i believe this 100%...and i believe every word on this page

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breezee1984 said:
i havent done anything to any of you... your making this stuff up from the last time i got heaveily depressed..

No that's not true, even very recently you have had a go at someone for what happened to her when she was just a child herself. You are the self-righteous one for having a go at someone's feelings in her situation- which were just her feelings, understandable especially due to her age and situation.
breezee1984 said:
i havent done anything to any of you... your making this stuff up from the last time i got heaveily depressed...i made a mistake even coming back to a forum full of self righteous people!
I have a babyloss website absolutly full of wonderful women(where i got this list from another girl even!!!) and they treat me a thousand time s better
good riddance to you all, as i can deal with this without criticism and hateful bitter hurtful responses....go on and bicker among yuorselves im leaving
Maybe a babyloss forum is the best place for you because at the moment you feel the need to come and be angry at all of us just because we are pregnant, ttc or just plain trying to get on with our lives!!

I know about depression oh too well, I also know that theres a time in life to step away from a situation and think No IM BEING OUT OF ORDER here.

Theres only so much ppl can take say...

i have sat here and watched ppl say lovely things to you, tried their best to console you, understand, share their deepest stories and feelings and you just spit it back in thier face.

I understand what you mean about what its good to say when someone have had a loss but don;t you think your dictating to ppl who are only trying to be understanding and help?

It's like your trying to drag everyone down into your depression and negative feelings and won't stop until everyone agrees with you. Well news flash people do go through awful things in life and nothing can compare because everyones situation is different.

You will only get the support you need once you start accepting whats happening, other ppl have feelings too no one here has said for you to just get on with it we have tried to help, and we not fed up because you talk about your miscarriage its because you just down right rude when ppl don't give you the response you want.

You're not a little child your a grown woman and some one is going to end up saying something you REALLY don't want to hear.

Also why don't you stop to think about other women who have miscarried here? At the moment its all me me me!!

The world does not revolve around Breezee and her negative feelings!
this is just a note to others who have commented here - im not replying to breezee.

you know i have a feeling that some good will come out of breezee being here, i know she has made me realise a few things about my life, i dont want to go into them as its not the place, and ive delt with them (some of you will know what im talking about) i hope for others who have lost all this will help you realise that at least things havent got this bad for you. or if they have you managed to get out before it got so bad. seeing someone else being in such a dark place, makes you stop and reflect on your own feelings.
hi i dont know if im allowed to say this....., but i have seen the website she has been on and she hasnt just found it she has been there for a while and she has been posting comments made to her by people on here and they have been totally been taken out of context, so im glad she is gone from here and if she returns i will not be replying to her i really felt for her and tried to support her she is on the other site bad mouthing everyone in here.
lisa&alex said:
this is just a note to others who have commented here - im not replying to breezee.

you know i have a feeling that some good will come out of breezee being here, i know she has made me realise a few things about my life, i dont want to go into them as its not the place, and ive delt with them (some of you will know what im talking about) i hope for others who have lost all this will help you realise that at least things havent got this bad for you. or if they have you managed to get out before it got so bad. seeing someone else being in such a dark place, makes you stop and reflect on your own feelings.

It is true it helps us realise the strength in our natures, to get over all the things we've got over. And I'm sure one day breezee will get there too.

I know breezee doesn't feel like it but it also has shown how much we all reach out to others on this board.

And I hope this hasn't discouraged others from sharing their feelings much, we really have a lot of time for people on here :hug:
I just feel this whole thing is an insult to ppl who want to post about their losses.

they need positive hope not negativity.

I just find this whole situation so selfish.

I found this forum so helpful when I miscarried as I didnt have a clue.

Breezee is more then throughly aware about how she is feeling, she doesnt need our help she needs to take a step bnack and realise that this hateful; thinking is spiralling out of control!!
hi hun.. ive also been on another site thats breezee is on... and unfortunatly.. i agree with you.
im not going into it actually i cant be that bothered to get involved in all this..
That is really too bad that Breezee would do that. That really makes me sad/hurts my feelings.
But still, I hope that she will recover well, and live a good life.
Just a suggestion...

Maybe leaving the pitchforks and torches behind would be good.

I haven't gone looking at other sites so can't really comment but either way I don't doubt for a second that breezee is a hurting person and there's something about a group of angry people that tends to end badly regardless of whether it's justified or not.

I mean - surely this isn't the place?
Maybe they aren't all as angry as she, but can just really identify with her anger. I don't know.
It would probably help to be away from all the currently pregnant users, too.
Its a shame Breezee feels like this...I have been reluctant to post a reply to her posts. But I have been looking up her other posts. She has already said good bye to this forum before, had everyone begging her to stay and she did, so it wouldn't surprise me if she comes back.

I've had our docs in Spain say and do some pretty incredulous things to me... so I know its possible, but I do have to admit, somethings do not add up.

Breezee didn't need our support, she needed a punching bag (as some grieving people do) and unfortunately, some ppl on here, emotionally cannot be punch bags. Breezee could have gained so much emotionally and spiritually by using her experiences to help others going through the same experiences... but she chose not to and thats a shame.

I hope Breezee gets the support from the baby loss forum she is on, but sadly I don't think she has made many friends on here as she has been quite insulting to some members who have wanted nothing more than to give her a shoulder to cry on.

To Breezee, good luck... I hope you have the baby that you have wanted and longed for... and that your experiences help others in the future. :hug:
Breezee you have a mood and leave every couple of months! Why come to a pregnancy forum and treat anyone with kids or who is PG like sh*t- I've seen many of your previous posts? That's great you've found somewhere to get help, I think you need it...

As for Ongo telling US to be compassionate towards you, after the way you have upset most forum members is a joke...

Good luck breezee x
breezee1984 said:
i havent done anything to any of you... your making this stuff up from the last time i got heaveily depressed...i made a mistake even coming back to a forum full of self righteous people!
I have a babyloss website absolutly full of wonderful women(where i got this list from another girl even!!!) and they treat me a thousand time s better
good riddance to you all, as i can deal with this without criticism and hateful bitter hurtful responses....go on and bicker among yuorselves im leaving

I have to say you have done us all a big favour by leaving the forum. I AM NOT a hateful, bitter or hurtful person and I like many others on this forum have tried our best to help you but you've once again thrown it in out faces with your nasty comments.

Just because some of the users giving you support and advice are now pregnant that DOES NOT mean that they don't want to help you or are rubbing it in your face.

You are a very jealous, angry & hateful person and I understand that you have been through a lot and are finding it hard to cope but I honestly believe that you need professional help because the advice and support on this forum obviously isnt doing you any good at all.

I hate to come in this section and see bickering and arguing, its terrible and this place should be somewhere that people can feel comfortable talking about their loss and getting support when they need it.

I hope you don't come back to this forum as all you seem to have done is upset people and get their backs up, I hope you get the help that you need to recover and are im happier place soon.
Here Here!

Good luck breezee in your future TTC and i really hope that you get the professional help that you so desperately need at this time :hug:

:wave: :wave:
Whats going on with everyone Is there a full moon?
Im puttting in a request for Pandas again.

I having never lost a baby wouldnt know what to say and if someone gave me a list of do's and donts I would be nervous andend up saying something inappropriate.

So, if everI reply to a post and maybe it comes across wrong, its not intentional because I am a nice person :hug: (yes, im hugging myself).
As alot of the girls have felt, I've also been reluctant to reply to many of Breezee's posts. This is not because I don't know what to say or relate to how she's feeling, I just found it would be a waste of time and effort. I know that sounds so harsh, and believe me I am truly sorry for her loss. I understand she is upset and angry, and evidently so do the rest of you girls on the forum by all the posts offering her advice, all going out of your way to find websites and places of counsel near to where she lives even though that is a different country, sharing experiences no matter how it is painful to bring up and talk about those experiences. But every single thing that was posted by you guys was rejected by her, reasons why she couldn't do this or that, and I never heard one thank you from her to you. Correct me if I'm wrong, there are so many posts. It just seemed to me that she wanted people to be negative to her, so she would have reason to be nasty back. Like Squiglet says, it wouldn't be a surprise if she came back. And it wouldn't be a surprise if you guys welcomed her back with open arms because you're not the type of people to hold a grudge. She has recieved 100% of support here, and it's sad that she left the way she did, but it just reminds me of how kind people can be no matter what situation people are in.

:hug: to everyone!
Maybe she just wanted to be angry. She maybe cant let it out to anyone.
Have you ever just wanted to scream, rant out loud, curse till you ran out of sweary words.

Ive a door in my house in the kitchen, its pretty solid and bangs against another door. Ive kicked that door so hard sometimes and slammed it against the other one.

I would be sad if people stopped giving out their advice so freely, the women on here are fab.
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