**********january 2016 mummies**********

Am pretty sure with ds we didn't hear from health visitor until I was home from hospital. possibly 2 weeks after ds was born.
Maybe she just wants to touch base and introduce herself so you don't feel like a complete stranger is coming into your home once baby is here? I know we were definitely meant to meet ours last week at our last antenatal class but it was cancelled so I'm assuming she just wants to introduce herself etc.
hope she shifts for you Riccy

has anyone had contact from a health visitor? had a card through my door today saying that someone had missed me and would try again on monday but no ones mentioned to me before that strangers are going to start turning up on my doorstep :/

In the Midlands HV's now come before baby is due. My friend saw one who lives in Mansfield, and we have ours (we're in Leicestershire) booked for in a couple of weeks! We had a letter through though with an appointment about 4-6 weeks back, and if you scroll back a couple of pages you'll see I had an emotional blip about them rearranging last week and then bugging me with calls despite HER cancelling the appointment!

A lot of places in the UK do an initial visit before baby is born now.
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We went to our one and only antenatal class today, a breastfeeding workshop. It was 2 hours long and OH came with me. I'm actually really, really glad we went. It was really helpful and we learnt a lot. It turns out so many ideas I had had about breastfeeding were completely wrong, I feel much more confident about it now. I know it won't be easy, but I'm determined to do it - and because OH came and they made all the partners feel just as important and give them tips and advice to help us, I really feel like we'll be able to do it 'as a team', even though it'll be me doing the actual feeding.

Also picked up some last bits for the hospital bags, including smaller clothes (up to 1 month from Tesco) and our first couple of lots of nappies. We went with the Tesco Baby ones and will also get a couple of packs of the Aldi ones, to see how we get on with each.

Just need nursing nighties, snacks and drinks and a warmer hat for baby now for hospital bags, mattress for cot-bed and the paint for the nursery, and we are pretty much ready to go!
I had the health visitor come round before I had Olly, she came at 20 weeks and again at 30 weeks,
This time round they haven't mentioned anything to me about any Hv or antenatal classes - they must think I'm a pro with already having 1 child haha xx
Just had a letter from work stating my maternity leave they have the date as the 20th dec when I said I was going to work that day and start on the 23rd. Don't know whether to just leave it as it is or get them to change it.
Just had a letter from work stating my maternity leave they have the date as the 20th dec when I said I was going to work that day and start on the 23rd. Don't know whether to just leave it as it is or get them to change it.

I was going to leave on the 6th, but my letter said the 3rd. My job is 7 days so the last day of a full working week is the 3rd - I presume they can't let you stop mid-working week, as they would then have difficulties sorting out the pay including the SMP, if that makes sense?
I think it has something to do with last working day of the week.
I had to put mine down for a fri and stat mat pay commenced on the Monday.
Ah I'm with you our working week starts on a sat so that explains it. Still got 7 hrs to take as well before I go off on mat leave
i'm in the midlands too SAHF so that'd make sense

less grumpy today, spoke to the HV and she seemed really nice, rearranged for first thing tomorrow :)
No idea about the MAT leave guys.

I had my second last scan today, it's feeling oh soooooo close now. Usual growth scan and twin clinic, everything looking fine. My Consultant said I've done really well to remain as active as I have considering :)
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Quick question girls,
Is any of you running to the loo less?
Just realised that I haven't woke to go this last 2 nights, and able to hold longer during the day.
I'm still getting up 2-3 times a night, but not needing the toilet as much during the day - I think that's down to me not drinking enough though!!
Me tillie!! The last 2 nights I've gone from about 10.30pm to 6am without getting up and I'm definitely not going as much in the day either - usually in the afternoon I'm up and down to the loo but only go twice or so now. I haven't changed my fluid intake either.
I'm drinking the same amount, just wondering if baby has changed position, if he was still head down I imagine my bladder would feel the brunt of it.
I'm still being booted around that area but wondering if twin 1 has moved off my bladder too. I do still wake in the night at about 2am but don't need to get up for the loo. Fingers crossed it continues, it's nice not having to get up off the sofa every half hour especially when I can hardly get off the sofa as it is :lol:
Haha...I hear ya, I have to roll over onto my knees now and back off...usually to hubby going "beep beep beep..wide load reversing"
Hahaha I'm like that getting out of bed! Thankfully if hubby is here he usually helps me off the sofa and when he's not he can't see my awesome moves :lol: there was one day he came in and I was stuck like a weeble between the sofa and the footstool and couldn't move haha!
Result!! I've managed a whole day without needing my heat pack! :D I had some pain not long after I got up this morning but came back to bed and it went away. I then had a bit when hubs was home at lunchtime and lay on the sofa and it went. Don't want to jinx it as I'll probably be in agony tomorrow but I was starting to forget what it was like not being in constant pain. I'm not sure if it's because I've relaxed a bit since realising the heat pack works so haven't been as tense or maybe one of the twins has moved. Whatever it is, I'm just thankful for a relatively good day - I even managed to clean the bathroom!! Long may it continue as I've been avoiding leaving the house.

I have become very stuffy though and the minute I lie down in bed my nose blocks up! Quite annoying but at least it isn't painful! Anyone else??
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