**********january 2016 mummies**********

glad its all sorted now SAHF, hope you're feeling more relaxed now & get a better sleep tonight! :)
Just back from seeing the consultant.
Booked in for Dec 22nd at 9.30am.
However, UTI hasn't cleared up and still showing mild contractions on the monitor.
Started on steroids, 3 more injections over 48 hours, the midwife will call to be at home tonight to give me the next one.
They said they will be very surprised if I get to 39 weeks.
Under strict orders to do nothing now but total rest. Don't need to tell me twice....

Same day as me Tillie :) I've not to get my steroid injections until 2 days & 1 day before then x
Glad you got it sorted.
Can totally relate, my mum still insisted on calling my mobile each day, no matter how many times she was told.
It's a huge no no for us to even have a phone on the desk, and we are all office based, we don't have members of the public coming in.
Glad you got it sorted.
Can totally relate, my mum still insisted on calling my mobile each day, no matter how many times she was told.
It's a huge no no for us to even have a phone on the desk, and we are all office based, we don't have members of the public coming in.

glad its all sorted now SAHF, hope you're feeling more relaxed now & get a better sleep tonight! :)

Thanks lovelies! Definitely looking forward to bed tonight, going to get an early night and get to bed now (I'm usually up til at least 1am...), catch up on sleep and unwind. It's definitely been a stressful day haha! I suppose a lot of it is down to the pregnancy hormones?! But I've had such a breeze so far pregnancy wise, that I don't like to 'blame' it on that!

Thank gosh tomorrow is the start of the weekend :)
Hi everyone,

I am back after a long time and i am due 8th jan... How is everyone feeling?
Yes time goes so quick, have you all packed your hospital bag?
What are you all wearing for labour and where can you buy it?
No beg packet yet but do have everything for it. Just need to organise myself now and actually pack it.
I am to be sectioned, but did pick up a few cheap night shirts in primark that I won't mind dumping when I'm done with.
Yes time goes so quick, have you all packed your hospital bag?
What are you all wearing for labour and where can you buy it?

My babies bag is packed and mines half way there, I just need maternity and breast pads which I will pick up today. I'm getting sectioned so will be whatever they put me in for delivery x
In agony today :( I had a sore back last night but eased off when I went to bed. Fine this morning until about 1pm when it started to niggle again. Headed off to the cinema with hubs this afternoon, got in and sat down and the pain was that bad I was in tears and couldn't breathe. Hubs made me leave and we're just home - 80 mile round trip wasted! All the way home my back was still sore and my bump kept tightening along with period pain. Every 20 mins or so my back would get so sore for maybe 5 mins then ease off. It seems to have eased a bit now we're home but don't know if that's because I'm up and about. Going to lie on the sofa and hope the pains/tightenings don't come back!
Awh hoping xx

They can be so bad. I find doing the slightest bit of walking starts mine off.
I've never felt anything like it! I was actually starting to worry they were thinking of making an appearance after the pain started to move round the front. Thankfully it's eased now although I can feel my back starting to niggle a bit again.
In agony today :( I had a sore back last night but eased off when I went to bed. Fine this morning until about 1pm when it started to niggle again. Headed off to the cinema with hubs this afternoon, got in and sat down and the pain was that bad I was in tears and couldn't breathe. Hubs made me leave and we're just home - 80 mile round trip wasted! All the way home my back was still sore and my bump kept tightening along with period pain. Every 20 mins or so my back would get so sore for maybe 5 mins then ease off. It seems to have eased a bit now we're home but don't know if that's because I'm up and about. Going to lie on the sofa and hope the pains/tightenings don't come back!

Is that braxton hicks missus? Get your OH to give you some back rubs, a nice bath and hot water bottle it's the only things that ever helped me with the back ache - hope it doesn't last too long.
Currently soaking in the bath! If I'm vertical I'm in pain today, went round asda and the movements were so rough it took my breath away, just feel tight everywhere at the moment so can't imaging how u all feel. Roll on 20th Dec for mat leave
I've never felt anything like it! I was actually starting to worry they were thinking of making an appearance after the pain started to move round the front. Thankfully it's eased now although I can feel my back starting to niggle a bit again.
Have you had enough to drink?
Mine is worse when I don't get plenty of fluids.
I remember a male Dr telling me in my last pregnancy that they didn't hurt....well, he won't say that to a pregnant woman again!
Just keep an eye on timings. If they are coming regular and getting more intense then maybe go and get the monitor on xx
I've never felt anything like it! I was actually starting to worry they were thinking of making an appearance after the pain started to move round the front. Thankfully it's eased now although I can feel my back starting to niggle a bit again.
Have you had enough to drink?
Mine is worse when I don't get plenty of fluids.
I remember a male Dr telling me in my last pregnancy that they didn't hurt....well, he won't say that to a pregnant woman again!
Just keep an eye on timings. If they are coming regular and getting more intense then maybe go and get the monitor on xx

Yes you're right, dehydration can cause preterm labour :eh: Drink a few good glasses of water, just incase xx
Lols I have no idea what it was. I've had braxton hicks for ages but nothing as painful as that. They've been getting more uncomfortable the last few weeks but not painful. It came back not long after I lay down on the sofa, tried sitting on my ball and sitting in different positions on the sofa but nothing helped. Hubs gave me a good back rub which seems to have helped so far, currently lying on the sofa on the other side to where the pain is so hopefully it'll stay away. If it comes back I think I'll go for a bath.

I'm not very good at drinking enough at the best of times but have really been trying during pregnancy as I know it can increase braxton hicks etc. I've had two pints of water since we came home and still going so hopefully that will help too. I honestly have never felt pain like it in my back - if I knew it was labour or something I think it'd be better but not knowing what it is makes it worse because I don't know how to help it!
If it gets too much ring hospital Hun, my friend went into labour on Monday night and it started with back ache and she was non the wiser. Olly was back to back but my labour started with period pains but as I progressed I had the worst back ache in the world.

I have officially finished packing my hospital bag tonight. Everything is in and good to go. Iv upped the amount of baby clothes as I didn't take enough last time round and also packed myself more pjs and tops as again I only packed very basics last time round

I will do hun. If it hadn't eased when we got home I was going to ring them but it eased off once I was out the car. My friend who had twins earlier in the year was telling me about her labour last week and she said hers was all in her back and they tried to tell her she had a UTI! By the time they actually examined her she was 8cm!! I'll keep an eye on it and ring them if it comes back like it was before. It's not even lower back pain, it's sort of in the middle but all on the left side.
I will do hun. If it hadn't eased when we got home I was going to ring them but it eased off once I was out the car. My friend who had twins earlier in the year was telling me about her labour last week and she said hers was all in her back and they tried to tell her she had a UTI! By the time they actually examined her she was 8cm!! I'll keep an eye on it and ring them if it comes back like it was before. It's not even lower back pain, it's sort of in the middle but all on the left side.

Is it where your lungs are? I'd maybe just give them a wee call, nothing wrong with a bit of reassurance from the midwifes there and they will know if it's something they should be looking out for or not. xx

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