Hydrocephalus - Our baby has now been born - Birth Story on page 18

Just having a quick look on google, found this, baby born at 23 weeks in 1998 with hydrocephalus and although i've not read the whole website i can see its honest rather than all rosey, they've had struggles but he is still alive and very much loved. Don't know if this will help x


Thanks very much I am going to take some time to read over all these links very soon tonight. xxx
The fact she is kicking hard is a good sign hun. I really hope someone in the UK or Belgium can help you. Like lealea said, there is help available if you believe you can get through this :hug: Will be thinking of you tomorrow.
If you opt to be induced tomorrow though that will be for a termination so they wont work on her will they? In the UK they would work on her regardless as I understand it. Unfortunately my friend SIL had a medical termination and the baby was born alive so they had to work on her legally. She did die because she was only about 22 weeks but because she showed signs of life they had to do something.

If you're talking about bring her out and wanting them to work to keep her alive surely she's best left in there till she has to come out? I dont see the difference?

Gosh your head must be all over :hug:

If she stays in the pressure of the hydro increasing would give her brain damage soon... to what extent i dont know.
I just don't believe this... a colleague has just called me to say a close colleague at work, one of the nicest, happiest people I have ever met has just been found dead in the shower. She was 33 years old. To add to the blow she had just found out she was 7 weeks pregnant. Her husband found her. My company is in turmoil with all the events that are happening right now.

I am absolutely gutter beyond belief.... how much more I can handle, I dont know right now. When will it ever end?

First my other colleagues father that I attended the funeral for, then my own father then my colleagues friend house burnt down to the ground, then our baby...
At the hospital we go to there is something called Treetops. This is where we stayed for eight weeks after Tegan's birth. I hope you can get help (you definitely can in the UK). But it is in YOUR hands, its your decision.
I just don't believe this... a colleague has just called me to say a close colleague at work, one of the nicest, happiest people I have ever met has just been found dead in the shower. She was 33 years old. To add to the blow she had just found out she was 7 weeks pregnant. Her husband found her. My company is in turmoil with all the events that are happening right now.

I am absolutely gutter beyond belief.... how much more I can handle, I dont know right now. When will it ever end?

First my other colleagues father that I attended the funeral for, then my own father then my colleagues friend house burnt down to the ground, then our baby...

Gosh that is shocking, poor poor lady - you are being tested for sure, so much to deal with :hug:
I just don't believe this... a colleague has just called me to say a close colleague at work, one of the nicest, happiest people I have ever met has just been found dead in the shower. She was 33 years old. To add to the blow she had just found out she was 7 weeks pregnant. Her husband found her. My company is in turmoil with all the events that are happening right now.

I am absolutely gutter beyond belief.... how much more I can handle, I dont know right now. When will it ever end?

First my other colleagues father that I attended the funeral for, then my own father then my colleagues friend house burnt down to the ground, then our baby...

Oh how sad... I'm so sorry :(

At the hospital we go to there is something called Treetops. This is where we stayed for eight weeks after Tegan's birth. I hope you can get help (you definitely can in the UK). But it is in YOUR hands, its your decision.

They have something like that in my nearest big hospital too. I believe a lot of hospitals in the UK have facilities for parents now. It's an amazing thing to offer, especially long term.
We are going to call the Uk and Belgium tomorrow and see what they can do... we only have a few hours now but i'll fight to the bitter end if I have to unless they advise us that we are making the worng decision.
Only you can decide hun. She's yours not theirs. They can advise you but only you can decide :hug:
you are an amazingly strong women sammy, you are in my thoughts so much, i wish i could think of words of comfort :hug: xxx
Still thinking of you, wish there was something i could do to help you. Good luck for tomorrow, you do what you feel best, trust your own instincts and don't let anyone push you into any decisions if your not ready to make them. Lots of love x
Just having a quick look on google, found this, baby born at 23 weeks in 1998 with hydrocephalus and although i've not read the whole website i can see its honest rather than all rosey, they've had struggles but he is still alive and very much loved. Don't know if this will help x


I spent a very long time reading all of this... it has been an immense help to me, made me understand a few things and answer a few questions. Indeed you have to be a very special person to be able to bring up a child with such special needs. I take my hat off to those that are strong enough to do this. But am I? Do I want that for my child? Would she want that? Would my daughter want her sister to need so much care? Does my OH want that? I think I can answer that question now so thank you. x
And so far today has brought me....

My friend emailing to say that her baby has died (she was 7 weeks pregnant and on her 18th miscarriage/blighted ovum/chemical pregnancy)


Work called me to say that a close work colleague collapsed in the shower yesterday and was found dead from a heart attack. She was 33 years old and the happiest person I have ever met in my life. She was 7 weeks pregnant (although she hasnt told anyone yet)

Just a few things to deal with along with my own sorrow...when will this ever end? :roll:
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So sorry Sammy, you really are going through it at the moment. I've been following your struggle on here with your posts since your 20 week scan, and from what you have written I think you are a very strong women, and would love and care for your little girl no matter what, but its a very hard decision to contemplate if there's a chance it would just be you without support from OH.

Whatever happens today and whatever struggles are still to come rest assured we are here to listen and talk to you, and give you as much support as possible through a computer. What are the plans for today? :hug:

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