Here we go again!!! Stupid cheapie tests teasing me!!


Another pic for you all. This was taken at the same time as the previous just forgotten to upload.. Not sure if it's any clearer x

It looks like there might be a faint line there - coolio!!!

FX for tomorrow, hopefully there'll be a BFP for you to shout about!!!!

:clover: :clover: :clover:

Looks like it is a BFP to me!! How exciting. So many February BFP's. Can't wait to see your FR test in the morning. Fx xxxxxx
Woo hoo!!

Exciting stuff, looks like a BFP to me!

Good Luck for tomorrows FR.

You know if you get a line on a cheapie you should get a line on a diggi?

Thanks girls!

Oohh Dya think maybe? These cheapies are 10miu.., what miu are digis?


Hey Hun,

Here's some test info-

Apparently, if a woman is pregnant, the amount of hCG in her system should be around 25 mIU at 10 dpo (days past ovulation), 50 mIU at 12 dpo, 100 mIU at around two weeks dpo.

On average a woman's HCG levels double every 30 hours. Non-pregnant women have HCG levels of 5.

-First response early tests (up to 6 days before AF) 12.5 mIU

-Boots own pregnancy tests 25 mIU

-Clearblue 25 mIU

-Hospital non-branded HCG tests 100 mIU

Maybe try with FMU tomorrow, if you can wait lol!

Thanks maybe that's a huge help!
I will do another cheapie tonight seeing as though I have loads and FR in the morning!

So excited for you hon! :yay: February is turning out to be a bumper month for BFPs! x x x
Its looking good I can defo see a line, fingers crossed you hun x x x x x
I see a line too! But I have experienced evap-lines several times on the cheapies, so I would take a proper test if I were you, just to be sure! Its very anoying to get your hopes up to get AF afterwards.

Good luck hun! :hug:
Sorry hun, I got a bit lost and missed it lol. :dohh:

FX this is your BFP my lovely! :yay: I haven't got my results back yet, tomorrow or Wednesday should reveal all. Feeling nervous! :faint:

x x
OMG Louize im praying and keeping my FX for you, i really hope this is your BFP espcially after last month xx

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