Question about hpt and a ramble AGAIN lol

Also I've had cramping for two weeks now, sore back, needing to pee all the time etc. Haven't got a UTI. So I'm not really sure whats going on with my body :(

Pinky x
OMG Girls.....

Went to the toilet about an hour ago, when I wiped I thought it saw very, light pink on the tissue, wiped again and nothing. Just went to the toilet again and defo very light pink when I wipe but nothing on my pants. AF was due on Saturday, when AF starts it always starts of bright red, never had anything like this before. Implantation bleeding???? I've got a crampy feeling but I've had this for two weeks. Oh my, I'm so confused lol. Haven't done a test since Saturday morning. Have a couple of cheap ebay ones left. Scared to do one tonight, would rather wait till FMU. Ok so AF doesn't come tonight or tomorrow morning, I'll test with the cheap ones and I get paid tomorrow so will get a decent test. I'm kinda worried that this is just AF starting, except I've never had this before?!

Oh well.....
Pinky x
Sorry just posting again lol. Still noting on my pants, sorry TMI, but when I put a bit of tissue just into the opening its a brownish, pinky colour now. Kinda getting myself all excited, don't want to get excited just incase.

Anyway ladies, dunno if anyone is reading but I'm heading to bed and hoping I won't wake up to AF......
I am getting so frustrated! No AF, its 4am, woke up like I have the past week/week and a half, feel sick but feel really hungry. And bursting to pee, thought bugger I'll just get up and do a test, the last cheap ebay one, friend thinks I should buy a CB digi, I kinda grudge paying so much money if all I'm going to see is another BFN. Thats me 4 days late, same symptoms (sound like a bloody parrot) and then the weird spotting/discharge last night. :wall2: I don't get it!!!! I dunno how you girls manage this every month. I think the men in white coats are on their way :whistle::shock:

Anyway off I toddle back to bed, I just want to know either way now.
It sounds really promising chick i'm excited for you :) I know what you mean about not wanting to waste money on tests they can be really expensive can't they. Since my af yesterday i've already decided this month is gonna be it i'm giving up coffee and wine gonna eat lots of fresh food and veg and me and my hubby are doing it doing it doing it lol the only problem is i'm on holiday in wales during my fertile time which would be perfect if we weren't sharing a room with my eleven wear old son :( lol! It may be tricky. Well keep me posted on your progress I hope your body is not playing tricks like mine some times does x
Thanks corinne,
Well AF turned up just before I got to work this morning :( I thought I'd be really upset but I'm not. Need to find a man or a sperm donor now hahaha. I wonder why I felt all those symptoms? Obviously some things I wouldn't notice normally.
So girls that's me out for this month. On the iPhone do have to go

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