**********january 2016 mummies**********

I'm no good at biology so couldn't tell you lol! It's sort of just at the bottom of my ribs and only on the left. It's away now so hoping it stays away. They need to stay in until at least Monday or I have to go to a hospital 40 miles away!
On a more positive note we picked up an icandy apple to pear today for £200! A friend of a friend has twins and she posted it on Facebook for sale. It's in excellent condition and we've only really got it for being able to put the car seats on and for hubby's parents to use as not sure our baby jogger will fit in their car. We will be using the jogger most of the time but this one will be handy for quick trips out. Love a bargain!!
I've never felt anything like it! I was actually starting to worry they were thinking of making an appearance after the pain started to move round the front. Thankfully it's eased now although I can feel my back starting to niggle a bit again.
Have you had enough to drink?
Mine is worse when I don't get plenty of fluids.
I remember a male Dr telling me in my last pregnancy that they didn't hurt....well, he won't say that to a pregnant woman again!
Just keep an eye on timings. If they are coming regular and getting more intense then maybe go and get the monitor on xx

Yes you're right, dehydration can cause preterm labour :eh: Drink a few good glasses of water, just incase xx

I genuinely did not know this and it's given me a kick up the bum as I am not getting enough water lately.
I've never felt anything like it! I was actually starting to worry they were thinking of making an appearance after the pain started to move round the front. Thankfully it's eased now although I can feel my back starting to niggle a bit again.
Have you had enough to drink?
Mine is worse when I don't get plenty of fluids.
I remember a male Dr telling me in my last pregnancy that they didn't hurt....well, he won't say that to a pregnant woman again!
Just keep an eye on timings. If they are coming regular and getting more intense then maybe go and get the monitor on xx

Yes you're right, dehydration can cause preterm labour :eh: Drink a few good glasses of water, just incase xx

I genuinely did not know this and it's given me a kick up the bum as I am not getting enough water lately.

I try my best, mind you it's not too difficult as I'm constantly thirsty at the moment anyway. Before pregnancy I barely touched water x
I haven't been drinking much, I was a real water baby beforehand from exercising but now I struggle with anything.. Making it my mission to drink more.
Awake for the last hour. Cannot get comfortable. Every time I move I cramp up. May admit defeat and go to the sofa.
Today I am feeling sorry for myself, its my birthday tomorrow so my mum had ds so dh and I could go out for a meal and to the flicks, ive come home and am so uncomfortable my back is aching and I feel literally as if my skin is going to split as its so tight!
Awake for the last hour. Cannot get comfortable. Every time I move I cramp up. May admit defeat and go to the sofa.
I find the sofa comfiest place atm bed is a nightmare not long to go tho tilly :D
Awake for the last hour. Cannot get comfortable. Every time I move I cramp up. May admit defeat and go to the sofa.
I find the sofa comfiest place atm bed is a nightmare not long to go tho tilly :D

It's rubbish I think we are now all at they stage. I've just woken up at 7 o'clock there (man due in from work and no dinner on oops!) anyway, had really sore pain up my ribs which I haven't had before and had to sit for a bit. Hope you feel a bit better!!
Sounds like we're all having a bit of a rough time at the moment! I fell asleep on the sofa yesterday afternoon, woke up at 4 and when I got up the pain in my back/side started again. I tried heat pack, bath, lying in bed etc and nothing helped at all. I was in tears from the pain and also ended up being sick. Poor hubby didn't know what to do to help.

I ended up phoning labour ward and went up there just after 6. Was put on monitor (babies absolutely fine) and had all my checks done. Everything came back clear and even had an examination to check for labour. Definitely not that, thank goodness! We had to wait for about 1.5 hours until results came back and by then the pain had gone. Doctor wanted to send me to ward for the night but when I said the pain was gone she was happy for me to come home. Got home about midnight and the pain started again. I literally just took paracetamol and went straight to bed. Either I was shattered or the paracetamol knocked me out as I didn't wake until 6.30 this morning when usually I'd have been up for the loo at least twice by then. Feeling better today but so on edge in case this pain comes back again.

So, no further forward with what's causing it and they basically said there's nothing they can do for it so if it comes back looks like I'll just be trying paracetamol then bed with a heat pack! I think it's maybe something muscular - all 3 times I've had it has been after I've been sat/laid on the sofa for a period of time so wondering if I'm aggravating a muscle because of the position.
It may be down to the positions you're sitting/lying in. I've found myself struggling when sat up in bed on the laptop. My hips/legs/knees are really feeling it and I'm having to get up and walk around to ease soreness and pain. If I prop my knees up under cushions, it's nowhere near as bad though - I'm just too forgetful/lazy to remember to do it every time I settle down and as I'm sure we all know, once you get comfortable the last thing you want to do is get up!

I'm starting to panic far more than I'd like about the birth. Last night I dreamt I needed a c-section, but the epidural didn't work and no one would listen to me that I could feel everything. I'm now absolutely terrified of needing a c-section!
It's such a a strange one because the pain can be there as a constant ache then it gets so painful I can't do anything then it will ease again. Doctor couldn't understand why it was doing that either. I'm dreading it coming back when hubs is at work because sometimes a rub helps it but I can't do that myself!! I might just have to stay in bed! I can feel it niggling away again already but don't want to take paracetamol!

Try not to worry too much about birth. At first I was so against epidural that I didn't want a section but then I realised what will be will be. Now we've decided a section is safest for us but I'm still worried about the spinal not working and no one believing me also! It's one of the scariest thoughts ever because we know baby has to come out somehow!!
I'm so glad all is okay. But on the pain wagon with you all.
Under my ribs feel like they are on fire. It honestly feels like it's burning. Can't lie on wither side now. So propped up on sofa.

My family had a surprise Shower for us yesterday. So think I over done things a bit. Hubby has parked me on the sofa and warned me not to move.
Oh tillie that sounds awful. At least I can get sort of comfy on my side once the pain eases a bit. Just laid on the bed for 20 minutes with a heat pack and seems to have worked so far.

Hope you enjoyed your shower! Good on hubby for looking after you too - my hubby has told me I'm not allowed to do anything now, not even clean the bathrooms...That's when I know he's serious, I've never known him to clean the bathrooms lol!

We're so relieved it isn't labour pains but I'm not sure I can take that pain for another 5 weeks! I don't really want to be stuck in bed either but it seems to be the only place where I don't end up sore!
hope all your aches and pains wear off!

we've got the nursery just about finished now, i've started collecting things for the hospital bag, car seat should be coming this week and think we're decided on a pram so either ordering it tonight or next week- can't decide if it's worth waiting till black friday 'just in case' !
exciting to think that in under 4 weeks we'll be considered full term- feel like i've been pregnant forever!
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Beanie I was just saying to hubs he only has 4 weeks to work then the babies will be here the next week if they behave and stay in there! It's scary when you think of it like that!

We're all set though I think, hubs just needs to put the travel cot up in the living room the week the babies will be here and need to move the cotbed into our room too.

What pram have you decided on?
i know! it's so close now after we've all been waiting so long :D

going for the britax b motion 3 as there's lots of good buggy running reviews :) can't wait to get back into it, stopped running in the first few months because i was shattered and then thought i'd probably do myself an injury if i started again after a break & with stretching muscles etc!
I can't wait to get active I'm going to take it easy after section but desperate to get back to my healthy lifestyle!
Me too! I'm used to walking about 4 miles a day with the dogs and then getting everything done round the house etc. Just can't wait to feel 'normal' again. I've forgotten what it's like to go for a walk without struggling. I'm hardly even doing anything round the house at the moment either because I'm so conscious of this pain flaring up so once I'm in a comfy position with no pain I'm afraid to move!

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