**********january 2016 mummies**********

We got a fisher price chair a few months ago on a lightening deal. Got our steriliser from ds and managed to get bottles from work when they were reduced after the baby event. Not invested in a pump this time as didn't get much use last time really hope I have a better time bf this time
Ive not bought a thing today going to fill up on fuel tomorrow tho as thats down in asda for 3 days[/QUOTE]

Good to know...must do the same x
Jeez I'm suffering today. Didn't sleep a wink last night, trapped nerve in my right leg, horrendous heartburn, full of cold and the most twisty 2 year old in the world.
Iv cleaned the house and put the Xmas decks up - I'm just shattered and have no energy at all :-(

Hope you have a better night tonight too! I didn't have the best night either - still not sleeping before 1.30am so ended up in bed til 11.30 this morning while hubs was at work. Really need to get out of this vicious circle of going to bed late and sleeping late. Hubs will probably have me up about 8.30 in the morning so hoping that helps. Might need to hunt my kindle out and see if I can tire my eyes with reading!

I managed an outing today, can't even explain how excited this made me lol! It was only a trip to the supermarket for food shopping so only a couple of hours. My pain was niggling when we got there but by the time we were halfway round it had settled again. Makes me a bit more relaxed about going out again. Visiting hubby's parents tomorrow so see how that goes, I'll have my heat pack just in case though!
Hope everyone is doing OK!

Did some last bits of shopping today. Got everything I need now both for baby, and our hospital bags - the only thing which I've left until closer the time is energy bars/snacks/drinks for the hospital bags, which I'll order with a food shop closer to the time! Arranged a date for my brother to bring over our cot-bed in December to get the nursery all set up and we've got our cot-bed mattress on order.

Baby has had hiccups SO much the past few days and the bigger they are getting, the stronger I can feel their hiccups. It's such an odd and dare I say, annoying feeling! Hope that doesn't make me sound awful ha!
Hope u all manage a better night tonight. I was up at half 3 with ds crying, he normally comes in with me but I've gone in spare room now so I can spread out! Queued for 2 hrs for him to meet Santa and came back to the furniture being built, only problem is seems since mOving house we have lost some parts for the cotbed it is now discontinued and we can't find the instructions so I'm all stressed out again as I wanted it sorted by tomorrow as my mum is coming round to help get the house straight and I wanted to get a head start...
Sounds like you're all starting to get organised now. That's a bummer kelly, hope you manage to work out what's missing and find them!

SAHF I'm with you on the hiccups and it's definitely annoying. Do you not feel a bit like a clock ticking? :lol:

Just been chatting with hubs about if I'm not able to breastfeed for some reason. We bought a 900g tin of sma gold infant milk when we were at costco as a backup and just looked at it - figured out if the twins were on average of 4oz every 3 hours we'd need two tins a week...That's £20 a week on formula :shock: holy crap!!
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Haha yes! And because their head is down it is in a really irritating position. I've tried to explain to OH by saying 'imagine someone tapping the top of your groin every few seconds repeatedly for absolutely ages'. Their hiccups even woke me up last night!

That is a LOT on formula! We were going to get a tin of formula 'in case', and we have bottles and a sterilser with a pump as after a few months we aim to express so OH can feed too - but we decided not to get any formula. More so because knowing me, if I am struggling with getting used to feeding and getting it right, I'd just turn to formula as an easy answer! We went to a breastfeeding class on Monday and I feel much more confident in feeding now. I was pretty clueless beforehand but now feel prepared and ready to give it my best shot!

Has everyone decided on nappies? We got 2 packs of Tesco Loves Baby or whatever it's called, in size 1. Going to get a couple of Aldi ones too - then see which one fits better, and get more of those after a couple of days. The Tesco ones cost £2 for 25 I think it is in a pack, really good price compared to 'popular' brands!
Haha weird, I get them down there too but babies are breech..one has bum right down in groin so can only imagine their whole body must hiccup :lol:

I know, it's loads right?! We weren't going to get any but I know with twins there's a chance I might not produce enough milk and they may need top ups. Our midwife did recommend having a couple of cartons of ready made formula tucked away at the back of a cupboard just in case there's a night when baby just won't latch or you just know a breastfeed isn't going to happen which I thought was a good idea as our nearest 24 hour supermarket is over 20 miles away. I've told hubs I'm not going to stress myself out over breastfeeding if I can't do it because we've got two babies to think of, not just one. The number of things I've had to accept may not go how I planned with one baby is unreal but I keep telling myself I can only do the best I can and with two babies I can't be as adamant about things going a certain way.

I bought two packs of the asda little angels in size 1 a while back and have been given two small packs of newborn nappies by a friend whose baby is bigger now. I think one is pampers and the other asda. I currently have a rather large stash of cloth nappies so will only be using the disposables until they're big enough to fit the cloth. Hopefully that will be sooner rather than later as the disposables we have aren't going to last long at all.
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Ive got asda dreamskin and the regular newborn nappies used them with ds.
I have a combination of asda and pampers to see how we go. But looking at the reusable too
i've barely got any nappies :O aiming to get to aldi at some point and get some, been toying with the idea of reusables though but think we'll stick to disposable for the beginning and then decide

also planning to get a tin of milk as backup just incase but haven't got that yet. sounds like a good idea hoping, our HV the other day was just saying breast milk/ formula doesn't matter as much as having relaxed unstressed parents :)

wiggler was hiccuping for absolutely ages whilst we were in costa yesterday morning, clearly got over excited with the fudge hot chocolate! was cute in that scenario but usually i agree and it's quite annoying!
I've got pampers, not bought any milk yet, I plan to bottle feet but going to see what milk the hospital put them on first and see if it agrees with them, I can get my OH to pick that up anytime or my mum.

I think my mum is expecting me to go anytime, 'take it easy Laura, you are in the very late stages of a twin pregnancy'

Aswell as asking me how much pressure i'm feeling down below and have the babies moved even further down - I think they have i'm not getting the rib kicks since yesterday and can feel them on and off my bladder today. I think that's me housebound until they arrive, i've no energy in my legs left at all.
Another awful night, every time I laid down my sinus' just blocked and baby must be laid over my lungs because I couldn't breathe at all !! Tossed from 11 until 5 then I came downstairs and managed another 2 hours on the recliner sat half upright - I could breathe !!!

Another awful night, every time I laid down my sinus' just blocked and baby must be laid over my lungs because I couldn't breathe at all !! Tossed from 11 until 5 then I came downstairs and managed another 2 hours on the recliner sat half upright - I could breathe !!!

You and me both. Hubby came in from work at 4am and I was sitting up on the sofa with a hot water bottle to my back.
Having terrible lower back pain this last few days. Seeing the midwife again tomorrow so hope this UTI infection isn't back.
Another awful night, every time I laid down my sinus' just blocked and baby must be laid over my lungs because I couldn't breathe at all !! Tossed from 11 until 5 then I came downstairs and managed another 2 hours on the recliner sat half upright - I could breathe !!!


I've been really stuffy for at least 6 weeks or longer now, the only thing that helps me sleep is propping my pillows up high so i'm not lying too flat and it does help. I had an awful cold ontop of it and the hospital just advised me to take hot baths and let the steam help - not much help I know.
Im in the spare room moved out of the master as ds wanders in and snuggles up and I end up hanging of a king size, had better sleep as got more pillows to prop me up, problem is I m struggling to get up now!
I went to bed last night at 8pm after some hot soup, red hot bath, plenty of Vicks on my chest and a load of cushions from the couch haha. Woke up slightly when hubby came up at 11, woke for a wee at 4.45am and then hubby woke me and Olly both up at 8.30 this morning - I feel like a different person. I was propped up all night but comfy still. I did wake with a dead arm tho !!!
I remember last time round I was up with heartburn from 4ish every morning, watching Jezza haha, I'm hoping once this cold sods off I can get some serious sleeping In before little madam comes. Iv got the heartburn under control at the mo !!

And Iv just ordered myself a nutri bullet, I'm eating really bad at the minute so I'm hoping to up my fruit and veg intake - and it will come in handy once baby is here to start blitzing the baby weight. Should have bought one a lot earlier but never mind.

What's everyone doing this awful miserable day ? We went to playgroup this morning and got soaked, went to my mams for some lunch then we came home and Olly had a nap for 90 mins, I had my lunch and caught up on some soaps. Now we are watching despicable me, the fire is roaring, the Christmas tree lights are on and we have opened a tub of Xmas chocolates hehe !! I love being a stay at home mam xxx

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