i believe this 100%...and i believe every word on this page

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That's what I think, she wanted to be angry. She wanted people to be horrible to her..that sounds mean but it happens..why else would she suddenly snap and call us all jealous, hateful people? Nobodys done or said anything to deserve that. When I had my m/c, I just wanted to scream and cry until I couldn't anymore, and I did but it didn't make the pain go away. Comfort from my OH was the best to soothe me, but everyone's different. I just hope she finds a way to ease her pain, it's not a nice thing to go through :(
Well I don;t know about you girls but Im not pondering on this one more bit!:wave:

Im going to put my energy into ppl that actually WANT my advice not ppl that want to be childish and act so negative like its there god given right.

P.s there IS no right or wrong thing to say when someone has miscarried, all people need in life is a little understanding and some respect.
hopefully ever single one of you will someday learn some TACT
heres a response i got from another forum, and this one means more than any one of yours does

"i think someone posted it on here awhile back, when i first lost my son....or maybe it was on facebook( i get confused) anyways i agree its awesome and in fact I put in on both my facebook and myspace so stupid people wouldnt say the wrong thing to me "


so see?? maybe IM not the one who needs prefessional help...
Breezee, many people have said a lot of supportive things in this thread. Why not focus on those instead of the negative?
are you not gone yet breeze :lol:
You need help big time mate, i hope you dont treat your friends in real life the way you treat us, your gonna end up being a very lonely person if you do, dont bother coming back as i tbh have no time of day for you anymore, ive tried to help you in the past and youve thrown it all back in my face, im suprised you havnt post in my topic in here, saying im selfish for feeling pain for my loss :roll:
EXACTLY my point, no matter what anyone says to you, it's always the wrong thing! The girls on here have been nothing but nice to you and all they've got back is nastiness. Can you tell us what exactly we're supposed to do or say? If it's support or a shoulder to cry on it's been offered to you on a plate, what else can we do??
im sure she causes arguments here so she can go to her other forum and back stab us telling them that were horrible to her, even though were NOT!! But then wonders why when she says stuffn like when people who alreasy have kids and suffer a loss dont feel pain, just selfishness, i mean you seriously think were just gonna take that and be all nice to you, youve dug your own hole breeze you really have, yeah we help people who suffer loss but we dont take kindly to statements like that :x
Well, I just feel it's one rule for her and another for everyone else. It seems to me that she has the right to say whatever she feels no matter how hurtful, but the moment somebody says the tiniest thing that she doesn't like all hell breaks loose! It winds me up!! TBH I wishe this thread would be locked before people say stuff that they regret..cause I know I will sooner or later!
If people are worried about posting something they will regret why not just ignore Breezee??? You all know yourselves that you have tact and have helped in the best way you can but I think now is the time to leave well alone.
I have been reading this thread and wasn't going to post but thought i would just send this message.

Breeze i am sorry that you are going through a difficult time but I also think the woman that come on the miscarriage thread are amazing and give out fantastic dvice and words of support and comfort.

I went for my scan and although i thought i was 8 weeks gone there was no heartbeat and only an empty sac and i came on here to ask for advice and support. Even though i eventually never lost the baby and she pulled through everyone on here was extremely glad for me even though they were hurting or grieving over the loss of their babies.

I think that if you are getting advice you feel is better elsewhere then it is better if you stick to that forum, then you won't have the added stress of feeling people on here are not being sensetive to how you are feeling.

i also think its a lovely, touching post and very helpful. i am very lucky to have never lost a baby and find it hard to know what to say having never been through it personally........i can only imagine.
after reading it, i am now more aware and hope not to 'put my foot in it'
all i have to say is..

breezee if you read this. i have been on 2 other forums that you are on i am a member of 1 and not the other, and they are i think both american, anyway i feel that british people are known for their honesty or rather.. we dont pain thinks rose tinted. i find that i have had to leave american forums when i was ttc.. because everything was OTT, i feel the difference for me between nationalities was massive .. and i feel you would be better off in an american forum, because you are more likly going to get people who know what kinda of treatment you have been under as they could possibly have been through the same, and may help you with closer organisations. i think the 2 forums that i have seen you on (not just recently i may add) support you better than we have.. and you have many friends there..

take care of yourself..

and to everyone else here. as i said before use breezee, or your experience's that you have learnt from her being here as positive. xx
beanie said:
If people are worried about posting something they will regret why not just ignore Breezee??? You all know yourselves that you have tact and have helped in the best way you can but I think now is the time to leave well alone.

You're absolutely right, there's no point in being nasty. I'm just gonna shush now cause we aren't getting anywhere. :|
If you didnt want cetain things to be said and only for people to say one thing and not another then why post in the first place. You obviously only wanted answers and comments of a certain nature and the beauty of this forum is that you get a wide range of answers.

I am now starting to think that this might be a faker.
Well Lauramumof2 you might be right.. I took a page out of Lisa's book... Out of curiosity I went looking on to these other forums that Breezee is a part of..

According to her, this website has done nothing but put her down and blame her. I'm getting a distinct feeling that there is a desperate need for attention going on. On this other website this is what she wrote about this one, and I quote...:

"...all they did was tell me everything that was happeing was my own fault. they made me feel like a failure and a loser. this website is doing the same...why do these websites exist "

Most people here offered Breezee the same condolences as this other website... I'm so sorry :hug: I'm so sorry for your loss :hug: etc... I have yet to come across one post where someone said it was all her fault. Yet this is what she posts on the other website, and the people there respond to her with even more condolences that people can be so nasty...that they don't understand what she's going through. So it appears to be attention associated.

So it would be extremely beneficial for the mods to close the thread. It's going no where and will only add ammunition for Breezee to use on other forums to gain attention.

BTW I did say Breezee would come back to post... :roll:
Breeze, you need to get over this anger and stop playing the victim. I've been reading your posts and I think you have issues that run deeper than m/c.

You won't accept people's advice or suggestions and you seem to think that no professional wants to help you, this is a load of rubbish and you're just full of spite for something you need to get to the bottom of.

I'm so sorry that you've had 2 m/c it must be terrible for you, but there are countless women on here who have suffered too and your behaviour may upset them.

I think you need to stay away from the internet for a while. You're obsessive use of forums isn't helping your mental state.
As suggested I'm locking this thread as I think we all agree it has gone far enough.

As for the comments she has made on the other forums, she is on many forums and we have no way of knowing that she is talking about this one in particular, so speculation about that probably isnt the best way to go. :hug:
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