grumpy together if we go overdue. I'm convinced I'll be overdue!
I'm fed up today too :-(
Didn't sleep much last night, couldn't get comfy. I have the most bad tempered toddler who will not nap to look after.
Had workmen round this morning and had to clean up all their mess, 2 loads of washing to wash and sort, shower the pooch and go out and buy him some more food. Hubby just walked through the door, got changed and went to back out to squash - leaving me to sort Ollys tea, prep ours for later, Hoover, bath and bed the child !! Thanks !!!

Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!
Oh and to also say Olly isn't talking to me because he is in a foul mood and the dog won't listen to me and is sulking in the kitchen because I had to bath him - I have nobody to talk to !

I think a cry in the bath later may make me feel better !!
Well I was right about not being engaged.... Baby is now breach! We're having a scan in a few days and then will discuss options from there.
Oh and to also say Olly isn't talking to me because he is in a foul mood and the dog won't listen to me and is sulking in the kitchen because I had to bath him - I have nobody to talk to !

I think a cry in the bath later may make me feel better !!

Hope you feel better after a bath! I'll be having a late night bath tonight too, so that OH can get some sleep before I start snoring again haha!
Oh riccy what a day! Is Olly speaking to you yet?

Cheeky baby you've got there SAHF. You'll need to get on the exercises to get them to move!
I signed up for an extra shift in work so working tomorrow and also on Thursday then I am finished until early October. I have seen myself having to get up at least twice in the night to go to the toilet now. Got the midwife in the morning then into work for a few hours. Still trying to get the house sorted...almost there started distributing Christmas Pressies to the family to keep at their house so I can regain the nursery and the spare room, my room is the last to be sorted out as I need to find a home for all my ww stuff which used to live in the nursery!!

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