**********january 2016 mummies**********

My nose is stuffing up and I'm back to having nose bleeds again. Good u have had an easier today, I'm struggling in the evening, pain in my shoulder blades and just unable to sit comfortably. Fell asleep last night early but still had another lazy day. This week off is preparing me for mat leave
Definitely finding myself a bit more congested than usual, but I think it's down to how cold the house gets at night. We've now got the heating on a minimum temp so if it drops below, the heating kicks on and we're not left cold. Been much better since doing that!

Baby has been incredibly active this evening, all rolls and tumbles and twisting and turning. OH doesn't always see the movements the same way I do because obviously I'm looking at it directly head on, but he saw some of the intense movements tonight and he was in shock haha!

We're both getting a bit impatient now. I'm getting more emotional by the day (no tears, yet!) wanting our baby here and even he admitted this morning that he's started to get really impatient and over-excited and just wants our baby here already!

I think this might be the start of the 'dragging' phase for us....
So after a week of this stuffy nose it looks like I've got a full blown cold coming on, can't stop sneezing today and my nose is running! How does that work when I've not even stepped outside the house since Sunday apart from letting the dogs out?! Had an awful night last night - couldn't sleep, was still awake at 1.30am as the twins decided it was a fab time to have a party! When I did finally get to sleep it felt like I'd only been asleep half an hour when the smoke alarm started beeping cos the battery is low! Then next thing I know hubs is getting ready for work and the twins think it's a fab time to party again! Did manage to sleep from about 8-10 this morning then another half hour or so.

SAHF we always have our heating on like that, takes the chill off the house and much cheaper too! I need to see if we can get a smart meter fitted so we can see how much we're using. We moved in here just before winter so we always have the problem of moving supplier and our direct debits starting off low then getting put up because we go into debit over winter then we end up majorly in credit over the summer!
Us too, we always have the heating set on a low temp so it clicks on when it gets cold, in our old house we had someone come in and check our efficiency and basically said that we were doing everything right and she couldn't help us save any more money.

Today I have attempted to clear my bedroom, I am SO relieved that the nursery will be done this weekend I am tripping over things now and I want to have the house back in order! Back in work next week but only have 8 shifts left which is nothing really, I need to quickly get my last days holiday booked in.
I am feeling a bit down this week, not sure if it is because I am at home on my own the only person that I speak to and see is my mum oh and my little boy when he is back from school.
It's hard being at home when we're used to being at work. I was feeling really emotional earlier in the week but I don't know if that's because hubby was on holiday last week or because I was so worried about this pain coming back when hubs wasn't here so I didn't want to be on my own. Usually I love my own company!

I've just looked at my payslip for this month and am so confused!! I've been paid nearly £800 smp...what the hell?! I only started my mat leave on 16th November so had 2 weeks holiday before that and my first 6 weeks of mat leave are paid at 9/10ths of my pay then 39 weeks at smp so why have I been paid smp already when this is only my second week of mat leave??
I'm at home most of the time due to my hours but just missing talking to ppl, today haven't spoke to anyone apart from ds and dh. Next week is ds party so suppose good job I've not done much this week next week will be full on
Have u worked out what you were expecting to get?
It'll be great fun though!!

Nope, not got a clue! I was expecting 2 weeks holiday and then 2 weeks of 90% but I've been paid like £800 smp and £600 salary which totals more than I'd usually get if I wasn't on mat leave. Confused! Just going to pop the extra into savings and see what next month brings.
Must be going around kelly.
I'm lying in bed embracing self pity.
Aw guys be glad you aren't out in that weather / sales; I nipped out for half an hour to pick up some baby blankets and there were wee old people ready to have a boxing match with each other in Tesco - you have to laugh.
I got some good deals on amazon at 5am!
Breast pump and baby monitor.
Also bought a xmas tree and hubby a pair of beats. Had I being asleep then I'd have saved myself a fortune haha
I got some good deals on amazon at 5am!
Breast pump and baby monitor.
Also bought a xmas tree and hubby a pair of beats. Had I being asleep then I'd have saved myself a fortune haha

Haha quite right. I try and stay away from all electrical things when I wake through the night or i'd never get any sleep. What baby monitors did you go for? I've still to get mine.
I got a Motorola one. Reduced from £149 to £49.
More fancy than I was planning...but I figured it was a bargain lol
wow thats a decent discount!

finally had my scan today, seems like the last 14 weeks have taken forever! got given the all clear for placenta problems, no longer blocking her way out :D she's back upside down now too, got complemented on her cute little nose and had her growth checked which was perfect :dance: eeek i'm super excited now that all my worries are cleared, hope she doesn't decide to take too long to meet us :D
I got caught in the rain on the school run haven't got a waterproof that fits so I got soaked and it went through my leggings! Got home and got straight to bed hubby now on a maccys run.
wow thats a decent discount!

finally had my scan today, seems like the last 14 weeks have taken forever! got given the all clear for placenta problems, no longer blocking her way out :D she's back upside down now too, got complemented on her cute little nose and had her growth checked which was perfect :dance: eeek i'm super excited now that all my worries are cleared, hope she doesn't decide to take too long to meet us :D
Thats great news!
I got some good deals on amazon at 5am!
Breast pump and baby monitor.
Also bought a xmas tree and hubby a pair of beats. Had I being asleep then I'd have saved myself a fortune haha
Ive not bought a thing today going to fill up on fuel tomorrow tho as thats down in asda for 3 days
I've spent so much on amazon today! Ordered a swing which we were wanting anyway and got a better one for cheaper than the one we were going to buy. Got 2 lots of bottles too, some teats and a tommee tippee health care kit which were all on lightening deals. I've just ordered a box of water wipes too before I cancel my free trial of Amazon family as got them for 30% off.
I've just bought a kipling bag, love them and I only use a small bag so will be handy.
I only use small bags too, if I use one at all! I usually give hubs my bank cards and put my phone in my pocket lol. At least I'll have a changing bag soon to put stuff in!

I very nearly ordered the tommee tippee express and go until I realised it's the same as using normal bags and tipping into bottles. Plus you're then stuck to using those bottles and babies might not take to tommee tippee bottles! Saved myself £50!

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