**********january 2016 mummies**********

Aw congratulations tillie! Hope you're doing okay and baby Cormac gets cuddles today!
Hi girls, after an absolutely crazy 24 hours which resulted in a mad dash to theatre today, I am so proud to tell you that baby Cormac Sean arrived to this world one month early.
He is a little small at 5 lb 7oz but absolutely perfect.
Having a little trouble so in neo natal for tube feeding and oxygen.
I haven't got a cuddle yet, apart from a few minutes in theatre, hope in the morning to do some skin on skin.

Oh gosh wow! Congratulations Tillie! What a beautiful name, too, I don't think I've heard Cormac before :) Hope he is 100% soon, sending lots of love your way and hope you get that skin-to-skin contact soon. He was obviously too excited by the idea of Christmas to miss it!!
It's not good, why not try calling her several times a day see how she likes it. Seems unnecessary to act this way and I can understand why it is stressing you out. :wall2:

Well she's now agreed to come the date and time I said! I spoke to my midwife and she was really surprised by how the HV has been with me, as she knows her and said she's usually the most bubbly, helpful and accommodating of the local HV team! Hopefully nothing else goes wrong because she's made me feel so uncomfortable at the idea of having her in our home, yet if I don't see her I know she'll jump to bad conclusions!

Our 34 week midwife appointment went absolutely perfect. Heartbeat is strong and sounding great, I'm measuring 35cm (been 1cm ahead for the past 3 appointments, but according to the chart that's still in the right margin) and all my usual checks etc are fine!

Next appointment is at 36 weeks, I have to have my birth plan written by then, arghhh! Ha :)
I had my 32 week appt today and she thinks baby is breech, heartbeat nice and strong and says baby is very happy in there, started to feel emotional now as my appts increase to every other week, nice to have the reassurance as have been stressing about movements but wondering if its because she has changed position and is why I feel waves rather than those huge kicks!
Glad the HV has been sorted out maybe she has just been having a bad few weeks if it is out of character for her, when you do meet her make sure you tell her how anxious she has made you feel.
I was measuring 32cm so on track so far, just cannot believe it's getting so close to the end for us all.
Tillie has jumped the queue early, Cormac obviously wanted to get in on decorating the tree tillie!
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SAHF glad you've managed to sort the HV situation. As kelly says, be sure to tell her how the whole situation has made you feel. Seems weird that she couldn't remember speaking to you and rearranging?!

Kelly both of mine are breech...my bladder is being battered something rotten! They actually woke me up this morning with massive kicks. They're starting to hurt now which I think is because they are kicking my bladder etc - don't think they'd be quite as bad if kicks were higher up. Braxton hicks are starting to get more uncomfortable too, especially when my bump tightens round their heads as they're right up at my ribs!

I'm meeting the girls on Friday, have a funny feeling I'm going to walk in to a baby shower!
SAHF glad you've managed to sort the HV situation. As kelly says, be sure to tell her how the whole situation has made you feel. Seems weird that she couldn't remember speaking to you and rearranging?!

I don't know if it's because she called me whilst driving and simply forgot (hands free, I'm hoping!). But I have the call log and messages that show we said the date I suggested, so if she claims she doesn't remember in person, I'll show her them. I'm going to tell her how stressed it's made me. I explained that to my midwife yesterday and she made a note of it in my book. The last thing any pregnant woman needs is unnecessary stress!

I haven't had a baby shower. I kind of thought my close group of friends I've grown up with would do me one, as we did one for another girl in the group when she had her baby... but nope. I was upset about it for a few weeks but now I'm like, oh well! If they are throwing you a baby shower, I hope you love and enjoy it :)
Hi girls, after an absolutely crazy 24 hours which resulted in a mad dash to theatre today, I am so proud to tell you that baby Cormac Sean arrived to this world one month early.
He is a little small at 5 lb 7oz but absolutely perfect.
Having a little trouble so in neo natal for tube feeding and oxygen.
I haven't got a cuddle yet, apart from a few minutes in theatre, hope in the morning to do some skin on skin.

Aw congratulations, hope the little one is out of there asap - lovely news.
Oh my gosh Tillie, congrats Hun. Hope you have had a load of cuddles today - and a good weight too. Are they going to keep you in for a while, surely you will be home for Xmas.

My nutri bullet came today - amazing girls. So easy, I made me and Olly a banana and strawberry smoothie and it was lush.
I ordered the family one that comes with 4 separate bottles so easy for us all to have one.
Going to get my fruit and vegetables in daily now. I felt terrible and got so run down after having Olly I hope this perks me up with every vitamin I need.

On another note, is anybody still taking any preg vitamins ? I have ran out of pregnecare today and didn't know weather to buy any more. I took it up until birth last time round

I don't know if it's because she called me whilst driving and simply forgot (hands free, I'm hoping!). But I have the call log and messages that show we said the date I suggested, so if she claims she doesn't remember in person, I'll show her them. I'm going to tell her how stressed it's made me. I explained that to my midwife yesterday and she made a note of it in my book. The last thing any pregnant woman needs is unnecessary stress!

I haven't had a baby shower. I kind of thought my close group of friends I've grown up with would do me one, as we did one for another girl in the group when she had her baby... but nope. I was upset about it for a few weeks but now I'm like, oh well! If they are throwing you a baby shower, I hope you love and enjoy it :)

Still very weird, you'd think she'd remember rearranging! As already mentioned it's maybe out of character for her so maybe she's had something else going on too.

I only think they might be doing a baby shower because my friend is never organised and she asked me 3 weeks ago if I was free this Friday or Saturday "for a girly catch up" when usually when we have a catch up its arranged a few days in advance at the most. I could be completely wrong but must admit I would be a little disappointed. Be nice to have a catch up with the girls regardless though as I can't remember the last time we were all together, think it was back in June before they even knew I was pregnant. You never know, there's still plenty time yet. I can understand how you feel though if you had one for someone else in the group.
Riccy I just bought another pack of pregnacare yesterday to tide me over for the next 4 weeks. I would stop them but the one time I forgot to take them I had terrible leg cramps in the night so figured I'd continue until birth just to avoid that pain!
Yea I think I'll go out tomorrow and get another packet, Iv got 33 days until I'm due and you only get 30 in the pack haha !!! I'm not going to bother buying 2 packs. Iv always been so healthy in the past, don't want to ruin it now hahaha !
My hairdresser have advised to get some hair and nails vitamins and start taking them once baby is here, my hair has all snapped on the right side and Iv got pretty long hair so it looks daft, and it all fell out after I had Olly so I'm going to be left with no hair !!! Hopefully it should make some sort of difference ... I pray !!

I'm still taking Pregnacare Original. Also have the New Mum and Breastfeeding packs ready to go when baby is born!
still taking vitamins here too, bought another last week or so and think i've got just about enough to get me through till due date in the bottle!

been for a tour around the labour & maternity wards tonight and tbh i wasn't that bothered before about the 'end part' but after being round tonight its made me much more anxious :( hopefully will get over it in a couple of days and just be looking forward to her being here
I wish our hospital let you visit before the birth. They do a 'virtual' tour online but I'd have liked to have visited the actual hospital and got my bearings in person!

How long does everyone plan to leave it before making their way over to the hospital? We don't drive so we'll be relying on OH's mum, and we also live a 30-40 minute drive away.... so I don't think leaving it too late will be a good idea!!
Ours don't do a tour either (also do the virtual one online) but I've been in labour ward twice and maternity ward once during pregnancy so know what to expect. I hate hospitals but being on the maternity ward put my mind at ease about staying there.

If I go early we will probably be in as soon as we realise it's labour, whether that be pains or my waters breaking, as they're breech so need a section but also because they need to keep an eye on them so we won't be wasting any time. If I was having a singleton and a natural birth I think I'd try and stay at home as long as possible, probably until pain started to become unbearable or contractions were coming pretty frequently.
oh wow didn't realise that it wasn't a done thing everywhere! that's rubbish, it did help to find out what to do and where to go etc, especially out of hours and knowing more about what to expect as they showed us normal labour rooms & ones with a water bath. feeling much better about it today think it was just a bit overwhelming last night

we're planning on leaving it till absolutely needed before going to hospital only because they keep saying they'll just send us home again if it's too early! we've got a car and it's only 20mins away however OH will likely be at work without the car when it starts so hoping it wont progress too quickly as he'll have to get the bus home first !
oh wow didn't realise that it wasn't a done thing everywhere! that's rubbish, it did help to find out what to do and where to go etc, especially out of hours and knowing more about what to expect as they showed us normal labour rooms & ones with a water bath. feeling much better about it today think it was just a bit overwhelming last night

we're planning on leaving it till absolutely needed before going to hospital only because they keep saying they'll just send us home again if it's too early! we've got a car and it's only 20mins away however OH will likely be at work without the car when it starts so hoping it wont progress too quickly as he'll have to get the bus home first !

I'm pretty sure that as we don't drive and we live so far from the hospital, they can't make us come home once we arrive. I wouldn't let them make us anyway! We simply live too far, even if I have to sit in a reception or waiting room, once I'm there I'm there!
Spent a few hours at pregnancy assessment last night.
They thought my waters were leaking slowly. After an hour on the monitor and a good internal examination (ouch) I have an infection on my cervix and a water infection. The infection on my cervix is causing increased watery discharge - it's literally soaking through pads. Iv had no pains or contractions or anything - just this awful leakage. Baby girl is now head down - which is a total bonus but don't I know about it today - I have a right waddle on xxx
Spent a few hours at pregnancy assessment last night.
They thought my waters were leaking slowly. After an hour on the monitor and a good internal examination (ouch) I have an infection on my cervix and a water infection. The infection on my cervix is causing increased watery discharge - it's literally soaking through pads. Iv had no pains or contractions or anything - just this awful leakage. Baby girl is now head down - which is a total bonus but don't I know about it today - I have a right waddle on xxx
Glad your ok
haven't been around on this forum this time around, but hope it's not too late to introduce myself!
I lived in England when I had my first baby, feb. 2012, but now I live in Norway. I'm having another boy and he's due January 6th, so pretty close to a couple of you ladies!!

My maternity leave starts in a week and a half, so I'm guessing I'll want to check in here mre frequently when I have more time and get close to birth!

Wishing you all the best and look forwards to getting to know you a bit better :)

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