Well Lauramumof2 you might be right.. I took a page out of Lisa's book... Out of curiosity I went looking on to these other forums that Breezee is a part of..
According to her, this website has done nothing but put her down and blame her. I'm getting a distinct feeling that there is a desperate need for attention going on. On this other website this is what she wrote about this one, and I quote...:
"...all they did was tell me everything that was happeing was my own fault. they made me feel like a failure and a loser. this website is doing the same...why do these websites exist "
Most people here offered Breezee the same condolences as this other website... I'm so sorry

I'm so sorry for your loss

etc... I have yet to come across one post where someone said it was all her fault. Yet this is what she posts on the other website, and the people there respond to her with even more condolences that people can be so nasty...that they don't understand what she's going through. So it appears to be attention associated.
So it would be extremely beneficial for the mods to close the thread. It's going no where and will only add ammunition for Breezee to use on other forums to gain attention.
BTW I did say Breezee would come back to post...