I was sick on Saturday night but I think that was from the pain. I never had any sickness is tri1 either, just the constant nausea. I really hope that doesn't return!
Could it be a bug? Then if it was you'd think you'd be being sick a lot and have stomach ache etc too though.
I was sick on Saturday night but I think that was from the pain. I never had any sickness is tri1 either, just the constant nausea. I really hope that doesn't return!
Could it be a bug? Then if it was you'd think you'd be being sick a lot and have stomach ache etc too though.
I was really nauseated in tri 1 too, i think i was only physically sick twice the whole time but that went at 13 weeks. No don't think it's a bug it's just hitting me all of a sudden. I'm down at hospital tomorrow anyway i'll mention it. Just got a major paranoid head on now about taking pre-eclampsia x
I was sick on Saturday night but I think that was from the pain. I never had any sickness is tri1 either, just the constant nausea. I really hope that doesn't return!
Could it be a bug? Then if it was you'd think you'd be being sick a lot and have stomach ache etc too though.
I was really nauseated in tri 1 too, i think i was only physically sick twice the whole time but that went at 13 weeks. No don't think it's a bug it's just hitting me all of a sudden. I'm down at hospital tomorrow anyway i'll mention it. Just got a major paranoid head on now about taking pre-eclampsia x
Yeah me too - I was worried about this on Saturday night especially as my BP was at 128/90 but the Dr seemed to think this was fineit could be because I was in pain so be interesting to see what it's like at the midwife next week.
Oh no...That's the way my 2nd son was, as as I was a previous section they decided not to turn him.Iv just had my 34 week appointment this morning and baby is bot first !!!
She was breech at 28 weeks, head down at 31 weeks and now she is bum down in my pelvis. I had a feeling she was transverse as I keep getting 2 hard lumps at the same time either side of my belly and it goes really hard but I didn't think bum first. Mw Is giving me 2 weeks to see if she turns again, if not I'll be sent to hospital for a scan to see exactly how she is laid and if she can be moved manually. I was over the moon at my last appointment because she was head down - now I'm unsure how I feel. All they have told me is that if I feel any really bad pains/contractions to ring labour ward asap as delivering her bum first step dangerous