**********january 2016 mummies**********

When are you booked in at the moment tillie?

I got the biggest kick off one of the twins earlier...we were in the car and hubs was pulling into a space just as it happened. It was that hard it made me gasp and hubs slammed the brakes on thinking he was going to hit something :lol: I really hope they don't do it again any time soon. I don't think they could have kicked any harder and I'm surprised my waters didn't break lol.
Oh wow hoping. One is giving me enough breathless moments without two haha.
Took me so long to get comfortable last night to be able to sleep. Was in so much pain. Hubby came in from work at about 2am I woke up to him laughing, he had a torch shinning on my tummy and the baby was almost following the light....hope he's as eager for night-time entertainment in a few weeks!!!

No date yet. It will be xmas week, but their rota wasn't done up at my last appointment for elective sections.
Having a few problems atm. Have a UTI which is giving me contractions, positive for GD and iron is very low. So it may change things at bit. She said she would section me at 39 weeks, I went into labour with my other 2 at 37 and 38 weeks, both required a section, so will see tomorrow if she will take that into consideration too.
Haha that's hilarious - I bet he's not so eager when baby is screaming at 2am!!

Oh looks like a few of us could be having our babies around the same time then! Lols is Xmas week too and we're the week between Xmas and new year. Here's hoping none of us go ourselves before our dates! Hopefully all goes well tomorrow and your UTI clears up soon.

I spoke to a girl I used to work with last night who had twins back in April. She's the same age as me so good to speak to someone who knows what it's like. We're going to meet up once my two are here so looking forward to that as find the mums here a bit cliquey which I can't be bothered with.
aw that's cute tillie! one of my emails said about them following light and i wanted to test it but the OH was concerned about the baby- not quite sure what he thinks would happen to her!

i'm so tired :nap: took hours to fall asleep due to stressing about blooming buggies :wall2: there's too many options to choose from! finish work 4 weeks tomorrow and i can't wait not to hear my alarm go off
still not heard a scan date so got to ring the hospital today, idea of a section has been scaring me lately so i could do with knowing if i'm going to have to have one
I've started really struggling with sleep now. Past few days baby has really gotten a boost strength wise and the kicks, punches and rolls are so much more intense, it's constantly waking me up!

Feel drained this week from lack of sleep, whilst OH peacefully snores away hogging the duvet ha!
SAHF, can you chuck him out? I was struggling with sleep - couldn't get comfy, couldn't get to sleep then couldn't get back to sleep when I got up for the loo in the night. Hubby went into the spare room on Sunday night and I've had really good sleeps this week.
SAHF, can you chuck him out? I was struggling with sleep - couldn't get comfy, couldn't get to sleep then couldn't get back to sleep when I got up for the loo in the night. Hubby went into the spare room on Sunday night and I've had really good sleeps this week.

We have a King Size bed so there's room for both of us, he's just been taking the duvet more than usual this week (yet doesn't want me to get the bed blankets out!!). Baby is definitely the one waking me up every 1-2 hours though, I couldn't believe how many times I got up last night!
We have a kingsize too - he's still been evicted to the spare room :lol: thankfully the twins seem to be quiet in the night and don't wake me up. I do feel them move if I've been up at the loo but they soon settle down again. They'll probably not sleep at night once they're here to make up for it lol.

Definitely get the blankets out, don't let him tell you no when it's him that's stealing the duvet!
Just back from seeing the consultant.
Booked in for Dec 22nd at 9.30am.
However, UTI hasn't cleared up and still showing mild contractions on the monitor.
Started on steroids, 3 more injections over 48 hours, the midwife will call to be at home tonight to give me the next one.
They said they will be very surprised if I get to 39 weeks.
Under strict orders to do nothing now but total rest. Don't need to tell me twice....
Aw that's the same day as lols I think so be an exciting day if you make it to then! Lucky you getting in so early too - no waiting around :) only just over 2 weeks til we get our date. Can't wait to know when their birthday will be, if they stay in that long! Have you managed to get anything sorted for baby yet?
Not really.
I have the pram, carseat and bed in a local shop to be collected. And I have bought some nappies and supplies like that.
Have enough clothes to get us started. Just need to wash and organise.
OK, getting quite stressed out now re:health visitor. We were meant to have our first health visitor visit yesterday. On Tuesday I got several calls in a row on withheld, all of which I rejected as I don't answer withheld, yet they kept coming through one after the other. I was also working so wouldn't have been able to answer regardless. Next minute my dad is texting me saying a health visitor has called him - he was then worried, as a pensioner in his 70's, worrying something was wrong with me or baby. Then my OH messages me saying the same, as she then called him. All of this to say she couldn't come, can we rearrange.

I explained to her I do not answer withheld numbers and cannot answer my phone during work hours, and I work 7 days a week. I kindly asked in future she call with the number showing, as otherwise I won't answer - I never answer withheld and never will. Today? She does the same thing, calls on withheld. I wasn't sure if it was her but I texted in case, and the call woke me up as it was quite early! OH has been in touch, because I didn't answer she's rang him at work, and now work aren't happy with him.

This has really, really stressed me out, caused grief for my OH at work, and he's now stressed at me. I feel stressed and irritated and incredibly frustrated that she's ignored my polite request not to call on withheld, and now feel really wound up and on edge, which isn't good for me or baby.

Do I have to see her? Can I ask my midwife for a different health visitor that will actually contact me in a reasonable manner? I've asked her not to call my dad (I don't even know how she got his number!) and I've now asked her not to contact my OH, as it's not fair for him to get in trouble at work for answering calls which leave him worried about me/baby.

It's really, really upset me!
I'm thinking of calling my GP Practice and trying to get an appointment with my midwife to discuss the health visitor with her, as my midwife already knows that my anxiety has been rising over the past month and this has made me feel more anxious than I've felt in months! I just want to cry :(
Sounds like you've got the essentials sorted tillie so can rest now.

SAHF I don't answer withheld either but if they called more than once I would because some places can't call from anything other than withheld. At my work if I ring anyone it comes up as withheld and I can't change that. I also usually think if they've rang again then it's maybe important, or at least someone who definitely wants to speak to me. Does she ring your mobile or your house phone?
Sounds like you've got the essentials sorted tillie so can rest now.

SAHF I don't answer withheld either but if they called more than once I would because some places can't call from anything other than withheld. At my work if I ring anyone it comes up as withheld and I can't change that. I also usually think if they've rang again then it's maybe important, or at least someone who definitely wants to speak to me. Does she ring your mobile or your house phone?

She can call with her number showing, as she's called since I posted with it showing! But I couldn't answer as I'm working (I work for hospitals and so I am constantly on the work phone myself, I can use the Internet, but I physically cannot answer personal calls), so she's now sent a snarky text.

I'm going to call the health visitor team/office when I finish at 5pm, because she has literally left me in tears and I'm now struggling to even work coherently.
I would ask her just to text then if you can't answer her calls anyway. Or arrange to meet and go over all this when you see her - then you can be sure she understands why you can't/don't answer.
I've already told her I work full time and hours, and that I can't answer in work hours. She's not listening... :(
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I had to give my midwife my desk number. I also work for the hospitals and mobile calls are forbidden, we are allowed personal calls to our desk number providing they are justified, not one of the girls calling for a chat!
I had to give my midwife my desk number. I also work for the hospitals and mobile calls are forbidden, we are allowed personal calls to our desk number providing they are justified, not one of the girls calling for a chat!

Unfortunately I can't even do that as I'm logged into a system throughout the entire shifts, which takes me straight through to patients across the Country.

I've managed to get in touch with the Health Visitor now and we're rearranged the appointment to December. So much stress for such a simple thing! I feel better now it's sorted but I was really wound up over it, as I didn't want her to think I was being awkward or purposely ignoring her, there's just no way I can talk on the phone during work hours!

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